Jonathan was walking in the forest during the day he was still near London when he stopped and saw what looked like a giant fly-like creature land in front of him.
"Beelzebub," said Jonathan.
"Ah, Prince Jonathan, we are expecting you have grabbed the statues of your siblings," said Beelzebub.
"Ah, so he knew I was following her this could work in my favor," said Jonathan. He unsheathes his sword and quickly slashes three of Beelzebub's legs off.
"What the hell?" Beelzebub is shocked by this and falls before he uses his wings to fly up.
"The statues are mine," said Jonathan. He told Beelzebub that he believed he had the statues on him.
"Are you trying to betray your father?" questioned Beelzebub who believed him.
"He lost that title when he made be his executioner to my brother and sister. I will not rest till I have his head," said Jonathan.
"Curse you, Jonathan," said Beelzebub who flies off and returns to Vlad.
"Hopefully that will keep them busy and off them for now," said Jonathan. "For now, I will just have to search for the remaining statues." He keeps walking to find the other statues.
Schaffe was in his lab on the phone it had been one week since he fought Jonathan for a second time.
"I understand I will take a look at it," said Schaffe. He hangs up the phone and calls for a meeting.
They all came to see what going on.
"What is it sir?" asked Jay.
"It seems we have a job in a nearby village outside of the city on an island near Wales a mysterious giant plant has appeared," said Schaffe.
"Is it a demon?" asked Alucard.
"Yes, there are several plant species demons but which one we don't know till we see it," said Jay.
"Weed killing basically," said Liam.
"They can be the worst type of demon due to it's toxic poisons or other problems," said Schaffe.
"We leave at once before it gets worse," said Jay.
"Alucard maybe you should stay here," said Victoria.
"But I have to go I serve, Lord Frye and the people who are in danger from these creatures," said Alucard.
"Don't worry he should be safe with me at his side," said Schaffe.
"I will go only as a support then," said Victoria.
"Perfect," said Schaffe. They all leave and head to Schaffe's airship and fly off to Wales.
They land and get off the Airship. Liam was wearing a Frye Long Coat with a robotic right arm.
"How does it feel?" asked Schaffe.
"Alright but I need to get used to it," said Liam. Jay brings Liam a halberd.
"This seems to suit if you told me," said Schaffe.
"Perfect this will help," said Liam. Victoria comes out she is wearing a black long robe with the Frye logo on the back.
"Alright, we are off then," said Schaffe.
"I will stay with Miss Dracul we will come in when it's been too long," said Jay.
"So good," said Schaffe.
"Be careful now," said Victoria.
"We will," said Alucard, Schaffe, Alucard, and Liam headed out to the Village.