They enter the Village and sees it empty and over filled with plants and strange large green sacks everywhere.
"Something feels strange around here," said Liam.
"Indeed, but where do we start?" asked Schaffe.
"I feel we need to look at what theses sacks are," said Alucard. He was looking at one of them. Schaffe takes his sword and cuts it open and they see a person knocked out inside it.
"Well, we know where the villagers have gone," said Schaffe.
"It like they are being store to be eaten," said Liam.
"that might be true we must destroy this demon before more innocents are harmed," said Schaffe.
"Where do we begin?" asked Alucard.
"We follow the roots they will bring us to the nest," said Schaffe. Liam looks and hears something is coming at them. They see a bunch of strange creatures come at them they look like spider made of plants and trees. They surround Schaffe's party.
"Ah, the welcome party has come," said Liam.
"They think we are taking their food away," said Alucard.
"Time to ruin their supper then," said Schaffe. They draw their weapons and attack these plant spiders defeating them without trouble.
"Alright let's go," said Liam. They follow the roots from the village to find the source of the plants hurting the village.
They reached a strange underground cave with a bunch of vines and roots coming out.
"This is it," said Schaffe.
"Can we use magic to bomb the hole?" asked Liam.
"There could be people down there," said Alucard.
"He got a point. theses could be a nest of these things," said Schaffe.
"Well, in we go then," said Liam. They enter the underground cave.
They reached a giant underground cavern. they see a bunch of green sacks hanging from the ceiling.
"The nest," said Alucard.
"Get ready, Alucard. Something is coming," said Liam. They watch this giant plant like creature comes out from the ceiling coming down. It was a giant plant spider creature just like the one before but it was bigger than the one they fought. it had a huge behind with a huge mushroom and longer fangs on its face.
"Looks like momma is awake," said Schaffe. "and she a grumpy old girl." They draw their weapons and ready themselves to do battle with The Planet Spider Queen. They spread out so the Queen did not move towards them. Schaffe starts blasting the Spider Queen with fire magic at its face to get its attention from a distance. The Spider Queen starts to walk towards him in rage but she does not see Alucard from behind cutting its back legs off and making it fall over from behind. Liam would then leap in the air and slam his halberd down cutting its head off and killing the beast.
"Alright," said Alucard.
"Good Work everyone," said Schaffe. They would see part of the cave crumbling down revealing a path with a cave full of crystal.
"That is strange?" asked Liam. Schaffe stared at the path it made as it was calling to him.
"Schaffe? Everything Okay?" asked Alucard.
"I think we should go down after we get the people maybe come back in the morning," said Schaffe.
"Something down there huh?" asked Liam.
"Yeah," said Schaffe.