Chereads / R.O.A.D.: Garden / Chapter 8 - Trick 8: I'm Fine

Chapter 8 - Trick 8: I'm Fine

The weekend is almost over and we focused our time in tuning our gears. We were so focused on the weapons that we forgot to design our combatant uniform design. They decided to settle for the school issued gears for now.

"This sucks! We barely made it in tuning up our weapons throughout the weekends and we forgot our suits!" Kosaru whines.

"I'm really sorry~! I was so focused on making the layout on my holographic outfit and forgot to help out..." Remi then pouted while looking down.

"We can settle for the school issued gears for now. We already got our hands full with this weapons." Misaki then sheaths back her blade.

"So Why don't we have a little game to test out if we are comfortable with our weapons?" I tried to liven up the mood.

"What kind of game?" Genma asked.

"Follow me to the roof top." I then took some small gadgets and a bow and arrow mounted on the wall then climbed up the stairs.

After everyone gathered at the roof top, I fired the arrow hitting the wooden log display three blocks away from our location. Everyone was amazed by my display of skill.

"Now who ever gets that arrow first will get to choose what to eat." I challenged them.

"But I can't do it..." Remi was depressed because she know she can't participate.

"You have a different training." I then gave Kosaru, Misaki and Genma an ear piece.

"You will commentate on our actions and if you did well then I will have you decide if I win."

"I will have you decide if I win too!" Genma with his determined voice.

"Well then Shall we go?" Misaki seems to be excited.

"COME ON MAN! I'M DYING TO DO THIS!" Kosaru is excited.

"Remi, press the enter button on the computer below. it will activate the drones that will follow us. We will start when you say so." I gave Remi the instructions while wearing some roller blades.

"Are those...?" Genma was curious about the wheels of the roller blades.

"Yes they are inspired from that old anime where roller blades can do crazy things. The opening of that anime was catchy." I followed Genma's words.

[All right guys, Im ready~!]

We finally heard Remi's voice from the ear piece.

[Wait... there is an old note here... It says "You can do whatever you want to get to that arrow first. But you can't attack your opponent. This is an exercise to see if you're accustomed in carrying your weapon while moving around under pressure."]

"Thanks for explaining Remi." I thanked her.

"Hey Remichi! How 'bout you show us your Idol skills!" Kosaru is aching to begin.

[Everyone~! The Food Race about to begin~! Please ready yourselves and show us your moves~! Alright~, Begin!]


[Mikyun launches himself to the scaffoldings~!]

[Kosakyun vaulted to reach the scaffoldings!]

[Misaki-chan went down and went for the rooftop route]

[Genkyun... Is using the elevator...]

[Mikyun's speed is not decreasing at all! He is definitely a circus Acrobat!]

[Kosakyun is going for the leap! He is running Up the skyscraper crane!]

[Misaki-chan Is also going for the iconic skyscraper leap! It's like watching an action film]

[Genkyun just got out of the building and it looks like he is going through the park!]

[Mikyun's roller blades are folded! and he is climbing up an emergency ladder!]

[Kosakyun and Misaki-chan took a leap of fate! They both made it to the extending Crane of the next block! We have our footage for the stunt of the night!]

[Genkyun is out of the park and is waiting for a red light to cross...]

[Mikyun is back with his acrobatic maneuvers while on roller blades and behind him are the two daredevils who are not lacking in style~]

[Genkyun went for the alleywa... GENKYUN!]


[Mikyun! Genkyun got was hit by someone!]

After hearing Remi's troubled voice, I rushed down to the alleyway. I grinded my rollerblades on a pipe to slow down my fall.

I saw Genma trying to crawl away from four men.

"Hey boss he is not in the Merk database." said by grunt number one.

"So he is just a kid with fancy knives. We'll take that from you as payment for stepping in our territory Kid." He said kicking Genma.

I threw a can to get their attention.

"Who the fuck did that? Oh? another one?" said by the grunt boss as he turns around.

"You sure you want to do this? Can't wait until The Hornet hears about your team's actions." I threatened them.

"The fuck you on about?" Grunt two butts in.

"Mikeru!" Misaki shouted from the roof.

"Yo Mikei boy, need a hand?" Kosaru is already behind me.

"So you squirms are a team huh? Fancy gears too. We ain't letting you pass that easily. Give us your gears and you're free to go." The grunt boss threatens us.

"Let's not be so hasty. Bet your territory." I challenged the grunt boss.

"oh? A newbie challenging the crushers? You're on babyface!" Crusher boss accepted the challenge.

"We'll register our gears first. can't have some unidentified gears now can you?" I made an excuse.

"Stk... You better register your asses to the Merk database or we'll hunt you down and smash your faces." he then turns around and left.

Misaki finally got down and tend to Genma.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine... I'm used to this..."

We then carried Genma back to the park to rest. He we don't have the Combatant suits so he clearly took some real blow.

Moments later, Remi is running towards us with a crying face.

"You dummy!" Remi is clearly worried since she saw everything that happened.

Kosaru and Misaki called me to the corner leaving Remi and Genma on the bench.

"So... We gonna fight em?" Kosaru asked me.

"We barely escaped actual beating. Next time we'll have the suits so we don't need to worry about injuries. But what they did today isn't a violation of the Merk guidelines since they didn't use any gears to beat him." I explained.

"So they just beat Genma as civilians... Such guidelines..." Misaki commented. 

"We have our chance to get back to them. once we register to the database we will be monitored too. if they tried to pick with us while were on the list, they're in for some big trouble. the Merks don't treat violators lightly. We can kick their asses." Kosaru asked me.

"Remi hates Merks so we need to keep this a secret to her... We need to secretly tell Genma that we're doing this and make sure he doesn't tell Remi." Misaki became cautious of the situation.

"I'll have to convince Genma that its for our safety outside the school grounds. I'm sure he'll understand." I then went to the vending machine to buy Genma and Remi drinks.