I barely had a moment to come back to reality before the applause, standing ovations and screams filled the air. Damn if I didn't miss this feeling.the feeling of performing. When I perform, it's like I'm in whole new world. My own world. It's special you know.
I hadn't realized I had been smiling all along until my jaw began to hurt. That night, I got a lot of potential friends...and lovers.
"Remind me again Alyssa Benson, why in Lekki lake did you stop singing? Because I'm not sure I can remember what could be so important that warranted you to put this awesome talent of yours under the carpet for so long. Did you see yourself tonight? Babe you were fleek. Bonus point was how gorgeously dressed you were... you're welcome. Anyways answer the question."
Since we stepped out of the building, Jenny had been on my case. I actually considered taking a separate cab.
"Nothing really, I just got busy with Medical school, guess I needed to concentrate. Also, is there actually a real lake in Lekki or you're just Jenny being Jenny and by that I mean; being stupid"
"Not sure, it just popped into my head and out of my mouth it came."
"Hmmm." Imumbled in response.
"I guess that was really hard on you, I mean havin something you're very passionate about?"
"Well, not exactly, you see after dad passed, I kinda just lost the vibe. Plus it isn't that bad because I haven't abandoned music. Just retired it for a while."
"Yeah right. You need to put on your singing shoes back on ASAP."
"I will mum, I promise"
"Hey, you don't get to judge me, you're just as guilty of the mummy offence as me. Bet Devon should have something to say about that".
After a hearty laugh and many random comments Jenny spoke again.
"So, did you have fun tonight? I mean, I know you did because you were with me and all but..."
"Don't flatter yourself, you shameless egomaniac, in fact, I did not even have that much fun."
"Uh uh" she said wiggling her finger in front of my face. "This is not a suitable time to start telling lies. Just shame the devil and confess that you had an amazing time tonight and it's all thanks to me. Also, who was that handsome dude you stuck around with all evening?"
Rolling my eyes, I answered, "so which am I supposed to answer first. Jenny Kelly mummy?"
"Both; just make sure you start from the great time and appreciation part."
You needed to see her excitement. It was so funny. at some point, she looked like a child who just earned an ice cream.
"Fine Jenny, I had a great time tonight and it was all because of you. Thank you." I had no choice but to give her what she wanted. Jenny was such a child. At times, one would wonder if sorry was a survival pill or if saying thank you would drive away all her demons; which mind you, were numerous.
"You are most welcome, now gorgeous guy part."
Jenny loved gossip and boy gist like her whole life depended on it.
"That was Mike."
"Well, he is a friend to Grace's brother. He was at the bar when I was and we just got talking."
"That's it? OMG that is so boooooring." She groaned.
"Well, that's what people do when they meet for the first time. They talk, you know, get to know each other better."
"So how much do you know about Mike after all the talking and boring stuff you guys did all evening."
"Jesus Jenny, enough with the questions already "
She didn't even answer, she just kept looking at me and waiting for my answer. Jenny was beyond stubborn. There was no point arguing with her.
"Fine, I know his name he is 27 years old, he is handsome, and well built. he has a raspy, manly voice, it's hot.He has an awesome smile. He loves music just like me. I learnt also that he loves to play chess. He is an architect in training. I learnt also that he loves movies and plans on opening a continental restaurant in the future. Figured the varieties of foreign dishes present at the event was his idea. And yeah, he can dance. You know I have a weakness for fine boys that can dance right? I asked him to show me some of his moves on the dannce floor but he declined, said he was too exhausted. He had some videos to prove his point though. He was pretty entertaining. Must say I enjoyed his company."
"Tell me you didn't get his contact so that I can kill you. I've always wanted to do that. I just need a perfect excuse." Jenny said.
"Now that's the problem with you girls. If he wants to talk, he should be the one to request for my number. C'mon girl, even though I was interested in him he should be the one to figure that out on his own. Your type of girls are the ones responsible for inflaming boys' stupid ego. Making them believe that every girl is at their fingertips. Heartbreaks are always knocking on the door of your type of girls. I know how many times I've had to be a consoler and motivational speaker but you have refused to learn.
"Whatever Al. I'm having a wonderful evening and I don't plan on ruining it by getting into an argument with you. I really wonder if you're ever gonna fall in love."
"Fall in Love you say?" I was laughing now. "Ha,not on my watch"
"I used to say that too. That was before I met my sweetheart."
"Dear friend, I promise, we are both seeing things from different perspectives. Your resolution was as a result of numerous heartbreaks. Besides, you make it sound as if your 'I'll never love again' resolution lasted for over a month before the next guy came along. Please spare me. Look here, I Alyssa Chide Benson would find true love and would stand strong in it. What do you mean by fall, who wants to push me? Dem no dey fear face? Warri!. See forget that thing o. Babe, let me go and take my bath, I have had a stressful week so when your sweetheart comes around tomorrow for your weekly whatever it is that you guys do, please don't wake me up. Say hello to him for me."
"See your dirty mouth. As if it's me that buried your head in those massive books all week. You should be thanking me for giving you an escape not ordering me around. I'm inviting you out you are doing for me shakara."
"Goodnight Jen, please don't forget to turn off the TV." I was done arguing with her. Too exhausted to go any further."
"Goodnight fish, and Never wake up."
"We both know that the last thing you could wish for me is death, plus who wants to kill me sef? Dem. No know who I be?"
Jenny just laughed at my fake courage as I entered my room.
I could here her saying something but I couldn't quite place it.all I wanted was to just take a cold shower and crash. That sounded like such a great plan until I remembered that my project was due soon but was everything but complete. I would have accomplished something if I didn't have to go to that stupid...well not so stupid party. I felt the need to pinch Jenny's nose right now but she was too far away and I was too lazy to get up."
"Jenny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, hoping that my voice would give her nightmares.
Pidgin Glossary
#Dem------Similar to "them" OR "they"
1) dem no dey house-----they are not at home.
2) Na dem I dey talk-------they were the ones I was talking about.
#Dey-----can mean; "to be around or to be available" it can also be used to represent the word "are" or "is"
Another context is where it serves as the word "Will" or "shall"
1) Them no dey here.------They are not here.
2) I no dey do-----i am not interested,
I will not do it.
3) Him dey for that side-----He is at that side.
#sef----Can be used to represent the phrase " in fact" or "personally" it can also represent the word "even"
1) How many children you get sef?----- How many children do you have infact?
2) Me sef, I no too like plantain.------personally, I don't really like plantain.
3) Peter sef dey there that day.----- Even Peter was there that day.
Shakara---- it means to form or act classy even though your not actually. It is a word used to describe an elevated worth of a person.
1) Why that girl dey do shakara nau, how she see her self?------why is that girl acting all classy, who does she think she is?
#WARRI-------- A place in eastern Nigerian, Delta area to be precise. They are know for their ability to fight for their rights irrespective of how it affects others. They also make it a habit to mention the name of their town every now and then, especially during quarrels or arguments. It's like a reminder so you know who you're messing with.
1) Him think say he fit chop my money, he never jam. warri!" ------He thinks he can spend my money. He hasn't met his match Warri.
#Chop----it means to spend or eat.
1) I wan go chop-----i want to go and eat
2) That barber chop my money-----that barber spent my money.