As Wrath entered her room with a bundle of materials, Pride sat on the couch and plugged the HDMI cable to his laptop. Lust made two cups of hot lattes and a huge glass bowl worth of buttered popcorn. It was as if the younger of the two had been recruited to join the flat.
The two had prepared blankets and pillows for a movie marathon. Wrath had requested for them to stay awake until she was done with her ritual, so they managed to pass the time doing what they used to do weekly before Lust was forced to move out by their dad.
It had been about three and a half years since the incident happened. Wrath's life hadn't been easy since her house burned down. The fire engulfed her entire family, including her unborn sister. Her grandma had just died about a week prior due to a heart attack. She was the only person that took care of Wrath in that house.
"You never really told me what happened that day," Pride munched a handful of popcorn.