He grabbed the peanut butter jar, a butter knife, one frozen banana, a small cup of yogurt and some leftover granola and nuts. Pride mushed all the ingredients into a plastic bowl until a sludge of makeshift smoothie formed. The owners of the house seemed to forget to leave any spare access cards for Pride. Hence, he was stuck locked in the house as the door would automatically lock him out should he ever leave the house.
Pride's ego wouldn't let his failure at attempting to cook rice consume him. He persisted that he could afford just one food delivery while the owners of the house were away. He also promised himself to not invite anyone in the house unless it was an emergency. The FIFA loading screen stared at him as he zoned out on the couch waiting for his food. It has been about an hour since he ordered his food, the app stated that the food had been delivered and received.
"Finally!" he thought.