The devil can do vehemently nothing without your thoughts, because his power is to use your thoughts against you and bring you into subjection as you keep thinking and replaying the false picture he presents to you that seem real... The reality in the devil's seemingly real picture presented to you is only but a mirage, which I define by revelation knowledge as: True vision, never catching reality...


God speaks to us through Divine impulsive signal that reaches our heart as the body of the spirit called thought. This implies, thought is the most power tool on earth to drive the motives of man and therein is where man's intent is developed and intent is simply the way into the house of the thought (heart). This implies if your heart is a tent (house), then that is where God can come dwell in, not your physical house. Did you catch that?

I got to understand this experience of recurring time and started giving very close attention to my thoughts and what I started writing from giving attention to my thoughts immediately I receives the Divine calls will live you brain dead if you want to think it and even what you are reading right now, is the product of it. It will sound so alien to you because of the depth beyond your normal conventional knowledge, it simply a depth where you can only trust to climb up back to the height of true knowledge (Divine revelation insight) and this is where most youth end up missing their track, but by the grace of God, this inspiration will help you retrace your track if you have missed it before in Jesus name!

Sometimes when I read through what I have written after I had listened to the inner voice in me that would speak to instruct me when I experience recurring time, it will always amaze me, because I know deep down inside of me that this can never be me, it can only be God. I am a vessel God (VOW=Vessel of Worship) has called to use and my duty is to contain His all and release it as He relates them to me through revelation that must be strongly confirmed by His Word without any ambiguity. My understanding can never reach this depth if it had not been for God, it is simply deep calling after deep.

In me is resident the omniscient God, and I have His very wisdom to reach the knowledge beyond the dimensions and the confines of the unknown and make them known to men who are willingly willing to accept the truth, even when it will seem alien to the existing knowledge we have all come to embrace.

God speaks to me through time and flash of light and the time are actually coded, what does He speak to you through? Have you found out what God speaks to you through? If you have not found out, it is not too late. This book will help you to find out that particular thing that God uses to call your attention deeper in order for Him to have all of your attention to speak to you expressly in an accent loud and clear.

Why does Jesus spoke in parable when He was ministering to the people?

This is because the key to the secret of the kingdom of God is not for those in the world, so it goes out to them as a secret codes so that it will take the one with a humble heart who can submit to the authority of God to be able to access the reality of the kingdom of God.

Matthew 13: 10- 17

And the disciples came and said to Him, "Why do you speak to them in parables?" He answered and said to them, "Because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been given. For whoever has, to him more will be given, and he will have abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken away from him. Therefore, I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. And in them the prophecy of Isaiah is fulfilled, which says: 'Hearing you will hear and shall not understand, and seeing you shall see and not perceive; for the hearts of this people have grown dull. Their ears are hard of hearing, and their eyes they have closed, lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I should heal them. But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.

God speaks to me through codes which hide deep revelations truth and each code directs me to a particular Scripture I must carefully search to find out. It took me 9 years to be able to understand fully my Divine program codes and it was in 2016 that the codes were completely unlocked with a dream that connects a deep revelation which took me deeper and deeper to my very Source to observe a shift in the realm of the spirit that has to also do with a recurring code in the form of date. My dreams reveal the date, but my class while in that very dream revealed SSS 3C. I had always had this dreams that kept recurring, and in this recurring dream, I kept missing an exam and the exam that I am always missing is mathematics. With the consciousness that I have already graduated from the University where I studied B.Sc. (Ed) Mathematics/ Computer science and I could not just understand why this dream keep recurring. I became worried trying to figure out the message of the dream. What we do normally in mathematics exams? Wow! I think I have got a clue and the clue is, I think God is pointing my attention to something I need to calculate and it has nothing to do with academics, but Divine. But in this case, what am I to calculate?

God help me!

After I had had a revelation travelling in light (you can read about this in my book titled "The Journey of Light to Glory) and was caught up in glory, I now discovered we have experienced the date 06-06-16, wow! Something actually called my attention to it, but I neglected it, and now God is calling my attention to something I need to calculate (Revelation 13: 18). When the first date that introduce these pattern of date was experienced, I did not have the knowledge, but convulsion was recurring with fear as the major course, I mean when 06-06-06 (i.e. 6th June, 2006), by this time I was still in the University, 200 level to be precise. Which implies my major problem in life then was FEAR and what is the antidote of fear? Faith is simply the antidote of fear, pointing to the fact that the Lord is aimed at awakening something in me I was supposed to be using that I have not being using because of fear and it was 10 years after my deliverance from that tormenting convulsion that was completely terminated 1997, when I got admission into St. Francis College, Otukpo. So God was really calling my attention deeper in the dimension of faith. If the cause of the problem I suffered then was fear, then the only things that will enable me enjoy life now is faith, which is clear indication that it will not be easy, and I must have to fight my way through and hope on God's sure Word. This implies faith is simply the Spirit of God that does not involves fear, but involves power, love and sound mind (2 Timothy 1: 7). Remember faith comes by hearing and the hearing must be the Word of God, wow! (Hearing the Word of God?) So what I have been calling my attention and have been talking into my heart is the Word of God? This is really becoming very interesting! So all the devil was doing in his wiles was to distract me and affect the Divine network to hear God clearly when He calls upon me to have fellowship with my spirit. When you allow the devil a single opportunity to impress you, he will allow you to create for yourself an atmosphere of fear, where he can come and dwell in to manipulate you and present false pictures of things that are not true, and then allow you to magnify them with your thoughts even as you think those things are real.

What we all need to hear God clearly is wisdom and from my personally experience, since my greatest challenge had always been fear before God helped to overcome it with faith that brought a total turn around in my life, it then implies I had to counter fear with faith and this faith in this dimension is simply fear of God, so mathematically, the fear of God will cancel the fear of the devil or things or circumstances, and I will be left with faith in God that connects me to wisdom which is profitable to direct. So it was this wisdom the directed me to Revelation 13: 18, where I was able to know exactly what the Lord is mandating me to calculate. Therefore, the fear of the Lord has to do with totally trusting Him, and through this, I was able to reach wisdom that would always point me to see through the Word instead of the world that will limit my thoughts to things that will make me want to lose hope and create a mindset of doubting the sure Word of God.

The moment you start doubting the Word of God, you have directly subscribed to satanic manipulation for the devil to start bombarding you with images of negative things that are not true and the more you see such images, the more your assurance of the Word of God will begin to dwindle, until you would finally start doubting that the Word of God cannot be true. If that is your case, repent before the devil will fry you and use you like a meat for his meal.

The fear of God is simply faith and the antidote to the fear created whose mission is to kill, steal and destroy (John 10: 10). You can never ever overcome the devil's threat unless you deliberately choose not to lean on your own understanding (Proverbs 3: 5, 6).

So this went on and I was just growing deeper and deeper to knowing that God has been talking to me, but I was not just sensitive enough to hear Him, so He had to decide to start using things and events to call my attention. Even twin time (t: t). Understanding is key and the understanding is simple.

Psalm 119: 130

The entrance of Your words gives light, it gives understanding to the simple.