Chereads / Worlds At War: Vernia Vs Laren. / Chapter 1 - The Comm Facility Encounter.

Worlds At War: Vernia Vs Laren.

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Chapter 1 - The Comm Facility Encounter.

(Vorn, a military base on Vernia)

A loud announcement is heard throughout the bowels of the base by Command "All Realmers report to command for mission briefing asap" a young man no older than 21 one (Michael Vorzern,Realm Team Leader) rushes through the base and arrives at his teams barracks and wakes up his brother, SIC and sniper Jack Vorzern "Jack wake up we got a emergency briefing with command" as soon as Michael said emergency Jack shot up "Roger" he runs up to the others and wacks his gun against the steel wall waking them up "Rise and shine zombies we got a briefing with the brass so get up it's time to go" Their Heavy Max Aren gets up "Got it" followed by their scout Eliza Mein "what a briefing this early better be important" she is cut off by their medic Caroline Adams "It must be if their calling us for it" Marion Wern their Engineer nods in agreement "Ay if it wasn't serious they wouldn't call us" Jack chuckles before turning serious again "alright enough guessing let's go see what they want, everyone nods and changes into their battle gear (Mark 6 Miljnor armour from Halo).

(Command Center)

They all walk in and are faced with their superiors, Michael asks what the issue is "So what's the big issue sir" the command gives him a blank look "That's what your team are going to find out, we have reason to believe the Layrians are conducting a raid but we aren't certain and we need your team to reclaim Bravo 4's comm facility and find out wether this is a raid or harvest, if it's a raid we might be able to scrape by but if it's a harvest... well you know what happens" The team give the commander a shocked look before Michael responds "Yes sir, we'll find out what's going on" the commanders face doesn't change "Good and one more thing Michael, this isn't a death or glory mission, we just need information if the mission becomes too risky pull your team out, we can't risk any of you being taken" Michael nods "Understood Commander, (turns to the others) alright Realmers we have our orders, head to the APC" all of them nod and head off followed by Michael and Jack.

(The Layrians are orange skinned aliens who look just like humans only they have orange eyes and hair resembling Tendrills and are between 6 to 9 feet tall, with a lifespan similar to humans, oh and they have a obsession with BDSM and they capture males from other species)

(Inside the APC)

Michael stands up, holding on to the bars above him for support while he makes the mission clear to his team. "Ok, so mission parameters are as follows find out what the Layrians are here for, gather intel on their next move and report back to command anything vital, understood" the team agree "good how far out Max" Max replies from the drivers side "fifteen mikes out from Bravo 4's last known transmission" Michael turns back the others when Marion speaks up "Strange" Jack gives her a concerned look "What, what's up Wern" she looks at the team "The bases scanners are offline as well as their Vitrum barriers" Jack's face grows more concerned "Offline... mid range EMP" Eliza responds "Or... sabotage" Max responds back "Unlikely, but plausible" Michael cuts him off with a wave "We'll find out soon, everyone get ready this is probably gonna get ugly real fast" Jack nods "Probably the Layrians don't take any chances with stuff like this".

(Bravo 4's facility)

The team step out and scan the area before Michael updates their HUD's with a new objective "Ok, scans show the powers out so let's get those generators up then search the facility" the team nod before heading forwards and walk to where the generators would be, Marion speaks up "Quickest way in is right below us" Michael nods "Right, Jack, Max Vitrum charges now" the two nod before setting them up with Jack holding the trigger "3,2,1 fire in the hole" the charges go off and the team jump down and shoot downwards but hit nothing when they land, Marion scratches her helmet "Huh, I detected heat sings here earlier-" she is cut off by Jack firing a few shoots at a nearby pillar "Active Camouflage, turn on your sonars" the team do but don't detect anything near them, Max restarts the generators "Powers back online, but it looks like our inturders must have run off" Eliza replies curtly "Don't count them out yet" Michael agrees and

the team head deeper into the and manage to establish a comm link with command "Realmers anything to report" Michael informs them of their progress so far "No, sir but we're tracking Active Camouflage signatures in the base, possible Layrian activity" the Commander grimaces "Copy, proceed with caution" the team nod and resume their search until they spot two Layrian soilders in their skin tight combat suits which clearly reveals their more feminine features with their faces obscured by space like helmets talking, the team cloak to avoid detection and eavesdrop on them. "Auh, why are the male humans here so weak, I hope the queen gives us better ones next time" the other nods "Agreed, we need stronger males to create stronger children for our race-" they are cut off by a hologram of their Commander appearing on their wrists "We have a situation, The Realmers have been sighted in the facility find them, any who bring the two leaders of the team to me gets a bonus, Hail Empress Elara" the hologram disappears while the two soldiers begin laughing. "Ohh, a bonus now that sounds good to me" the other one nods "Agreed let's find these Realmers and bring them back to the Commander for identification and Processing" the two of them walk off while the Realmers wait a few minutes before uncloaking and Michael immediately breaks the silence "Well thats interesting". Max grabs his shoulder "Ya think, Jack what did they mean" Jack gives him a dark look "they meant that they are going to capture us and in the case of me and me, Michael and you we're getting harvested or as Me and Michael know it Raped". Max, Eliza, Caroline and Marion look at him in shock, before Michael speaks up "Alright Jack don't have them scared for their life, you can tell them why we're getting hunted when we get out and hopefully don't get caught AGAIN" Jack nods fearfully, the team head further in and find a Layrian terminal Marion starts hacking into it "And... there got the data". Max coughs "Great now can we leave before they find us" The others nod and they head back to the APC, once in Michael speaks up "Let's head back to command before-" (the team look at the camera built into the APC and see several Layrian soilders with weapons drawn, their general then walks out in the same combat suit but without a helmet "Halt Realmers you will vacate your vehicle and surrender immediately to processed and any males among you harvested~" Eliza gets on the Vitrum mounted gun on the APC "Fuck that, Max floor it" the engine rises to life and Eliza starts shooting at the Layrians killing several before they speed off but are pursued by the general and another squad in their own ground vehicles, Jack climbs to to the roof through the window and pulls out his Accelerator High Powered Anti Material Rifle, Michael hollers him from the window "Jack are you mad" he laughs "Maybe, Eliza aim for the tires should send them crashing into one another" she nods and they both shoot the two vehicles tires which crash into each other and blow up with a bang, Eliza climbs down to the APC while Jack stays up their to watch for more of them. Michael asks "See anymore" Jack puts his head down through the hole but stays on the roof "No, not-" he is cut off by a thud on the roof Jack looks at the source to see the general badly burnt but alive "You're gonna pay for that Jack~" she rushes him knocking the rifle from his grasp and pinning him to the floor of the APC's roof "I've missed you so much since you and Michael escaped mine and the Empress's clutches" before she can finish Michael kicks her in head knocking her back, she looks up to see them both "Ohh, and their you both are" Michael grabs Jack's rifle "Yeah and tell Elara to go fuck herself Aural" he shoots her and sends her flying off the APC, Jack pants heavily "Damn, she's tougher than she was before" Michael laughs "Well at least yours didn't shock you every time you disobeyed an order" Jack laughs lightly "Ha, true Elara's a piece of work and now we're gonna owe the team an explanation of this" Michael nods and the two head back down and before anyone can ask questions Max speaks up "We got a call from Command patching it through to the main screen, the Commander appears as a hologram "Any news Michael" Michael chuckles lowly "yes sir, the Layrians were indeed harvesting, however we also ran into Aural" the commanders face darkens "Right, are you and Jack alright" "Yes sir, we're fine" "Good, wouldn't want you two getting recaptured after last time, your new orders unfortunately take your team back to Laren, we've lost another listening post, and we need a team to secure it, send me the intel and head back here for transport to Laren" Michael nods and the transmission ends "Well time to explain ourselves Jack" Jack nods and Max puts the APC on auto drive while the others listen silently to Jack and Michael's story "Ok, so we told you how we know what happens to those who are harvested by the Layrians right" they all nod "Well me and Jack when we were 16, were captured by them, they pass you through medical exams and physical exams or more accurately sexual assault to outright r*pe. I got given to that Commander that we just got rid off Aural, nasty piece of work, while Michael was the slave to and I'm not joking here the Empress of Laren Elara" The team gives them shocked and sympathetic looks before Marion asks "How did you both escape" Jack laughs "We waited until they met with each other and left us chained but unattended, broke the chains with an improvised shiv and managed to get picked up by passing battleship" Max Laughs "Ha, but I'm guessing going back isn't on your bucket list" Michael and Jack nod Solemnly.


(Vitrum is the main energy source that the Verne's use and its basically like element zero from Mass Effect)