I have been killing murderers and serial killers for 3 years now. I haven't been so much as suspected for anything, never once been seen and I've killed 35 killers.
My next victim is a fairly new serial killer close to home. On my street there has been 3 murders in the past two weeks, I think they will eventually come for me. Given I'm a woman living alone, no roommates or anything.
Today my friend Vicky invited me out with some friends for coffee. I saw her and my other two friends Diana and Chrissy, sitting outside the coffee shop. We all caught up with each other, I told them how my work was going at the tae kwon do dojo and I told them that my love life was pretty much non-existent and they told me about their lives. Once we were done, we made plans for next week at Chrissy's house, then I went to work. When I got home all I did was research the murders but nothing was connecting. I knew they were done by the same person because they killers M.O was the same for all three. That just means that all the crime scenes had the same layout and were all done in a similar fashion. None of the victims were related in anyway, they had no mutual friends, nothing in common except they were killed by the same person. Now I know this is no serial killer, it's a sociopath. They kill just for fun and love the feeling of it, heh the irony. The only problem was I had no idea when they would strike next.
Faster than I thought possible a week had past and I was on my way to Chrissy's house. When I showed up everyone was there and they were playing cards. They dealt me in and I started winning, suddenly Diana stood up. She was acting kind of odd all evening, then she said "I have to go." We didn't think anything of it and went on with the rest of the night and I went home at like 2:00 in the morning.
I woke up the next day and turned on the news, I was making myself some eggs when suddenly interrupted by the tv. "Breaking News! A dead body just found north of belsworth on the road. Residents close by have been questioned but none have been taken into custody."
Murder strikes again, I started to become worried because that's 2 blocks away from my friend Vicky and 5 blocks away from me. After hours of thinking I came to a sudden conclusion, Diana is the murderer. I know what you're thinking 'she's not the murderer how did you come up with that?' Well she left the party last night really early and she was acting all weird. The murder was last night, they don't know time of death yet but she had to drive down that road to get home. Coincidence, maybe, but very slim possibility. I had to know more so I went to Diana's house to see if anything lined up and what I found was atrocious!
Diana was dead on her living room floor! I was in shock, time stood still as I stood in front of my friends dead body. Then I heard a voice come out of the shadows, "she just knew too much." I whipped around to the voice. I couldn't see the person but I could see their figure. "That night she was acting weird, she found out. She left to go to the police, I had to stop her." The person came into the light, and there she was…Vicky? Anna my best friend was standing in front of me. I was still speechless, I had no words. "But now you know too much, so I have to kill you too." That pulled me out of my shock, I was not going to let Anna kill me. So I pulled out my knife and said "I came here to kill you." Something in Anna's eyes flashed and before I knew it she came at me. I knocked her back and had her pinned, I swung my knife at her stomach but she rolled away and punched me in the face. I fell and we wrestled for a bit when I heard a gunshot. Then slowly my shirt began to stick to my body, after that came the pain. I had been shot in the stomach.
As I lie there slowly bleeding out, watching Anna run away from my dying body, I thought about my life. There was no happy ending, no princesses or princes, no castles or knights in shining armor. My wishes were only wishes that had yet to come true. Here I die a villain who dreamed of being a superhero. Dying because I needed to feel that feeling of power. Consumed by and addiction. Could I have become a hero? That, I will never know. Lines are blurred, is my ending a happy ending? To some maybe, to others not so much. Being a killer of killers it tends to get a little messy.
Slowly my body turned cold, I became so tired and I died alone.