Chereads / Tragic short stories / Chapter 5 - I am Death - Part 2

Chapter 5 - I am Death - Part 2

Everything was perfect for the first few days. No one left the bunker so there was no risk for radiation and everyone was getting along. Matilda was still secluded in her room only coming out to eat meals. The children looked healthier running through the bunker all day as the adults played games or talked. There were 2 women and 1 man that came from Africa and 1 one woman and 1 man from America. One of the women from Africa was in her early 40s and the rest were in their 20s. They were the ones I was counting on to reproduce and repopulate, there was definite attraction between the American man, jack and the African woman Malika. They would sometimes sneak into each other's rooms, I love romance so I can't wait until they finally get together. Sometimes it feels like reading a book when I'm listening to all these people share their stories.

One night when they thought no one was watching, jack and malika snuck out of the bunker. They had all their equipment on they just wanted to go sit on the beach. Even though it was nothing like it used to be. The smell in there air was no longer salty or breezy it now smelt like death. The sand was now pitch black and the shores were filled with waste and washed up dead sea animals. They just wanted to look at the water until jack got the bright idea to touch the water. It didn't touch his skin but his suit now had a little bit of contaminated water on it. They tried to sneak back in but the radiation detector went off in the cleaning room and the alarms wailed. It's screams woke everyone up as malika comes running saying jack is stuck in the cleaning room. They all put their protective suits on and go join jack in the cleaning room. Hera figured out that the alarm went off because it sensed the water on his suit, they took it off of him and ran to the fireplace and burned the suit. The alarms went silent and all continued peacefully.

That in ident made me want to put a pool in, so I built a gigantic pool as big as a house. Then I showed the humans the pool and they said "life must've put this here for us" and I laughed in shock. I am the opposite of life but I wasn't going to tell them that. Everyone is really doing well except for Matilda, who has been the complete introvert. But today I saw Hera go into Matilda's room and I was slightly interested in what they were saying so I followed. At first Matilda was closed off and reserved but then Hera broke down the third wall and soon we were all crying. Matilda had told Hera about her husband and children and how great they all were. Then how she wanted to take them with her to the bunker but they were already poisoned by the radiation. She couldn't save them. I felt the pain radiating off of her as she spoke of her husband and their children. Strangely I think Hera can feel some of her pain too, I guess that's humanity for you. As that day past Matilda was much more involved and happier than she had been in a while.

One day one of the sensors were tripped on the island and I went in search of danger. I had seen many animals that the radiation had created and none of them were very pleasant to look at. I went to where the sensor was tripped to see that it's where our dumpsters are. That could only mean one thing, raccoons. But not the kind you're thinking, these raccoons are as big as bears and have fur the color of neon green. People can be eaten alive by those things I've also seen that, a very painful way to die. I look around for the raccoons and find out there are 4 of them surrounding the entrance to the bunker. I sound the alarm.