(Soma's P.O.V)
In a conference room midday four men are sitting around the table watching the television up top in the corner. A fifth one joins walking in and throwing a magazine down on the table. The smaller one perks up grabbing it first. "Hey Soma, there you are! What's this?"
"Turn to page eight." Is his only response as he leans against the table waiting.
Following his instruction Itsuki turns to it, and pictures of Natsume and Kahaku are covering the page. "New star couple?"
The blonde male next to him leans over beginning to read over the article. "Fans are going crazy over Treasure. The fresh duo of Natsume Reiji and new comer idol Kahaku Yuiga, who have made their debut on top of their newly started relationship...I heard about them. They're all everyone has been talking about lately," Kenshin comments.
"Just a few weeks ago we were the ones the girls couldn't stop giggling about." The taller man replies eyes still glued to the TV as if none of it affects him.
Ryuga on the other hand pushes his glasses up with a deep sigh turning to face thier leader. "So what are we going to do about them, Soma?"
The white haired male remains silent with determination in his eyes. Treasure's popularity has been rising by the day, and the duo has been stealing the spotlight. If they're to get back on top something must be done about them. The president won't accept anything less.
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"Alright! That's enough for today." With the man's signal another day of work is complete at the recording studio. It's been a few weeks since they debuted and the president of the agency giving them the unit name, Treasure. It's a lot of hard work but they are finally making some progress. With this him and Natsume have been together basically everyday, which isn't something he'd ever complain about.
Natsume turns to him with a smile. "You've been getting better. I hear the improvement in your singing."
"Thanks a lot. Every opportunity lately I've been trying to put to good use."
"Our song really has became a hit. The girls are going wild when we perform."
The song has taken off way more than he would have expected. Gigs are getting lined up back to back and this is only their first one. "Still hard to believe I helped write it. None of the songs I wrote before now turned out like this one."
"Same goes for me too. I was in a rut at first but that's changed that we've started working together."
They continue to chat while packing up heading for the door only to run into Tatsuya. "Good you two just finished up. Before you go there is something we need to discuss." The two exchange glances with each other, and Kahaku has no idea what this could be about.
They find themselves in the conference room with both Ginko and Tatsuya standing in front of them. The look on their faces already gives the vibe whatever news they have isn't good. "The two of you have done quite well lately. Everyone is talking about your song and relationship, but now a problem has arisen."
"What kind of problem?" Natsume asks eyes narrowing.
"Have you ever heard of the group One Star?"
"One Star? The name sounds familiar but..." Kahaku is at a complete loss unlike Natsume seeming to know exactly who Tatsuya is talking about.
"They just started singing earlier this year. The girls have been going crazy about them."
"That's right! They are a new coming idol group." A hazy memory of the unit being mentioned in the tabloids before. It isn't so surprising to hear about. People debut all the time but what does that have to do with them?
"They are one of the main reasons we agreed to this in the first place," Ginko informs. If this had influence on the deal between them they must be pretty popular right now.
"Well since your popularity has taken a rise theirs in turn has depleted. We believe because of that they have taken things into their own hands."
A feeling of thread runs through him at his manager's words. His jovial mood from moments before has completely vanished. Part of him doesn't want to hear what's next, but regardless they're going to have to tell them. "What do you mean by that?"
"They spread a rumor online saying this is all a hoax, and that you're only doing this for attention...Of course everyone in this room knows that's true, but we can't let anyone else find out." Tatsuya slowly explains and Kahaku body stiffens.
"If people were to find out this rumor is for real..." He doesn't want to begin to imagine on what will happen for the both of them. His idol career could be over before it half begins, also making both their managers and the agency itself look bad.
Natsume lets out a frustrated sigh.
"What do you want us to do about it?"
"The solution is simple. The two of you will be having your first interview on a late night show live."
"You spoke about it earlier this week. It's Saturday right?" Kahaku asks.
"Precisely, now while on TV all we want you to do is take things to the next level." Tatsuya pushes up his glinting glasses with a creepy grin on his face. Kahaku's face goes pale wondering just what crazy ideas are going through his manager's mind.
"W-What do you mean by that? Ah, more intimacy?!" Feeling his cheeks grow warm just at the thought. They've only done simple stuff in public so far like holding hands and other things that would barely be classified as 'first base'. Is Tatsuya saying this isn't enough now? No way his heart could take more PDA with him. Especially if he's suggesting to do this on live television!
Ginko probably noticing his anxiety rolls her eyes at his words. "Nothing hardcore like that, don't let him scare you. Just prove to everyone what we're saying is the truth. Make people believe you're a real couple. That's all you have to do."
Natsume who did seem worked up at first now looks unfazed over the situation. "That's all there is to it? That doesn't sound too hard."
"Just keep in mind how all of this plays out Saturday can either make or break the two of you." Tatsuya warns sternly before allowing them to head on home.
When walking in the front door Sho is just coming down the hall still in his school uniform. "Oh, Sho. You just got home from school?"
"I'm going to start on dinner. What should I make...I know! I'll fix some ramen for us."
"You used up the rest of it last time you tried to cook it." His brother says flatly having him pause in taking off his shoes.
"I did? Maybe I'll go buy some more."
"No! I prefer take out."
"Take out?" He knows Sho must be growing tired of eating some of the disastrous dishes he sets before him. Their cousin sends a certain amount of money once a month they aren't suppose to blow through. So everything cooked no matter how revolting it is has to be ate. Still he isn't going to get any better if he can't practice. "You would prefer take out over a home cooked meal?"
"Yes. The last time you made ramen you over seasoned and burnt it to a crisp. It wasn't even ramen anymore. I have a test to study for, so I don't have time to cook dinner or die from it."
"How cruel..." His harsh words feels like a dagger is punctured right into him. The last part was definitely unnecessary, but he understands where he's coming from. He lets out a small sigh in defeat keeping his shoes in place. "Fine, I'll go buy us a meal. You better be actually studying and not playing any games when I get back."
Picking up a meal for them at one of their usual go-to shops takes longer than planned with how busy it is. If he known he'd spend so much time waiting in there the male would had drove than walked. "That took forever," he mumbles, finally getting his food to leave.
Starting down the street the evening colors paint the sky and a nice breeze gently blows. Similar to the crowded shop people fill the streets, though he's gotten use to the city lifestyle by now. While walking two teen girls bounce past him talking excitedly. "I have tickets to One Star's show tomorrow. Wanna come with me?"
Hearing One Star's name has Kahaku stop dead in his tracks, eavesdropping on their conversation.
"Do you even have to ask? Of course I will! Who would pass up a chance to see Soma performing onstage." She gushes and the rest of the chatter is muffled as they grow futher away.
"One Star. That's the group Tatsuya said spread the rumor." As soon as he turns back around spots a certain trio of triplets brothers walking out of a store up ahead. He's about to call out but remembering just who they are wouldn't be a wise decision. Instead jogging up to them before they gain too much distance. "Shi triplets."
"Oh, Kahaku. I didn't think we'd run into you again so soon. Where are you headed?" Who he believes to be Toshi asks.
"Home. I was just picking up some take out for me and my brother..." He stands thinking for a minute then taking a wild guess. "Makashi, Toshi, Yoshi? Did I get it right?"
The middle triplet giving a soft laugh in response. "Not quite."
The one to his left speaks up. "I'm Yoshi and that on the right is Makashi, but you got Toshi's name correct."
He feels a bit guilty for mixing them up. It must be written on his face because Toshi insists it happens all the time, and that he'll remember eventually. The four of them resume walking now together. "How old is your brother?" Toshi asks.
"He's twelve and his name is Sho. He's a first year middle school student."
"Is it just the two of you?"
"Yeah, our older cousin is out of town at the moment."
"You know Treasure has been what everyone is talking about lately. Your song is a real hit and with the romance involved the girls even gave you a ship name, Katsume." Yoshi comments with a teasing grin changing the subject.
Kahaku looks down as a light blush comes over his face. He can't believe they made one up for the two of them so soon. "This is the first I'm hearing anything of that. It's a little embarrassing."
Thinking on that topic has One Star's name resurface. He wonders how much do they know about them. "Have any of you heard of the unit One Star?"
"Who hasn't heard of them?" Makashi answers with a snort.
"They are a new idol group so they aren't well known. We have been doing good but it's nothing compared to the rate they've been progressing." Toshi says with Yoshi nodding in agreement.
"Argh! Why do they get so much attention? Triplets singing is way more interesting than them."
"Girls have been going crazy about them. I don't see what all the fuss is about. It's just another guy group." Yoshi snickers at Makashi's statement.
"Eh, do I hear a hit of jealousy in your voice, Maka."
"I'm not jealous! You were the one just complaining about them, not me."
"Well I have to admit I'm a little bit jealous myself. Anyway, why do you ask?" Toshi questions as they cross the street.
"I'm not sure if you heard but a rumor has been spread around. They're saying me and Natsume's relationship is just an act."
They all give him a knowing look replying simultaneously. "But it is an act."
"Well yeah, but no one is supposed to know that. Tatsuya believes they spread it because we've been getting so much attention lately. He's my manager."
Toshi ponders it for a moment. "It is possible. I don't know much about them personally, but I'm not sure if they can be trusted. Soma came off really shaded the one time we did speak."
"One Star consists of five members. Soma is their leader and the guy that calls all the shots. Then there is Ryuga his fraternal twin brother who helps with the management," Makashi explains.
"Kenshin is youngest member. He's really kind and a lot of girls seem to favor him. Hachiro's the oldest and the more silent type," Toshi adds on.
"Lastly it's Itsuki. He's really energetic and rarely seen without a smile on his face. Those five points make up One Star." Yoshi finishes off as the brothers stop at the corner.
"We'll be turning here. Regardless of how the rumor got out you shouldn't try attracting too much attention to yourselves. It may look suspicious."
Toshi does have a point. Everything will work out in time as long as he doesn't let this get to him. That's what they would want.
They split going their separate ways. Yoshi waving as they depart. "Bye, Kahaku! Natsume told us about the show Saturday! We'll be watching!"
He would shout that where anyone could hear though luckily no one seems to take notice. Makashi is clearly upset lecturing him something as they continue down the street.
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The one free day he has off work and it's consumed with running errands. Finally done with everything on his list Kahaku hops in his car to drive home. On his way back slowly pulling past Natsume's house. "This is where Natsume stays. Maybe I should stop in and say a quick hi."
Mind made up he parks his car by the curb and rings the doorbell. After a minute with no response he trys ringing again. "Perhaps he isn't home..." He just turns to leave when the door cracks open. Quickly spinning around only to be met by a woman who isn't the blonde he's looking for. "Akira!"
"Kahaku. Are you here to see Natsume?"
"Yeah, but I was only dropping by. It isn't important so..."
"He isn't here right now, but he'll be back in a few minutes. You can wait." She steps back as if gesturing for him to come inside. He really rather not but feels turning down her offer will somehow create more drama.
Kahaku walks in observing the house in amazement. It's nicely furnished with a spot free beige carpet and leather brown living room set. The flat screen so big he'd have to save a years worth payment to afford. The kitchen seems to be futher down and a staircase to the left of them leading upstairs. With the light scent of what smells like cologne really gives the vibe of this being Natsume's home.
Kahaku takes a seat on the far left edge of the couch Akira sitting on a recliner on the opposite side. He nervously glances at her then back at the news.
I can't take this awkward silence. Why did she invite me in here anyway?
"I heard about the lateshow interview this Saturday."
"Y-Yes! We'll be performing too."
"I also heard about the rumor spread. Natsume said you'll have to really go all out to make people believe you're really seeing each other."
And she knows about that too. He figures Natsume shared such information so it wouldn't cause problems down the line, but as for himself it's causing tension right now. Akira was never pleased about this from the very beginning. Now who knows what thoughts are going through her head. "Um, I don't think it'll be too bad. Once we make clear it was all a misunderstanding things will go back to normal."
"As in you still playing the boyfriend role to him. I know he took you to see the autumn leaves on a "date" for publicity. The pictures were all in the magazines. He was supposed to take me to view the cherry blossoms last spring, but didn't because he was too busy. Natsume's always busy when it comes to me..."
It seems like she's talking more to herself now than him. The last time they met she seemed agitated, but this time she just looks so sad. Kahaku feels like he should say something. But what could help and he's the root of the problem?
"I'm sure he'll take you to see the cherry blossoms next spring. All of this should be over with by then...He was really happy when you were content just spending the day together for your birthday."
"He said that?...I wonder how people would feel. If they knew Natsume has a girlfriend hidden in the shadows."
"Why is it...that you keep your relationship hidden from public eye?"
Her gaze drops fidgeting with her nails before speaking up once more. "I didn't want to be in the media. The paparazzi is always in everyone's business exploiting everything, even lies. I didn't want to deal with that kind of drama. Now, I wonder if I made the right decision going that route. He never is supposed to leave my side so what was the point keeping us secret?"
As she voices the last part her eyes are fixated and her hands clench up tight. It barely coming out louder than a whisper. Kahaku can't keep but wonder what exactly does she mean by that. Glancing at the time on the television sees he has been here an half and hour already. He's waited long enough.
"I should probably get going now." Quickly heading for the door but just as he goes for the handle it suddenly swings open. "Natsume!"
"Ah, Kahaku! What are you doing here?"
"I was dropping by for a quick visit but then you weren't here. I'm going home now though. I'll see you!" Before he can say anything to him Kahaku dashes around him out the door.
A feeling of calm washes over him as he enters the car. Finally being able to breathe again. He is happy to be out of that house, but still can't stop thinking about all Akira said. Something with him always remaining by her side makes his chest hurt, but he tries to push the feeling aside and simply focus on getting home.