Chereads / Spotlight Stars / Chapter 4 - Chapter 3: Bonding

Chapter 4 - Chapter 3: Bonding

Kahaku and Natsume leave out the conference room door late evening. They have been here all day coming up with lyrics for their first song as a unit. Tatsuya and Ginko made it clear they can't proceed forward until it's written. Waiting for the elevator Natsume gives him a small pat on the back snapping him out of thought. "Good work today. At least we got somewhat of an idea the direction our song will be taking."

It's still so unreal to him that he's actually writing a song with Natsume. He can hardly begin to imagine them performing together on stage. "I'm already pretty excited on how it's coming together, though I hope the ideas I'm offering are good. I haven't wrote too many songs for myself, so I wonder if it'll really be enough to become a hit."

"Don't stress so much," he replies casually, as they enter elevator. Pressing for them to go down to the first floor. "I like your ideas and I need the change of direction. I've been in a little of a writer's block with my songwriting lately."

Natsume doesn't seem pleased with what he's been putting out lately, and nor does his fans with the decrease of them at his performances. Kahaku knows he has to get in a rut every so often since he's been singing for years now. Still hearing him actually admit aloud he's been having trouble feels so weird.

The two of them exit the agency building heading towards the parking lot. "Are you busy tomorrow?" Natsume suddenly asks.

"Huh?" That question is a little unsuspected. Could it be a chance for them to catch up? They did promise things would change since they've been reunited, but with the past days so busy it's been nothing but work. "No, I don't have any plans. How come?"

"I thought we can go out somewhere tomorrow. It has been a whole five years, so we have some catching up to do."

"That's fine with me."

"Alright then, I'll pick you up around noon. Where do you stay?" Telling him his address they also exchange contact information as well. "Got it, make sure you're ready."

Kahaku can't help but feel a little giddy that he and Natsume would finally be spending some time together outside the studio. "Okay! I'll see you..." He looks up at Natsume to see an expression of shock on his face. Following his gaze to spot a women with short cut hair that's jet black. She looks a little older than himself and is standing in front of Natsume's car.

"Akira, what are you doing out here? We don't usually meet in public like this."

"I know, I was just close by and I figured you'd be getting off about now. I really wanted to see you." Her dark blue eyes goes to Kahaku immediately turning into a sharp glare. "Is this him?"

"Yes this is Kahaku my childhood friend. This is my girlfriend, Akira."

"You're the one playing his boyfriend for the fame." Her tone is cold as steel and feels as if her gaze could literally pierce right through him. He stammers trying his best to get out any reply.Β 

"Um, y-yes I really wasn't onboard with any of this. My manager set it up without my permission..."

She stares a moment longer before returning her attention back to Natsume with a sweet smile. "I hope you have a lot planned for Saturday."

His expression goes blank for a second before his eyes widening in horror. "Your birthday!"

That reaction causing her smile to fade as she kicks at the pebbles on the street. "You forgot, didn't you?"

Natsume words get twisted more than Kahaku's was just seconds before. Clearly desperate to come up with an excuse. In his fumbling she shoots Kahaku yet another glare, as if him forgetting her birthday is somehow his fault.

"It honestly just slipped my mind Saturday is only two days away! I would never forget your birthday."

She thinks for a moment as if debating whether or not to forgive him. In the end though she closes the distance between them with a hug. "Well you aren't leaving me all alone on my birthday, are you?"

"O-Of course not. We'll spend the whole day together."


"Yes, really I promise. Now let me take you home." He glances back at Kahaku while taking her hand. "I'll call you later, okay?"Β 

His only response is a nod as the couple get into his car and takes off. It's clear just how Akira feels about him, but he can't really blame her. He is playing boyfriend with someone that belongs to her. It's no telling how long this will be going on for. Letting out a deep sigh he heads for his own car to drive home.

🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀 🎀

Typical buzzing of his phone rings through his slumber once again. He groans refusing to acknowledge it for a moment. When the call persist he rolls over to his nightstand to answer it.

"Hello?" His voice coming out drowsy as he slowly sits up in bed. A chuckle rings through the otherside of the cell.

"Good afternoon, Kahaku."

"N-Natsume!" He practically shouts almost dropping his phone, now fully awake. He completely forgot about him stopping by soon.

"Jeez, you're just now waking up! If I really was there right now you would have still been asleep."

"I've been really busy lately and I haven't had as much sleep as I should...Your girlfriend seems nice." A hint of sarcasm in his voice and it falls silent for a minute.

"I know she came off kinda cold to you. She was more than a little unhappy about the arrangement, but she is a good person when you get to know her. About Akira...I actually don't have a present for her birthday yet."

Kahaku lets out a small sigh. "So you really did forget. She said her birthday's tomorrow."

"I know I'm a terrible boyfriend, but so much has been going on it slipped my mind. We already haven't been on the best of terms lately, and I didn't want to add to it by admitting I forgot her birthday. I need to find her a good present today."

Which means their plans is going to be cancelled. He understands this is important for him but can't help but feeling a little disappointed. "I got it. We can go out some other time."

"Hmm but we're already going out, aren't we?" he asks in teasing tone, making Kahaku chuckle a bit. Maybe he could tell he's a little upset. "Seriously though I was thinking you could tag along and help me pick out a gift. I'm not really sure what to get her but if you rather not I-"

"No! I don't mind." Some time out together is better than nothing. Even if it's only to look for a present for her. He can practically sense Natsume's smirk on the other side of the phone.

"I'll push the time back to this evening then. See you in a bit." The call ends and he glances over at his alarm clock. It really is well after twelve going on three soon.

"I really need to start trying to get up more reasonably. Guess I have time to clean since he won't be here till later."

Taking the extra time to straighten up his room a little bit. Eating and then going through his closet to find something to wear. Pulling out a pair of overalls with a purple striped shirt underneath them. By the time he's finishes it's five o clock sharp, and conveniently the doorbell rings.

Opening it stands Natsume dressed in a black skull and ripped jeans. A blue band on wrist and the more shady part of the assemble is the unesscarry sunshades and the hat. It's only one real reason he can imagine why he's wearing them. "You're in disguise but I thought you said it was a pain."

"Yeah, but I figured I would today."

Kahaku hesitates for a minute before pressing forth with what's actually on his mind. "Is that really necessary now? I mean we're suppose to be..."

"It's true we do need to be seen in public together at some point, but not today. We'll just get ambushed and then I won't find anything for Akira."

So Akira is the reason he made an effort today. Something about that forms a pit in Kahaku's stomach as he silently heads to the car behind him.

For awhile it's simply a peaceful ride between the two. Kahaku's glances over at him for the forth time before attempting to start conversation. "Um, where are we going?"

"Well I have a few stores in mind downtown we can start with."

Like planned he parks downtown in the shopping district. The streets are filled with people and he hasn't been this way much since moving here. Natsume leads the way as Kahaku makes sure not to stroll far off and end up getting lost.

The first shop they try is a clothing store for girls. Kahaku suggesting a few pieces but ultimately come out empty handed. Moving across the street to one selling accessories goes the same as the previous. No matter what they discover nothing seems to please him, and the males end up heading back to the car in defeat. "This is harder that I thought it would be."

"You could always just get her a nice piece of jewelry?"

Natsume leans back in seat placing his hands behind his head closing his eyes. "Akira isn't really a jewelry kind of girl. She's more a tomboy."

"Then we could go to the mall and look around. There are plenty of stores so I'm sure we can find something there." He has no idea if he's really pushing out of concern about their relationship, or as an excuse to spend more time with him.

"I guess we better try because I can't afford to strike out now." Starting up the car and taking off to the nearest shopping mall.


Inside the mall is so packed it's much worse than outside. Many people swarming the halls and stores. There's a lot of different options to choose from with jewelry, antiques, and even a pet shop. Not including the whole next set of other departments up the escalator.

Natsume sighs running his fingers through his hair. "Out of all days today had to be crowded."

"Well it's close to the weekend. I know a store to the left of the food court Megumi shops at all the time. We could start there?"

"Then let's get a move on. With this many people I doubt we make it to many stores before the mall closes."

He leads him inside the shop which is in fact another clothing store. But this one has several different kinds of styles for all seasons. To the right of the store is a shoes rack with many boots and heels. Lastly a perfume station with jewelry in the center.

He glances at Natumse for thoughts who starts to roam about curiously. "There is a lot to choose from in here..."

Both separating they search around the store to see what they can find. Kahaku picks up a perfume set with lotions inside and a ribbon placed on top of the box. "Welp too bad Akira doesn't wear jewelry. It's a lot of nice pieces here. I guess that means she wouldn't be a heavy perfume wearer either? Ah." He spots Natsume looking at a pair of ankle boots on the rack. "Did you find something?"

"I would have but it looks like they're out of her size. These boots would have been perfect for her too."

"Maybe you could find them somewhere else..."

Natsume sets the shoes back on the shelf standing to his feet. "It's late and it's not to say another store here carries these. Though there's that one shop that sells a bunch of trinkets to decorate your house with. Akira loves collecting things like that...but she buys stuff there all the time so that's considering we actually find something."

Following him out a store employee thanks them for their time upon leaving. "If we don't find something there, what then?"

"Ha, I guess I'm out of luck."

The two walk quietly though it's hardly awkward with all the other chatter surrounding them. Just as passing a small clothing store for men Kahaku walking slows. Then coming to a stop completely. It only takes seconds for Natsume to realize he's no longer beside him. "What's up?"

"Huh? Oh, it's nothing."

He comes over peeking in the store window before gesturing towards the entrance. "Want to go in?"

It has been awhile since he's last came to the mall to browse. He really wants to stop in even if only for a minute with Natsume, but knows that isn't why they're here.

"No, that's alright." Trying to keep his voice leveled but fails miserably. Coming out more disappointed than he attends it to.

"It's fine we've been at this for hours, so we could use a break. It'll be time to make the last shop before the mall closes." Without waiting for a reply he heads inside first with Kahaku rushing after.

Natsume lets Kahaku take the lead strolling behind him. He hasn't been in here many times since the store opened up just recently. Every time he does stop in he always finds at least one thing he wants to purchase. That fact proven true his eyes spots an outfit with matching cap on the male mannequin above them. Of course right under the display is the same long shirt and pants on the racks. He begins flipping through the sizes automatically going for the smallest one available. Though he does find them it still at least appears to be a little big. He doesn't have money to waste if it isn't the right fit. Dressing rooms are right here and all, but trying it on would take some time.

"They definitely have more out since the last time I've been in here. That's a nice choice. Are you buying it?"

"Uh, no. I'm not really sure if it will look right on me. I wouldn't want to have to make returns."

"Why don't you just try it on then? The dressing rooms are right over there."

"But what about Akira's gift?"

He gives a dry laugh as he pushes Kahaku towards the dressing room area. "That's for me to worry about, not you. There is still a little time, so try it on then make up your mind."

He grins entering a free stall and starting to change. Putting it on does fit better than he expected. Sure it is a little big but not to the point of looking baggy. Staring at himself in the mirror this flashy style isn't something he'd usually go for. Maybe seeing Natsume's wardrobe everyday is inspiring him to venture a bit.

The small knock on the door causes him to jump snapping him back to reality. "How does it fit? Come out here so I can see."

"Just a minute!" He quickly adjusts his clothing one last time before spotting the piece of paper in the mirror's reflection. Peeping at the price his eyes buck automatically tracking the tag for the pants as well. Sure enough it's just as much as the shirt-well more actually. This store does seem to sell expensive items but not usually this high. It is no way he can buy both of them on his budget, and it doesn't fit settling for just one. All of this wasting both of their time for an outfit he can't even possibly afford.

"This is why you should always check the price before bothering to try it on."

Another knock hits the door a little more urgently this time. "You alright in there? What's taking so long?"

"I guess I can show him what it looks like before putting it back."

He breathes in and out then stepping out for him to see. Natsume observes silently for a moment with a fixated gaze causes a light blush to paint his cheeks. "It looks weird, doesn't it?"

He shakes his head with a reassuring smile. "No, it's a good look on you."

"You think so?"

"It's different for you, but a good different. How do you like it?"

"It...looks nice but I can't afford it..." He shuts his eyes awaiting the outburst on why he bothered putting it on in the first place, and how much time he consumed.

"I'll buy it then." Not only does he seem unfazed but is also offering to pay.

Kahaku immediately put his hands up to protest. "That's alright, really! I could come back when I save up enough money and buy it myself."

"It's fine, that's why I'm offering. Besides it could be practically be gone by the time you get yours together. We both know you can't go up a size if they run out of stock on this one." Clearly teasing with that last statement.

Kahaku grunts at his smart remark before looking down at himself again. If Natsume doesn't have a problem getting it for him, nor should he. "Thank you."

"Just think of it as a little gift from me to you." Mentioning gift makes him realize he is buying this for him yet still hasn't bought anything for Akira's birthday. Thinking that creates a weird almost happy feeling in his chest that's unexplainable. But he feels bad for harboring such emotions.

By the time they are out of there most shops is closing up for the night. "I'm sure Versales is closing up too."

"I'm sorry, if I hadn't took so long..."

"It's cool honestly. I doubt I would have found anything in there anyway unless I got lucky. Like I said she shops there all the time. Well it's too late trying to go anywhere else. I'll figure something out," he mumbles with a frustrated sigh.

All day looking for a gift only to be leaving empty handed. Despite all this Kahaku doesn't feel like today was a complete waste. He still got to spend the evening alone with Natsume which is nice. "You all finished up here?"

Kahaku suddenly remembers about his old phone case he promised himself he would fix the next time he came to the mall. It doesn't have to be anything fancy being clearly low on spending money as it is. The present one is so worn out it's no telling how much longer it will last. The electronic store inside the mall is always the last to close plus it's nearby. "I just need to buy a new phone case real quick. My old one is in pretty bad shape."

"Alright, let's go."

"That's okay, I'll go by myself. You can head back to the car. I won't be long." Natsume has already been out all evening-day possibly looking for a gift he never found for a girlfriend in a upset mood. The last thing he wants to do is drag him around to another store.

Natsume hesitates as if he's attempting to protest, but after a minute nods his head in agreement. "I'll head back then. Go on and take your time. I'll carry your bag back to the car with me."

A/N The chapter will stop here. Second will be uploaded real soon.