As row stood there wondering what to do, May suddenly said that she will go get wood for the fire and the others went off to do something too, but row knew that they were trying to avoid him but at the time he thought nothing of it and sat down to think about how others would think if they saw him in public so he was going to teach himself on illusion magic so he can hide his newly acquired fangs and ears so he thought that everything would be ok.
But sadly as row went to sleep early so he could get up early but the 5 people that he befriended had other plans they were going to get as far away from row as they could, and when row woke up expecting to see the 5 but new it was a long shot and as expected they were nowhere to be found row a bit heartbroken decide to let it go but to row's surprised there was a Dagger and he remembered that May carried some so he new that May would come back for it so he cast a protective barrier around the camp and the only one's who could were himself Roy, Chuck, May, Zoey, and Niya after he cast the spell he left and sure enough the 5 returned to get May's dagger and they were shocked to see a protective barrier around the camp and they also saw an odd looking gem when they got the dagger and went toward the gem, the gem stone started to glow and it displayed and image of row they were shocked beyond belief and the the image of row started to talk and said greetings you 5 I have to apologize for scaring you I hope you can forgive me.
And then the image suddenly disappeared and also leaving the 5 in a pool of guilt and then we go to row as he's leaving when row stopped and shed a tear so he used the skill god speed and ended up on the outskirts of the forest and when he looked in the far, far distance and saw civilization and then row smiled.