Chapter 6 - The Flood

As row got closer to the city he noticed that there was no life anywhere so he thought everyone was at a ball or something like that, so as he made his way to the small but big castle he also didn't see any creature's which he thought was strange, and so he decided that sense there was no one watching he used God Speed. After a moment he ended up in the castle and at first he was doubting whether he should be here or not but then he fell silent not even a thought because he realized there was nothing no, sound no, lights no, people it was just nothing and so he stepped in to see black.

As row stood there wondering where everyone was he saw a poster or what he thought to be a poster but as he stepped closer he noticed it was an open letter with what looked to be a Royal Crest stamped on it but for row's curiosity got the better of him and so he pulled out the peace of paper and read it and about half way down he noticed it turned into some kind of warning and it said, To the futal lord and his family we have received word of a National level threat coming your way we have little information on it but we do know it seems to be able to control water and is traveling on a tsunami so we think it is some kind of water monster and so we implore you and your citizens to leave imminently.

So after row took a moment to gather his thoughts he stepped outside to see if he could see the water so he could calculate how much time he would have but as soon as he stepped outside he saw it heading straight toward him and so he calculated it would take about One hour intell it swallowed the city whole. As row stood there admiring the sheer size of it he thought back to the dragon's and thought that's why they woke up so early they were trying to escape but I got in the way, as row stood there he forgot to teach himself illusion magic and sighed in relief because he did not want anyone else knowing he was a vampire and an elf, he focused back to the problem at hand but before he could think of someway to escape or get up above the tsunami he cramped over in pain.