Chereads / The Sages Jeweled Eyes / Chapter 14 - It's Friday

Chapter 14 - It's Friday

"Are you sure you're going to be okay?"

"Yeah, I've spent half the day resting on that bed and my head all calmed down now."

With that being said the three began walking back to their respective classrooms. Elly stared at his ravenette cousin walking inside her classroom, he's worried quite a lot about his cousin just thinking about her passing out again makes his heartache.

As he entered the classroom both Alex and June jumped on him but mostly Alex did.

"I heard what happened, is she okay?" Alex's eyes were a bit teary which exactly shows how worried he has been.

"He was so worried he keeps asking me about when are you coming back," June said laughing at how Alex can be such a lover boy.

"I would gladly tell you but please let my collar go first, it's getting all wrinkled." Alex hurriedly let Elly go and stood still.

"She's fine now that she had to rest up a bit."

Alex let go a big sigh with his hand holding his chest, he can finally rest assured that the girl he likes is perfectly fine.

"You act more like a boyfriend than a boyfriend." June chuckled making Alex flush.

"Shut up."

"I agreed. You could've at least visited her in the infirmary, it's not like you're not allowed in there." Elly wasn't even trying to tease Alex but June had to make everything blush-worthy for him.

"I told him that too but all he said was "if I go in there I might not be able to control myself hugging her", but didn't you carry her to the infirmary when she passed out last week?"

Elly snapped his head towards the two 'Carried her?' he taught as his eyes stare blankly at Alex.

" Don't look at me like that Elly, it was an emergency okay, what else could I do? "

" Maybe wait for the medical team. "

" Sometimes I wonder if you are okay with me liking your cousin."

Elly let out a sigh and sat respectively on his sit.

"I am okay with that and I know that she would be in perfect hands with you, it's just that sometimes you're unreliable."

Even if he trusted his friend he wasn't very sure of what might happen if the time comes when Alex would finally confess to Shaine who is a dense person, she might think that Alex would be joking around. When that happens Alex may think that he got rejected and would lose his energy.

"The hell man I'm reliable especially when it comes to her."

As cheesy as it may sound he didn't regret saying that out loud but it was a bit too loud.

"Wait Alex likes someone."

"Ohh who could that girl be?"

"We didn't know you were interested in other things besides soccer."

The boys inside the classroom began teasing Alex more than June could, they laughed and laugh while poor Alex blushed madly on his sit. Their teasing died down as their teacher entered the classroom, the class started but Elly was too dazed to pay attention, his stare is on the board up front but his head is way up in the clouds.


Elly was cut off from his daydream when a paper ball hit his face, he stared back at Alex signaling him to read the paper. He did what he was told and opened the crumpled paper.

'I'm reliable'

Reading the short message was enough to make Elly chuckle to himself. He grab his pen and wrote a reply.

'I know but I'm only looking out for both of you. She's too dense and you're just too..... Inlove'

He crumpled the paper and throw it back to Alex who caught it with ease, when he read it Elly saw how he frowned and pouted.

The day wasn't all bright and calm, the wind was blowing at high speed and it started to feel a little cold but luckily it was not that cloudy so there was no rain to ruin a sunny day. The class didn't last long until the school bell rang in the whole school.

"See you next week class."

It was finally Friday the most loved day by students, it's finally time to relax at home or perhaps hang out with friends at the mall.

"You gonna visit your grandfather again this week?" June asked looking as calm as he can be.

"You know our drill, my brother would probably pick us up again later," Elly replied putting his bag on his back.

Every week Elly and his cousin would visit their grandfather at his farm out the town, it has been a weekly routine. They have nothing to do in their neighborhood so they just waste their time having fun with their old man near the coast side.

As the three walk out of their classroom Shaine was already there resting her back on the cold, white-painted wall. She was busy playing with her phone and did not notice the three looking at her.

"You can ask her yourself now," Elly said not in a teasing tone but more of a supportive kind.

"Yeah, sure," Alex replied with his voice slowly dying down, he walked up to Shaine and stop right in front of her which caught the girl's attention.

"Hey, Alex," Shaine said putting her phone in her pocket and giving Alex a fist pump which he gladly give too.

"Hey umm, how are you feeling?" the blushing brunette asked scratching his neck with eyes looking far away from the girl's view.

"I'm fine, thanks for worrying." Shaine happily replied wearing her toothy smile.

A smile crept to Alex's face as he stare at hers, the feeling of relief washing away everything single bad thing that may have happened to him today.

"You ready to go home?" Elly asked the two and received a nod from both.

They walked down the stairs and meet up with Abby who was fixing her bag just by her classroom.

"Why aren't you with Sam today Abby, she mostly tags along with us?"

"She has to stay late for her extra curriculum activities."

Shaine then crossed her arms. "That kid is smart you know but she just slacks off a lot, can you at least influence her." this made the group laugh.

Samantha Grevier was once tutored by Shaine around Abby's 1st year because she was pretty much close with the girl and at that time Shaine was a junior of Sam's older brother who had graduated, he thought of letting Shaine tutor his little sister so she can behave but it didn't end well.

The group each grab their things from their lockers before walking out of the building. The wind was blowing a cold breeze making students but mostly girls shiver.

"Geez why is it so cold during this season?" Shaine complained and hold down her skirt to keep it from being blown. Elly removed his coat and gave it to Abby who accepted it and tied it around her waist. While Shaine was given Alex's coat.

They split up just by the 2nd street before their school.

"You can hold on to my coat for a while Shaine." Alex shyly said earning a smile from Shaine.

They all bid goodbye to each other and continued their walk home. Not for long Shaine and Abby's front yard is seen, with its green clean cut grass, a cobblestone path towards their front porch, and some roses and lily patches near the fence.

Ahead their road was a blue car parked right in front of Elly's house, there stood a guy around his 20s wearing a fine black suit and stylish shoes, his hair is the shade of dirty blond and is combed backward showing his forehead, and his eyes are in a darker color of brown. Just by staring you can tell that he is a businessman, probably working for a high-class company.

"Well, he came earlier than I expected, I'll see you guys later." Elly waved goodbye to his cousins and run towards his home.

"Well, look who's early," Elly said teasingly to the man in the suit.

"I asked for an early leave, now go get ready I don't like waiting."

"Said the guy who always makes people wait."

The brothers laugh at each other before Elly walked into the house.

It's finally the weekend and hopefully, there won't be any more problems that can ruin the threes fun weekend.

"Mom I'm going now," Elly yelled running down the stairs, he took a short bath and dressed in a simple yellow hoodie and blue pants with black shoes, on his back is a backpack with spare clothes, his phone, and more things he might need.

"Be careful and please look after the girls."

"Yes, and I always do Mom."

When Elly walked out he saw the girls all dressed up and ready to go. Both girls are wearing sweatpants and black shoes, Abby wore a simple t-shirt while Shaine wore a checkered shirt.

They all hopped in the car, Elly at the front. The engine started and off they go, to perhaps enjoy their weekend without another problem for each one of them.