The loud cheers then returned, inside a room with bookshelves on the right side, a table sitting behind the glass window, and a few vases with wildflowers on a side table.
A man around his 50s was sitting on a chair behind the big table, in front of him are three youngsters sitting while a young woman was leaning on the wall on the left side of the table.
"So what can I do for you three?" the man's voice made the trio's back hair stand. His voice was rather rough and calm at the same time.
A giggle came from the ginger-haired girl leaning on the wall. "You guys don't need to be afraid, master is rather nice despite how he speaks and looks," she said reassuringly.
The statement didn't make the three courageous enough to speak or even murmur a word. Selviah sighed and walked up to the man's side with her arms crossed.
" Master, why don't you introduce yourself? "
The man then coughed and straighten his back. "My name is Drativerg Cealba, as you can see I am the guild master of the Griffin Claw, but people call me Master Verg or just Verg. Would you kindly introduce yourself?"
Elly snapped and sat properly. "I-I'm Eleanor Claud Moores, this is Reshaine Blanche Moores and Abidale Saisha Moores."
"Siblings I presume?"
Elly shook his head. "I'm their elder cousin but they are siblings."
"So Eleanor care to explain your situation?"
Elly cleared his throat, his mind debated on whether, to tell the truth or make up some random story. Before he could speak up the door of the office opened and entered Halxian holding a pill of papers stack up, she set the papers in front of the master's face harsher than expected.
"Master didn't I tell you to take care of this issue 3 days ago," she said smiling sweetly.
Master Verg then cleared his throat and push aside the papers.
"I'll deal with that later, I'm a little busy at the moment. Now where were we?"
Elly hesitate at first but still talked. "Like we told Miss Selviah when she found us we were abandoned."
A small laugh came from the white-haired girl. "Now now dear Eleanor there's no need to lie."
Elly tilted his head, puzzled by what she just said.
"You see Eleanor, Halxian here can detect when someone is telling the truth or just plainly lying."
Elly's eyes grew wider and his mouth was barely open. Selviah then leans forward to the three.
She smiled. "Just who are you and where the hell did you come from?" her smile then fade and her stare was nothing more than cold.
The situation seems to have gone downhill, the atmosphere was heavy and dark. Abby clung tighter to her sister, shivering from the sudden chills she was having.
" We umm... we're... " Elly was lost for words, nothing came to mind. He could tell a lie but he wasn't so sure about the lie-detecting girl, was it true or was she bluffing?
"We were abandoned." Shaine suddenly spoke up, her glance was strong and confident.
'There's no way she can know if I'm lying or not, that's hardly impossible.' her mind said.
"Lying isn't a beautiful thing now Reshaine."
Shaine didn't believe the girl and sit straight on her chair.
"I'm not lying miss Halxian, I only spoke of the truth."
Shaine's stubbornness was rather useful at this moment, she won't back off unless she won.
"My my now that's not a very good thing to do now is it Reshaine." Halxian then walks up to Shaine and smiles down at her.
"Just tell us the truth and no harm will come to you," she said as she reached for Shaine's hair, the moment her hand touches the very tips it made Shaine shiver, she felt cold and her body wouldn't move at all, her eyes grew wider to the terrifying feeling that suddenly surrounds her head, as if one wrong move and her head would be chopped off her body.
"I'll.... tell you," she said with her voice shaking in fear, Halxian then backed up and stood beside the master.
Shaine looked down at her hand balled up into a fist which was shaking.
"We don't know how we got here. We don't belong here, this is not anywhere near our home, there are no fluffy bunny monsters where we came from, no Eden, nothing. I don't recognize any part of this place, where is this exactly? "
Shaine raised her head, her eyes looked so scared and teary.
"We want to go home, to go back to our grandpa, what is this place, what's with you, everything is so messed up, just what in the world is going on!" her voice raised along with her tears now slowly crawling out of her eyes.
"This place, those people, this is all just a dream right, just a dream just a dream." she then mumbled.
"Shaine please pull yourself together, calm down," Abby said trying to calm her sister down, she wasn't used to this side of her sister, she was always loud and cheerful but right now she's barely hanging on to her sane.
"Shaine please calm down, you're hyperventilating," Elly said holding both Shaine's shoulders.
Halxian then walked up to a side table and grabbed a cup of water, she hand it to Shaine who hesitate at first but accepted it.
"Sorry if I scared you a bit I wasn't expecting you to break down like that, I'm deeply sorry," she said bowing a little to show how sincere she is.
"So you mean to say that you didn't know how you came to our kingdom."
Elly stare back at the master and answered. "Well all that happened was we were unconscious inside a cave or rather a tunnel in the mountains, we jumped off the cliff when this lizard thing come at us, we couldn't go back to the tunnel because the moment we got out it was gone."
"And where is this mountain you speak of?"
"The Gorgon Mountain master." Selviah then spoke. "I found them on the edge of the dark forest ready to be gobbled up by a beast," she added.
"I see, but may I ask how did you manage to land on the ground safe and sound although you looked a little roughed up but mostly okay." the master asked looking at a paper on hand.
"Something happened when we were about to hit the top of the trees," Shaine said looking more calm. "They said that my hair and eyes changed color all of a sudden, we were floating above the leaves but instantly fall when I came back to normal." she continued.
Master Verg nodded and didn't utter a word. His eyes were glued to the paper but are still listening with all ears to the trio's story. He suddenly stood up from his sit and look at the three.
"Our guild's motto is to help people in need so I would gladly help you, I will let you live in an inn I own for free and I would help you find a way to get you back home," he said.
The trio wasn't so sure about this, true it would help them but trusting people they hardly meet is another problem.
" Do you accept or decline? "
The atmosphere was peaceful and calm, a hand outstretched towards the three to seal a deal with an unknown man.
"Why do you think that we will trust you?" Elly proclaimed trying his best to not sound offensive.
"If you can't trust us then why did you think I even bought you here." the statement was harsh but still kind. "If I was someone not trustworthy I would have let that fluffy beast eat you piece by piece."
"Now now Selviah don't scare the little ones."
"You're one to talk, Hal."
"Eleanor, Reshaine, and Abidale if you are still not aware but this world is full of magic, chants, spells, and more. If you want to know how to get back to where you came from you need to learn how to do magic, perhaps it will be the key to your world. "
The trio looked back at each other after the master's explanation.
" What do you mean by magic mister Verg?" Abby shyly asked.
Her question was answered when a glowing light suddenly appeared on the master's palm, it was a bright yellow light hovering.
"This is what I meant dear." he closed his palm and the light instantly vanished.
The trio was shocked to see such an unbelievable thing happen right before their eyes, magicians do use tricks but that was just unexplainable.
"And I can sense this faint aura from you." the master then added.
"Wh-what are you talking about mister Verg?" Shaine asked only earning a silent comment.
Grasping the situation isn't easy, specifically if things start to randomly happen, magic, beast, guild, kingdom, all those stuff.
"Nothing forget I said that. For now how about we try to determine your class."
"Class you say?" Elly asked curious about what the old man mentioned.
"Class is what we call on how you are ranked, there are 7 classes as a mage, class F being the lowest and class S being the highest. I and Halxian are both S-class mages of course master is an S-class mage as well but he's on a higher level." Selviah then announced giving her toothy grin to the group.
" Now then let us determine your class shall we? "Halxian happily said and walked out of the room
Shaine suddenly stood up and slam her hand on the table. "Why do we have to be ranked I mean we are not mages we're just simple humans, we can't possibly use magic, it's impossible. "
"Now Reshaine my dear nothing is impossible here and if magic is the only way for you three to go home you might as well be ranked and learn magic on your own, otherwise you will be stuck here." the master coldly said. "Plus I don't want my inn to go bankrupt so might as well let you join the guild to earn some money to pay me back."
'He just wants money doesn't he.' was what the trio's mind said.
The door then opened and entered the room was Halxian, on her hand were three crystal balls.
" Now shall we begin to determine your class?"
The trio stared as the crystal balls were placed on the table one for each of them, the ball was cloudy rather than clear.
'It's impossible!' the trio's mind scream to themselves.