Chereads / The Sages Jeweled Eyes / Chapter 5 - Teleportation

Chapter 5 - Teleportation

It's early evening, and the crickets began playing their tone in the quiet night. Elly is sitting on the swivel chair he uses to study, his head resting on the soft cushion, with his eyes staring blankly at the ceiling.

His room is neater than a normal boy's room, his bed in the shade of cloudy white all tucked in and neatly folded. There are some posters on the wall with some pictures of him and his two cousins, Abby and Shaine. He simply loves his cousin, only having two older brothers who seem busy all the time, he feels like having two younger sisters when he's with his cousins.

"Elly dinner is ready." he heard his mother yell from the dining.

He stood up and walked down to the dining, his brothers are 7 and 8 years older than him so he doesn't see them quite often. Their house is painted in plain white with black windows, the front porch has two wooden chairs with a circle-shaped table made by his eldest brother who is an architect.

The day went on and ended in a flash, Elly didn't go out of his room the whole time. He just stares blankly at the ceiling or the wall. His eyes are a bit tired from using his computer and ended up sleeping on his chair.

The ray of the sun creep inside Elly's room with their warmth, and his eyes flicker open from the light's brightness. He give out a small groan feeling his neck a bit stiff, he did fall asleep on his chair without anything supporting his head.

He quickly took a bath and wear his uniform, his mind is pretty blank and he tends to space out.

"You seem to be under the weather son, anything wrong?" he looks at his mother who is focused on her breakfast.

"I'm fine, just don't feel like it today," he said standing up in his seat, he grab his backpack just beside his chair.

He kisses his mother goodbye before leaving for school, their school is just a few blocks away from their house so there's no problem walking without being late for the first period.

The minute he step out of their house he took a deep breath taking in the sweet morning scent, the cobblestone path which lead straight to their school passed a ton of houses each with different colors and designs. The morning newspaper was getting thrown on the front porch of each house by a young boy on his bicycle, he is well known by the people in that neighborhood because of his kindness, and of course as the newspaper boy.

With a smile, Elly waves to the boy. "Morning there Sulley."

"Mornin', I saw your cousins in front of their house," Sulley said with a smile and throw the newspaper on Elly's porch.

He look up ahead to see Abby and Shaine just by their mailbox wearing their neat uniform, Abby wave to him the minute she realize it was him making him smile.

"Mornin'." his smile is small but sincere.

Abby and Shaine greet him back each with a smile, they started walking side by side, their shoes clicking with the cobblestone in each step almost making an unseen rhythm.

Students wearing the same uniform as they are came from different houses each bidding their family goodbye and running off to walk with their friends. The school they attend is a well-known university in this part of the city but not that famous among other universities.

The sound of loud footsteps came from behind the three almost like running in a hurry.

"Good morning Elly." said a boy with ash brown hair who jumped on Elly's back for a piggyback ride.

Another boy appear behind them and pulled down the boy on Elly's back, Shaine smiled at them and give them each a fist pump.

"Way to ruin my morning June," Elly said with a sarcastic tone.

June is a childhood friend of Elly since elementary and also a soccer player, his hair was a calm shade of ash brown with long bangs that he set aside with a clip, his eyes were black like a raven's feathers, and he has pointed nose and dimples on both cheek.

"Quite as ever aren't you Alex." Shaine chuckled elbowing the other boy.

Alex is also a childhood friend of Elly from elementary and also on the soccer team, his hair is plain black and well-trimmed, his eyes are in the shade of a calming light brown with a pair of red glasses held up by his pointed nose, his lips is very noticeable due to the whiteness of his skin.

There is one thing that can make this quiet guy very flustered and stressed and that is to tease him about his long-time crush which is Shaine. It started in their first year in high school, Shaine and Abby transferred to the university from their previous school in the city, they never really liked their old school because of so many troublemakers and it's quite far from their house.

The time Shaine tried out to join the soccer team was the first time he suddenly shriek without reason making Shaine miss her practice goal, but Shaine is too dense to even notice how he looks at her every practice.

They all chatted along the way to the school, asking about what had happened in their weekend. The two boys were shocked to hear about Shaine passing out for a whole day which led to teasing Alex.

The time passes by quickly and it's already the third period, Elly's class is a bit noisy due to the absence of their teacher, he just stares outside the window watching some students having their gym class. He closes his eyes and opens them after a while, and his eyes grow bigger to see a different scenario, it was a small town with a big fountain in the middle, and people are walking around carrying baskets or a sack and the second he blinks it was the school grounds again.

"Hey Elly let's have lunch, the teacher is not going to come anyway." June happily pulls his arm and runs out of the room.

During lunch, he is spacing out because of the unusual event earlier by the window, which was unbelievably impossible.

"Hey Elly what's up with you today?" his thought was cut off by June flicking his forehead.

Elly groan and rub his forehead. "Dude that hurts."

Alex is taking a bite out of his burger and then speaks up. "You seem to be spacing out a lot today." He took another bite and continue talking. "That's so not like you."

Elly take a sip out of his juice box and sigh. His mind is playing tricks with him, he didn't answer back instead he looks around the cafeteria, there are only a few students around having lunch and chatting away their lunchtime in the cafeteria.

Every first period of the afternoon class the soccer team is permitted to practice until the second period. There are only three girls on the team and one of them is Shaine. Elly dribble the ball and was about to goal when his surrounding is a whole new place again, he was in the middle of a stone path with a big gate ahead of him, and he started to panic and run leaving the ball behind. His eyes are shut and the minute he opens it he crashes into one of their teammates.

He stare at the sky feeling a bit relieved that everything is back to normal, blood slowly slip out of his nose and he can feel a bit of stinging inside his nostril, it got worse when he began to feel dizzy along with his vision getting blurry.

They were both sent to the infirmary for them to rest from the impact. Elly stare at the white-painted ceiling before groaning and holding his head.

'What the hell is wrong with me today?'

He rests his head on the soft pillow and closes his eyes, remembering what happens whenever he relaxes and shut his eyes, instantly he opens his eyes to find himself somewhere he doesn't know. His on a small hill that can foresee the small town from earlier, his head is resting on a big root out of the ground.


In a blink of an eye he is back in the infirmary, the voice that called him was Shaine by the door along with Abby who is wearing an apron from her home economics class.

The two walk up to his bed both with worried looks.

"Sorry I didn't come earlier, coach talked with me for a few minutes," Shaine said with a small smile.

Abby settle down on Elly's left side of the bed, a small smile creeps to her small lips along with a chuckle, her hand dig up something inside her apron pocket and pull out a small plastic bag with a pink ribbon, inside it are fresh baked chocolate chip cookies.

She gently hands it to Elly with her cute smile. "Something to make you feel better." she stands up and starts to walk to the door, before closing the door behind her she looks back and smiles once more. "I got to get to class, see you guys later."

Shaine then stands up and smiles at Elly. "I need to finish practice before my next class starts, I'll check up on you after," she said earning a nod as a response.

He is left alone in the infirmary, the guy he bumped into was sent home due to almost losing his conscience. The crunch of each bite he takes from the cookies is all that makes a noise inside the small room.

He let out a chuckle, "How sweet," he said string down on the cookie.