" Sorry, Officer Ying Jie!"
At this moment, Ying Jie and the princess are in an occupied room in the palace.
" Why are you apologizing to me, your highness?" He inquired.
" I'm apologizing for------ You know, regarding your sister---- What I did------"
The princess was very nervous as she talked with the officer.
Ying Jie finally understood where she was coming from.
" I know what you're talking about. Don't worry about it, your highness! I'm not mad at you". Ying Jie said with a composed face.
" You're lying, Officer Ying Jie! You were against the idea of me revealing the truth to her. How can you say so compulsory that you're not angry at me? I don't believe you, Officer Ying Jie!" Said the princess in a straightforward tone.