Chereads / My Lucky / Chapter 39 - Chapter 38

Chapter 39 - Chapter 38

The large room was greatly lit up.

The different creatures seated around the large table in the room were whispering amongst themselves in low tones.

The creature sitting at one end of the table had human arms and chest, it's head was that of a phoenix. It cleared it's throat causing the rest of the other creatures to keep quiet.

They turned to look at him.

"Ferlio is almost waking up. What do we do?". One of them asked, looking hopefully at the creature sitting at the end of the table.

"Gregory's Phoenix has been asleep for so long. I'm afraid only we can solve this problem out. Gregory is not fit for the task". Another said, giving out an exasperated sigh and a slight shake of the head.

"Roma and her sister Mirida promised that they have the situation under control". Another piped in.

"Seriously, are we going to trust these witches?. Only the gods know what they are up to. I say we shouldn't trust them nor believe a word that comes out of their mouths". Another commented.

"Jade Being tell us what you think about this". They all said in unison to the being, seated at the far end of the table.

"I've heard you". Boomed his voice in the room. "Gregory's phoenix is very different from the rest that has been seen in his clan and past generation".

They all nodded in agreement and the Jade Being took it as a chance to continue.

"He is a golden fiery red Phoenix. We all know that also do the members of his clan. What they don't know is, his phoenix is actually the strongest and most powerful. Gregory is simply the best version of the golden fiery red Phoenix that has ever been borne in the world". He paused and looked at them. "I trust that Gregory will be able to defeat Ferlio. Even if he won't kill him now, I'm sure that he'll weaken him".

"But we need Ferlio dead not just weakened". One of the council members protested.

"Then you can go and kill Ferlio yourself since you seem so fit for the job". Another replied sarcastically.

"Humans make mistakes but the gods don't. If this is how things are to turn out, then who are we to go against them?. All I'm saying is, we should let things flow by themselves. Let fate take it's course". Jade Being said. "Gregory's Phoenix is not only a fiery one but burning with such inner energy that has never been seen before. I have a great feeling that his Phoenix will be rising soon from it's sleep".

"That means he needs a trainer. Someone to guide him, teach him and all that". Another said. He was half human and half tiger.

"Yes. I suggest the cloud fire dragon to be his master". Another suggested. She was a werewolf.

The others nodded in agreement.

"Now, about the chaos in the world. There are a lot of cases brought in every day. The world is falling apart and we can't solve it all on our own. That's where Gregory comes in again. Moreover, a good leader needs a good team. Any suggestions about whom his team members should be?". The Jade Being asked.

"I agree Gregory needs a team. I recommend Ambrose from the SeaWing clan, she is going to be the next chief in her clan after all, so, going on these missions will be highly educative for her in the future". The werewolf lady suggested.

"I recommend Patrick from the NightWing clan. He's older, he's best for these missions. He's more skilled both in martial arts and knowledge. He can be an advisor and also a warrior in the team". Another suggested and they all nodded in agreement.

"I recommend Dzarma. He's well known for his archery skills in the SeaWing clan. He'll be very useful in this mission. Please Jade Being take it into consideration". Another urged with a slight bow of the head.

"I recommend Rufus". Another being, a blue werewolf said.

Everyone turned and looked at him.

"He's no longer a supernatural. Why him?". The werewolf lady asked.

"This is a supernatural council. We are planning this team so as to protect the humans. Every clan has a human so why not have a human in Gregory's team?. Besides, Rufus isn't completely useless he knows a thing or two about our world plus he's a warrior though not as professional as Gregory. I still believe that he'll be of use in this mission". The blue werewolf explained.

"Okay. I've heard what you've all said. I shall take the list of names to the Phoenix gods for consideration. Moreover if you have any other person who you want to be in Gregory's team, add him or her now". The Jade Being instructed.

"Gregory's team should be unshakeable. It should be strong but I'm afraid with Gregory's smartness, what we've worked so hard to hide from the world will be revealed". The half human, half tiger said, voice laced with worry and concern.

"We can't kill him. We need him". The blue werewolf commented.

"We can silence him in other ways. Money and power are what everyone in the world below are after. If he comes across any of our secrets, I'm sure these two things will be enough to silence him". The Jade being suggested.

The others nodded in agreement.

Bribing the younger Phoenix was the only best option he had in mind.

'If he happens to get across such secrets, he'll be strong just like us but it'll be to our advantage if we want to fight against chaos then, he'll be a very good weapon for us all. Moreover I should try my best to keep our secrets hidden. What the council knows should remain here not spread into the world'. The Jade Being thought to himself.

"As for now, make sure the cloud fire dragon is aware of Lucky's situation. With or without his Phoenix, the missions must be done". He added as he stood up on his feet.

"Dismissed". He added then left.

The other beings left one by one as well.


"How are you feeling today?". Dzarma asked as he looked at Rufus who was half asleep on the couch.

"Sleepy and hungry. I could eat a whole shark by myself". Rufus replied and gave out a yawn. He had a blanket around him and he didn't bother to cover up his mouth while yawning.

"Pfft having seen your appetite yesterday, I believe you can finish that whole shark by yourself. Anyways, I don't have a large pot that could fit a shark for me to be able to cook it". Dzarma replied.

"We'll roast it outside". Rufus suggested, rubbing his eyes so as to get rid of the sleep he felt.

"Go freshen up and brush your teeth. You stink". Dzarma commented as he stood up from the dining table he had been sitting on.

"As for me, I'll be in kitchen cooking your shark". Dzarma added sarcastically while walking to the kitchen.

He lived alone though he was also sixteen. He liked it that way. He had many siblings; four sisters and six brothers.. living alone was the best option and his parents weren't against it as long as he took his classes and stayed away from trouble. His parents sent him monthly allowances to cater for his needs though he didn't live that far off from the main mansion where the clan lived. He was happy this way. Alone.

"It's not my fault that you have a super nose. If you were human like me, I'm sure you wouldn't be saying I stink". Rufus protested.

"I heard that loud and clear Rufus. I heard that".

"I better go and freshen up". Rufus muttered more to himself, standing up and dragging himself to the bathroom.

'Before you say I stink again'. He thought as he opened the door to the bathroom and got in.

He looked at his reflection on the mirror above the sink.

Images of the previous night's nightmare flashed in his mind. It troubled him such that he hadn't been able to sleep well again after the nightmare and yet he was afraid.

He was afraid that the nightmare would come to pass.

He was afraid of Lucky getting hurt.

He was afraid of himself.

He was afraid of himself getting hurt. He didn't want any other pain in his life. It was too much to bear.

He was afraid of him hurting Lucky.

Rufus looked away from his reflection as tears streamed down his cheeks.

This was not what he had pictured his future self being. He had never imagined himself being weak and defenseless in any way especially thus current situation he was in. He had no Phoenix and it was hard.

His reflection was a constant reminder of what he was now and he hated himself. He didn't even want to look at it anymore, he quickly grabbed the club Dzarma had kept under the sink and with a shout, he hit the mirror several times causing it to break with a loud crack and several broken pieces of glasses bounced on his direction before falling on the floor at his feet.

He fell on the floor on his knees, the glasses cutting through his flesh but he didn't mind the pain.

The pain he felt in his insides was greater than the pain caused by the glasses.

Rufus couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks. He was powerless now and there was no way he was going to protect Lucky from the incoming danger.

He now had one option, to run and not to look back whatsoever what. He wouldn't mind being called a coward but what would he do to protect Lucky.. his family and the whole pack in particular?.


He had made his decision and there was no going back.