Chereads / The Ugly Duckling [GL] / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Nao asked if I was alright and I looked up to her. The sun had been behind her which had made her silky brown hair stand out more than it usually did.

Her soft smile had made me feel weirdly at ease. I snapped out of the trance caused by her beauty and replied " yeah, you save me just in time. Do you know that girl?" I looked at the girl being pulled out of the bushes by Lana.

Nao who had looked away said "n-no I don't know her". I caught a glimpse of Nao's awkward smile but before I could reply the girl pushed herself out the bushes and went up to Nao "What your abandoning me after all I've done for you…" she said with puppy eyes which made Nao back away and turn her head to the side even more than it already had been.

"So do you know her?" I said almost about to laugh at the scene I was seeing. Lana walked up to the girl "you have a lot of scratches you should go to the infirmary" Lana said in concerned tone.

"Nah I've had worse, so I'll be fine" she said confidently. Nao who had turned back around touched one of the scratches on her face and the girl screeched " AAA-OWWW WHAT WAS THAT FOR NAO?!?". Completely ignoring her Nao replied to me " This is Mika my "precious" friend" she said nonchalantly.

Lana grabbed Mika's hand and said "we are going to the infirmary follow me" dragging Mika behind. I shouted to Lana "we are going to eat at that inner garden meet us there!", Lana did not turn back but raised her thumb up.

"A garden?" asked Nao. "Yeah it's really pretty but it might be really crowded." I replied.

"I don't think it will since I haven't even heard of it before." said Nao. We walked over to my dorm and made a lot of lefts and rights until we arrived. "I think you might be right getting here felt like going through a maze" I said tiredly.

"Are you good with directions, how did you even know the exact route?", Nao asked curiously.

"I've had a really good sense of direction since I was little" I said awkwardly.

"It's the exact opposite for me, I can be er find anything unless I have a map on hand" Nao said trying to get rid of the tense air.

When we arrived I texted Lana that we would be in the upper part of the garden. The garden was well overgrow, with light shining in making the leaves and flowers shine. Due to the overgrowth, there had been many secret "rooms" made with walls of grass. To get up to the upper part of the garden a big tree house you had to climb a ladder.

The ladder had vines covered all over it so Nao offered to go up first to check if was safe. While she was climbing, Raida, the dog, came up so I picked him up and started to pet him while Nao had been figuring out how to climb up the ladder.

Nao had eventually made it up so I put Raida down and started to climb the ladder as well. "Need help?" Nao said letting her hand down with a warm grin. I who had fell into a trance lost grip on the ladder and started to fall.

Nao reached down just in time grabbed my hand and pulled me up. BAM, before I knew it I had been on top of Nao looking down at her red face from using her strength to pull me up. We stayed like that for a few moments until Nao asked" I'm could you please get of of me" she said covering her face with one hand.

"Ah sorry!" I quickly got up."Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." she said slowly getting up.

After we both calmed down we looked around. Although the ladder hadn't been maintained the inside had polished wood which glimmered from the sun shining in. The place had given a nice warm and cozy feeling which had a calming effect to it.

There had been a doorway leading somewhere, so I got up and walked over. I went further in and the pathway had stairs leading down.

"WAIT, the ladder wasn't the only way in here!" I said. Nao came over and had also gotten surprised by the fact that there was another entrance.

" So we didn't have to risk of live climbing that ladder?" Nao sighed her face still a little red.

"We should tell Lana that there's another passage" I said getting out my phone.

"No need" Nao interrupted.