Chereads / The Devil’s Deal / Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

The Devil’s Deal

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Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

Forget everything that is assumed about the Devil and Hell. Those preconceptions will not serve well for this story.

For this tale is of complex things like love and sin.

This is no theological debate, for there are no windows into mortal's hearts.

In the interest of the story, let's explore what happens when the Devil decides to make a deal for himself. Not in the pragmatic "collecting souls" sense, but in the way of thinking he's made out on the better end of the deal just to find that he is the one questioning the negotiated terms.

This story begins in a bustling Victorian city. The Industrial Revolution was in full swing, with new inventions and discoveries fueling the human condition. However, despite these advancements, some old values remain, especially when it came to the women of that time. In a row of shops with apartments above them was the Tea Child's Floral Shop, breaking up the muted tones of the lively streets with vibrant colors in the window. The modest storefront had no grand advertisements out front and only a simple sign hanging outside of the entrance. She balanced herself carefully on the ladder as she adjusted one of the hanging plants in the window, rotating it to give the side that was in shade more sun.

"Be careful, Akane!" croaked one of the shop girls, with long green hair, pulled back in a low bow-like ponytail and dark eyes,"You don't want to fall."

"I'm fine,Misaki, but thank you." Akane replied, smiling reassuringly as she slid down the ladder before moving it out of the way. Akane Tanaka was a twenty-year-old florist in the central part of the city, who helped run her family's small shop. While she didn't consider herself a remarkable beauty, Akane had soft features, a curvy figure with a round face, naturally rosy cheeks, and bright chestnut colored eyes. She swept back a piece of her sienna colored hair behind her earlobe, just to have it fall out again as she moved about the floor, tending to the plants and flowers as she passed. "I really appreciate you guys helping me today."

"Of course," replied her friend, with asymmetrical dark violet hair and coal black eyes, who was watering some of the flowers on the opposite side of the room, "You know if you need help to just let us know."

"I appreciate that Akira ," Akane wiped her hands on her apron as she took two potted orchids over to the counter. Her pink bustle dress was spotted with dirt and pollen, but she didn't seem to mind or make an effort to remove the marks. Her reddish-brown boots were high enough to make her dark gray leggings barely visible, keeping her modesty intact, even as she went about the room, climbing and reaching for plants and flowers as she did, "With Papa sick and Mama taking care of him, I'm kind of on my own down here. I feel awful though because we can't pay you for your time."

From the back room came a tall girl, with flowing ebony hair and dark gray eyes, smiling kindly as she brought some bouquets over to the register, "Oh hush, Akane, it's not like we have anything else to do."

"You could've been a nurse or secretary, Azumi Sasaki, but not all of us can snag husbands who make five thousand a year." Akane chided softly, taking her hands and digging them into the potted plant she stood before to turn the soil.

"Or as handsome," stated the girl in the light blue dress, "I'm so jealous you're marrying Hiroshi Hashimoto, Azumi!"

Azumi blushed lightly as she held a hand to her warmed cheek, "Oh, please, Kaida, it's not like marrying one of the Ojiro sons is going to make you a pauper."

Kaida huffed, leaning her elbow against the counter as she rested her palm in her hand, "Yes, but Kiyoshi is no Hiroshi."

"Girls!" Akira shouted, her eyes daring to Akane, who had grown quiet and begun arranging some of the flowers in one of the side displays in a different fashion.

Kaida clasped her hands over her mouth as Azumi bit her bottom lip, "W-we're sorry, Akane."

Akane turned around, her grin bright as she moved to the sink to refill her watering can, "For what? I'm just happy you two have booked the shop for your weddings. It'll be a big help to my family. I can't wait to design your bouquets!"

"Yeah but--" Misaki began, cutting herself off as she saw her friends shaking their heads and gesturing to stop speaking.

The brunette peered at her friends with a perplexed expression, "You're not seriously worried about me because I'm not married yet are you?"

"No!" The girls cried in unison, their postures straightening immensely as they did.

Akira sighed, leaning against the wall, "You know… it's been a few years since your engagement fell through. Don't you want to get back out there?"

Akane face fell for a brief moment before she began to smile once more, shaking her head as she did, "No, it's fine… besides, I have you ladies to keep me company and Haru is a nice companion, don't you think?"

"Haru Matsui?" Kaida clamored, leaning forward with a wide grin, "So the famous scholar has stolen our Akane's heart?!"

Her face flushed hot pink as Akane waved her hand in a dismissive fashion, "N-no! That's not it at all! We've been friends since we were children! I'm just saying if there's ever a social gathering he's always willing to escort me or be my chaperone!"

"Is that it?" Akira asked, skeptically, pressing her lips together to hide a smile.

Azumi rolled her eyes playfully, putting her hands on her dark red skirt as she approached Akane, "Akane, how long are you going to hope he takes a hint?"

Akane's mouth turned up in an embarrassed grin, twitching slightly as she did, "I'm sure I don't know what you mean, Azumi. Haru and I are just friends and we have been for forever. It's not like I'm waiting around hoping he proposes or anything like that. I'm sure he thinks of me more as a sister than a possible wife."

Akira drummed her fingertips on the counter as she leaned with Kaida, her expression jeering, "Yet you wrote him every week while he's been away from here at Oxford. Did he ever write you back?"

Akane huffed, rolling her eyes as she turned her attention back to the plants in front of her, "He wrote back several times. Each time he signed it 'Yours Sincerely', which doesn't mean anything."

"That is a rather drab signature," Kaida mused, "Not very romantic for a man who keeps up letters with a woman who is 'just a friend'."

"Exactly!" Akane commented, gesturing to Kaida as she did, "That's my point! It's nothing. But he should be back any day now. I believe he said his ship should make port between yesterday and next Sunday, depending on the seas."

"Speaking of Haru," Misaki mentioned, nodding to the door as a carriage rolled up out front. Immediately, Akane recognized the mahogany coach as Haru's , feeling her heart begin to leap in her chest. When she saw her friend step out of the cab, she let out a small sigh as her lips formed into an endearing smile. He was wearing his trademark burnt ochre colored suit with darker lines that accented his lean muscular figure, with a tan vest and deep sea green cotton puff tie. From his coat pocket hung the chain of the gold watch his father had left him, which Akane found sentimental that he always had it on him. Haru waved to her before turning back into the coach. As he did, Akane ran to the other side of the room and frantically washed her hands and splashed water on her face to remove the soil marks. Her friends watched with quiet giggles as she moved to the mirror, checking her hair before dashing back over to the front of the store.

Haru walked into the shop, grinning warmly as he extended his arms out, "Akane!"

"Haru!" Akane cried happily, throwing her arms around his neck as he picked her up and spun her around, "It's been so long! How was Oxford?"

"The libraries are unparalleled," Haru declared, "It's so good to see you, Akane."

Akane nodded in agreement, unable to wipe the joy from her face at seeing him, "Did you get my letters?"

"Every one of them," Haru assured, taking her hands into his, "Akane, I actually have something to ask you."

Akane's eyes began to widen as she felt her heart begin to leap into her throat, "A-ask me?"

Haru nodded, his expression softened as he brought her hands up, clasping them gently, "Yes, something I've been longing to ask you for a while."

The girls in the shop began to whisper in anticipation, leaning in to hear the pair better as they pretended to work around the flowers and plants.

"A-anything," Akane replied, breathlessly, gripping Haru's hands back, "You can ask me anything, Haru… you know that right…?"

Haru pursed his lips together, his gaze trailing to the floor as he seemed to sway slightly, with-holding a smile as he did, "Akane… will you… will you do me the honor of being…"

At that moment, Akane's anticipation got the better of her and she blurted out as he finished his sentence, "Yes!"

"My florist for my wedding?"

Akane jerked in surprise as her mouth gaped open, "Wedding?" her voice squeaked. At that moment, the most beautiful woman Akane had ever seen in her life walked into the shop. She was elegant, with porcelain skin, flowing golden hair tied back with an ultramarine satin bow, and sky blue eyes that glistened affectionately at Haru. She wore a fine dark navy satin dress, with gold embroidery on the puffs of the sleeves, and white underskirt embroidered at the bottom with the same colored thread as her top. Her high boots with their black heels and white covers were stylish and clean. Akane felt her stomach drop as she realized who the woman was to Haru, "Haru, my love, this place is beautiful, just like you said!"

Akane's gaze examined the blonde, who was slightly taller than Haru. Haru turned, smiling while blushing as he led Akane by the hand over to her, "Isabella, this is Akane Tanaka."

Isabella looked at Akane with endearment, walking over and clasping her hands as she kissed each of her cheeks, "Akane! Haru has told me all about you! I feel as though we are friends already."

"You're… American." was the only phrase that came to Akane's mind. As she turned back to Haru, Akane looked past him to her friends, who were as visible in shocked as she felt internally.

Isabella blinked, slightly confused by the commented, before she smiled and nodded in affirmation, "Yes, my father was having a residency at the University and I met Haru while presenting at one of the display fairs there. My father and I are well-known inventors back home, my name is Isabella Smith."

"Smith?!" exclaimed Azumi , "As in 'Smith Enterprises'?!"

"Yes," Isabella perked up, smiling brightly, "You know of our company?"

Azumi smiled, coming over and approaching the three, "Y-yes! Your company has been responsible for some of the most impressive innovations in the last decade! Not only with technology but with medicine as well!"

Akane still stood, the chill of reality slowly seeping into her consciousness as she forced a smile, "It sounds like you two really hit it off then."

"Akane," Isabella began, taking her hands again, "Please, you must agree to do our flowers for the wedding. Haru has spoken about nothing but you and your talents. Now that I've seen the beautiful blooms in your shop, I beg of you!"

"O-Of course," Akane replied, forcing her face to stay full of glee, "I'm so happy for you, Haru."

Isabella giggled, hugging Akane before turning back and taking Haru's arm, "I hope you don't mind. We'd like to keep the budget around five hundred to a thousand if possible."

Akane's jaw dropped as her eyes went wide again, "Five hundred to a thousand?! I don't know if I have enough flowers."

"You're the most clever woman I know," Haru insisted, clasping Isabella's hand on his arm, "I know you'll help our dream be realized."

Akane nodded, her walk slightly clumsy as she headed for the back room, "Give me… just a moment and I'll get the paperwork for the order."

The girls were silent as she went past them, except Misaki, who quietly whispered as she passed, "Akane…? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." Akane insisted sweetly, walking into the back room and closed the door behind her. As she moved over to the writing desk to gather her paperwork, Akane felt her knees grow weak, gripping the desk hard to catch herself. Unwillingly, tears began to fall from her eyes, causing her to sob quietly. There was no reason she was as upset as she was. After all, it wasn't like she had ever told Haru of her feelings, nor had he ever expressed any direct interest in her. Somehow, she found herself realizing that she had secretly hoped they would end up together. But as she trembled, gathering the contracts together and began to scribble on the blank lines 'Haru Matsui and Isabella Smith', she felt her heart break within her chest. Akane took a few slow breaths before she whispered to herself, "Never again…"