Chereads / Phantom trooper / Chapter 25 - Arc 1-Chapter 17 (The bigger the problem the bigger the explosion)

Chapter 25 - Arc 1-Chapter 17 (The bigger the problem the bigger the explosion)

12th of May, 2011

C17 *Sandman*, above Iraq

Jeff:"ETA 10 minutes!"

Franklin:"Alright. Let's go over the plan one more time. We are landing here. It's a joint military outpost comprised of American, Russian and British troops. Right now, they're waiting for us. Once we get there, they'll mobilise and head to this place. This is an abandoned railroad station that ISIS took during the crisis. After our execution of during our first mission, the other large figure heads have decided to take shelter there. And for good reason. It's their largest installation in Iraq. Since the deaths of the aforementioned heads, the ISIS troops have been massing in there. Today, another one comes in. They're running out of room and are desperate to make a new plan of action. Our forces will be stationed five klicks from the base and wait for our signal."

Carla:"The bigass cloud of smoke."

Franklin:"That's right. Our mission is to infiltrate the base and take out the mortars, armouries and AA guns. In that order. Once we do this, they'll be handicapped and disoriented so our troops can move in. Secondary objective is taking out the heads. That's where you come in Yuri."

Yuri looks at Franklin.

Franklin:"I hate to admit it but you're the best killer we got. Once you plant the charges in the armouries, move into the main building and wait till I blow them. Got it?"


Franklin:"Good. I'll take care of the AA guns and Takeshi will take care of the mortars. Once that's done, I want Takeshi to work his magic and disable their comms."

Takeshi:"Got it."

Franklin:"Lastly, Carla and Victoria are the cover team. Carla will use the confusion to take out the snipers and work her way down based on threat level."

Carla:"Sure thing." She pops a bubble.

Franklin:"Ok. Let's do this."


(One hour later)

After the plane landed, the team got ready for departure. They met up with the American, Russian and British officers who were in charge of the assault. They were stationed where they were supposed to and waited.

Carla and Victoria were 1,5km away from the base and watching over everything. Franklin, Takeshi and Yuri were disguised as terrorists. They used the confusion to enter the base unsuspected.

Franklin:"Alright. You know the plan."

They separated. There were four armouries, four mortars and four AA guns. All symmetrically positioned. They had to move in unsuspectingly. There were few buildings in the base strangely enough, so if they were caught they couldn't take cover easily.

But the danger comes with the job.


(Franklin's POV)

I walked over to the first AA gun. I look around it and place my charge. No one suspects a thing.

I walk over to the second one. On the way I see other troops. They were doing their drills and preparing to fight. Seems like they learned their lesson after last time.

After waiting for a few jeeps to pass I spot the second AA gun. I greet the man operating it and show something behind him. A few gestures later he was distracted just enough so I could place my charge.

I wave him off and leave. I pass by Yuri who was no doubt going to his next armoury. We nodded and continued.

The next AA gun was in sight. There was a sniper watching the inside though. I couldn't let him spot so I click my radio:"Longshot do you hear me? Over."

Carla:I hear you TNT. What do you need? Over."

Franklin:"I need you to take out the sniper near the third AA gun."

Carla:Copy that, stand by."

After a few seconds I see the sniper fall. This was good and bad. A threat was down but now we need to move faster.

Franklin:"Thanks Longshot. Over and out."

Carla:"Any time."

I place my third charge and head to the last one. When I got there I saw a few men around it. This was a problem.

I pulled out a coin and threw it next to them. One picked it up but the other went for it too. As they were fighting I place my last charge and leave.

After a few minutes I reach the gate call in the team:"All charges set, TNT in position."

Takeshi:"All charges set, heading to designated position."

Yuri:"All charges set, heading to designated position."

Now, I have to wait and pray.


(Takeshi's POV)

After I placed my last charge I went behind a building which looked like small sleeping quarters. I take out my tablet and start picking up their signals. Once I got them, all I had to do is press a button and the whole thing is jammed.

Takeshi:"Techno in position."

Ok Yuri. Your turn.


(Yuri's POV)

I placed my last charge and went to my position. I waited next to the door of the main building. It had three floors including the bottom one. All I had to do, was kill everyone in it.

Judging by the size, I'd say around ten men per floor. Shouldn't be a problem.

Yuri:"Reaper in position."

Franklin:"Blowing the charges in 3...2...1"


The explosives went off. Clouds of smoke appeared in the sky. The assault was on its way. And it was my turn.

One man came out the door and saw me. I shot him and threw a grenade inside.

The grenade exploded and I went it. I shot every man I saw. Some tried to shoot back, but all in vain.

Bottom floor down. I heard footsteps coming so I fired my grenade launcher onto the stairs, killing several men.

Since it was close quarters, I pulled out my shotgun. One by one the enemies fell. I stood behind some cover to reload and threw a grenade to kill the men approaching.

Second floor down. Shotgun reloaded. Time to finish this.

I went up to the third floor. There was one door and I assumed it was the meeting room behind it.



Third POV

The assault was under way. Joint forces came with Abrams tanks, T-90s and Challengers, along with armed carriers and soon to join Apaches and Mi24s.

Franklin opened the gate and started shooting with his M249. After killing several men he took higher ground.

Takeshi killed people in between buildings using his HOWA type 89 spec ops. He already killed their comms so it was harder for them to coordinate.

Carla was doing what she does best. Once she took out the snipers she started killing the men who went towards the armed and armoured vehicles and mounted guns.

(Inside the building)

The one terrorist that was in the room with the five heads slowly went towards the door. He reached for the door knob.


His head was blown of. His body dropped. Yuri kicked down the door and killed one of the heads. Then another and another. One of them ran towards Yuri, but Yuri hit him in the head with the stock of the shotgun and shot him on the ground.

The last one fell to his knees. He started shouting in Arabic:"Please! Please don't shoot me! I beg of you. I'll turn myself in. You can take me. Please don't shoot me." Tears of fear fell from his eyes.

Yuri slowly walked towards him. He didn't understand much, but he learned one line for this occasion:"I won't shoot you. Men get shot. Animals that wait their own death, get gutted.

He slits his throat and leaves the building. As he leaves the building,  group of terrorists shows up and aim at Yuri. Yuri gets ready but the terrorists get moved down by Franklin.

Franklin:"You ok?!"

Yuri hesitates for a bit:"I am!"

Franklin:"The targets?!"


Franklin:"Good! Let's finish this!"

The two start shooting. As they moved together, they were like an unstoppable force. Men were dropping left and right. No one stood a chance.


(Three hours later)

After the assault force showed up the base was cleared in a few of hours. Kill team Nemesis regrouped and reported back to the commanding officers.

Inside their tent they waited for their transport. Yuri walked in and stood in front of Franklin. There was an inch of space between them. They stared each other in the eyes.

Victoria:"Hey not aga-"

Yuri pointed his finger at her while looking at Franklin.

Yuri:"I've never said this before to anyone. Thank you."

This was a shocker. A big one. Yuri the Reaper, the man who was better than all the others combined, said thank you.

Franklin:"For what?"

Yuri:"I am uncertain if I could have killed those men in that situation and come out unscathed. For that, I thank you."

Franklin smiled. Along with the others.

Yuri:"However. You used seven bullets more than you needed to. For that you lose points."

Franklin:"Oh c'mon! I use a machine gun!"

Yuri:"That is no excuse. Seven bullets means seven men who you potentially did not kill."

Carla:"You really know how to ruin a moment, don't you?"

The others laughed. This was the start of something new.

End of chapter 17

Thank you for reading.

Hope you appreciate the shorter chapters.