Chapter 346: Help!
"Help!" A woman's voice screamed from the tree line in the Gaohen language as Haru no longer felt any pain in his body. He looked around for a few moments with sweat dripping from his head as he turned back to Hong Xia who was still laying on the ground with a worried look on her face.
"Help! Somebody, please help!" The voice screamed out again as Haru locked eyes with Hong Xia before she nodded silently although she didn't understand what was said it was clear to her that whoever it was was in danger.
Haru put his hand out towards her and held up his index finger, signalling that he would only be gone for a minute as he ventured deeper into the forest to look for the source of the voice.
The trees grew thicker and until Haru had to squeeze between the trees to follow the source. But it soon opened up again as he walked towards a clearing where the commotion seemed to be coming from.