[ I know yall probably hate me by now, but uh HEY HAVE ANOTHER NON CANNON TO MY STORY CHAPTER. No chapter next week due to holidays. ANYWAY enjoy me being an idiot because NO ONE APPRECIATES MONOMA AND AOYAMA - Insomniaddict 😔 ]
Birdboy - Hiro
RipoffBirdboy - Tokoyami
Braindead - Shinsou
PikaPika - Kaminari
AcidBitch - Mina
AcidBitch: Who is one of the most attractive people in class but you never expected to be attracted to
Braindead: Sorry I can't answer this question due to the fact that idgaf
PikaPika: Uhhhh probably Uraraka. Like no offense to her but I usually go for the more edgy people
RipoffBirdboy: Hakagure. Due to the fact that I can't see her yet still find her attractive.
AcidBitch: You can't escape this Hiro!
BirdBoy: Fuck offfff
AcidBitch: A N S W E R
BirdBoy: I have 3 answers.
AcidBitch: OOoOOOO
BirdBoy: Aoyama, Monoma and then Uraraka
AcidBitch: Why them?
BirdBoy: You guys are soooo annoying
BirdBoy: Because Monoma, despite being feral. Is actually a good guy. Aoyama's weird personality traits do be kinda cute tho and then same reason as Kaminari for Uraraka.
PikaPika: Wait- Wtf is ur sexual orientation?
BirdBoy: 😐
-BirdBoy is Offline-
Braindead: Surprised he actually answered Mina's question.
-Braindead is Offline-