Hiro Oiseau was 5 when his parents died and he was sent to live with his aunt. Since then life decided to make his life a living hell. Hiro's aunt was rarely home to feed him and when she was home she would hit him. Not to mention the bullying in his new school because he decided to play the legal game and y'know not use his quirk in public.The poor boy just wants a silent life. Lets show you what a day in hell is like yeah?
Hiro: "Aunty Giro may I have food?" Hiro asks quietly.
Giro: "No! The school told me you were causing trouble again!" She smacks him and then goes off about him 'ripping up his homework'.
Hiro just stares at the floor, which sets off the old lady even more and she starts hitting him repeatedly. After she was done with her tempertantrum she sends him to his room. At around Midnight Hiro snuck out through his window and walked to the beach to start flight practice. He jumped and started to flap his wings but it didn't work. Hiro then saw a bird take off and tried to replicate it and was able to get of the ground for a moment. After an hour more of practicing the white haired child finally went home.
This young boy's life went on like this for awhile and had a LOT of hospital trips. When he was 10 his aunt told him she'd only pay for his schooling and sent him off to live on the streets. Hiro usually slept on the beach or outside vents on the rainy days.
After 2 months of this he had a fateful encounter.
???: "Kid what are you doing out so late?" The reating bitch face hero asked.
Hiro just stared at the black haired stranger.
Eraser Head: "I am Eraser Head, let's get you to the police station." The bum hero tells him.
Hiro nodds and follows the hero. His aunt 'scolds him for running away' then takes him home and thanks the police.
Giro: "You just had to go to the police huh!?" the bitchy lady screams. "You are so useless! I can't believe my sister had a kid like you!" The bitch then throws a glass cup at the child and sends him to his room.
Hiro then sneaks out to practice flying again. At this point he can fly for 2 hours without tiring to much. His wing strength has grown extremely.
At school the next day.
His bullies usually took him to the back of the school and beat him till he cried. He actually had an extremely high pain tolerance so it took him awhile to cry. He also had extreme insomnia which he thinks is part of his quirk to draw life energy to heal stuff.
Hiro was 7 and he saw a purple haired boy who was hurt. So he walked up to him and put his hand over the injury he doesn't know why he did this but then the injury healed and the purple boy thanked him while calling him cool.
He didn't know much about it but he knew the life energy came from plants and people. He doesn't know why some people's life energy feels more or lesser than others. He theorized from taking his own into account it, that it might differ from peoples will to live. Which is why he has so little, low life energy can cause insomnia or at least that's the only explanation for the white eyed boy's insomnia. His wings are also now 3 feet long and still growing.
At Home.
His aunt wasn't home so he assumed he could relax around the house but his aunt came back at 12 am. She saw Hiro on the couch and started screaming.
Giro: "HOW COME I HAVE TO WORK AND YOU GET TO LAZE AROUND! GET YOUR ASS UP FATTY!" The blue haired lady screeched and then grabbed his hair and dragged him across the house. He was screaming and begging for her to stop and saying it hurts but she only yanked harder and then she threw him down the steps of the house and dragged him across the concrete to the edge of the road and dropped him.
Hiro cried and started to get up. After a few minutes she threw a suitcase down the steps and slammed the door. Hiro sobbed and just sat at the road for awhile until the same hobo hero approached him again.
Eraser Head: "Hey kid wanna go report your mom with me?" he asked in a low voice.
Hiro said nothing but stood up and grabbed his suitcase.
Eraser Head: "Let's go kiddo." He said while grabbing Hiro's hand.
At the police station he reported what happened and was taken to Detective Tsukauchi.
Tsukauchi: "What is your name?" The human lie detector asks gently.
Hiro: "Hiro Oiseau." The white eyed boy said quietly.
Tsukauchi: "Can you tell me what happened today?" He asks.
Hiro says nothing.
Eraser Head: "We just want to get you in the foster system so you can go to a new home." The hero man says softly.
Hiro: "There is now way to ensure that will be better than living on the streets." The white haired boy whispered.
Eraser Head and Tsukauchi look at each other and realize this kid is pretty smart. Then Tsukauchi gets a phone call.
Tsukauchi: "Give me a moment." The detective said while answering.
A few minutes later the detective comes back.
Tsukauchi: "Would you like to live with a friend of mine?" The detective offered smiling.
Hiro: "I wanna meet him." He said skeptically.
Eraser Head: "Who?" The dry eyed man asks.
Tsukauchi: "Nezu." He shuddered.
Eraser Head stared at the detective.
Tsukauchi: "He is coming to the station right now." Tsukauchi told him.
20 minutes later a small rat, bear, dog thing walks into the office.
Nezu: "Hello, I am Nezu." Nezu introduces.