Chereads / The Beach in California / Chapter 9 - He used me

Chapter 9 - He used me



"Sam, it's me your mom"


"Meet me outside of your dorm"

"What?! you're here? doorbell...ring the doorbell"



I opened the door and when I saw my mom I hugged her tight

"Sam I can't breathe!" mom said

"Ah sorry... but how do you know where I live? I didn't tell you about this"

"I asked Alex, he's a good boy but are you his girlfriend? how did he know where you live?"

"ah, mom! he's not my boyfriend they went here yesterday morning Elle is the one who knows where I lived"

"oh is that so? but besides you can't be his girlfriend"

"Why not? I mean why?" I asked

"He already had a girlfriend, she lives in LA" mom replied

"What?! he didn't say anything about his girlfriend"

"maybe it's because you didn't ask"

"Was that necessary? I mean like do we have to ask?"

"I don't know Sam but are you not gonna let me in?" Mom asked

"Oh right, Come in!"

"So tell me, you have school today?"

"What?! It's Sunday there's no class on Sunday everybody knows that"

"Amber said yesterday you have school today remember?"

"What?! our adviser didn't say anything"

"Oh really? ask them"



"Oh, it's ringing!"

Tyler's POV



"Ty! do we have class today?"

"Nope! Why? it's Sunday so there's should be no classes today"

"Yeah I know but Amber said yesterday we have class"

"Maybe She has classes"

"Oh really?"

"Ask her"

"Thanks, Ty,"

"Welcome, Bye!"

Sam's POV




"Do we have classes today?"

"I have class, Why?"

"It's Sunday"

"I know but I and Elle have classes today, you don't have one?"

"No...I-I don't know, Mr. Qabin didn't say we have class on Sunday"


"No, we're not... We have a play on Friday"

"Oh really okay, and I gotta go I have class so I'll see you after the class bye, Sammy!"


"So do you have class?" Mom asked

"Nope? Amber said she and Elle have class today"

"I thought you're classmates"

"Oh yeah we are but we have this study group"

"Oh okay, then What do you want to eat?"

"just cereal"

"Nope, you just can't have cereals for breakfast so you'll have bacon and eggs okay?"

"I'm okay with cereal I usually have cereal on breakfast"

"What?! you only have cereals for breakfast?"

I nodded

"didn't I taught you how to cook?"

"I know but I'm lazy..."

I smiled

"How can you live when you're lazy?"

"I can eat at the cafeteria"


"It saves time"

"Nah stop the chatting I'm gonna cook it"

"Okay, I can't say no when it comes to food"

"So that's why you're so fat?"

"Mom! I'm not that fat I'm only 100 pounds!"


I rolled my eyes while chuckling

"I'll be in my room!"


I went to my room and tidied up my bed

I can smell the bacon from there

I walked to my study table and opened my laptop... I did my research and made some script for our play this Friday



"Hi, Sam!"

"Kevin! how do you know my number?"

"I asked Shane, ah can I come over to your house?"

"My mom is here but what are you doing in my house?"

"Netflix and Chill?"

"And What are we gonna watch?"

"There's a lot of options but what genre do you like?"



"really? Name one if that's the genre you like"


"Ah, What?" I asked

"I don't know one"

"you think I can like you because we love the same genre?"

"Ah nope! I gotta go my mom is calling me"

"I don't hear anyone who called you"



I can feel that he lied, he thinks he can make me fall at him 'Cause he also loves Romantic-Comedy HAHAHA!

"Sam! breakfast is served!" Mom said

I quickly ran to the kitchen 'Cause of the sweet-savory aroma of the bacon

"Sam, slow down you might get tripped over the carpet" Mom said

"Sorry but the bacon smells so delicious!"

"Sam! that's just a bacon don't be too over!"

"Food is food Mom,"

"Whatever, let's eat"

"Mom, how about your flight? isn't today?"

"I lied to them, I said that I want to spend a long time here and make a false appointment with Cloe"

"Cloe? I didn't hear that name or meet her"

"You believed too?!"

"She's not real?"


"that's untrue"

"I know, right?"


Mom and I chatted about my life here and their life while I'm not with them



"What makes you so long on the phone?"

"Ah this Kevin called"

"Kevin? Who's that?"

"It's my classmate in our study group"

"Okay...Is he handsome?"


"What? I'm just asking"

"Yes, I mean kinda..."

"Is he good to you?"


"Sam, don't trust that man"


"He must be using you"

"What?! Using...Me?!"

"Maybe Sam, Maybe"

"No, he's not!"

"We don't know what that person doing to you, I mean you're doing good at school, you get high grades, lots of awards and medals"

"I know what you mean Mom, but I think he's not using me he's so kind to me"

"It's because he wants to be your friend then use you to get a high grade"

"You know Mom, let's not talk about this at the dining table"

"Oh yeah, you're right"

Tomorrow Morning

"Hi, guys!"


"Yep, it's me!"

"You got a haircut?"

"Isn't obvious Sam?" Elle said

"Why did you do that?"

"I liked this girl in our study group"

"Who?" I asked

"Regina Roberts"

"She's so beautiful," Amber said

"Yeah and she's so kind and smart!" Tyler said

"We all know we can't have a relationship here," I said

"Hello!" Elle said

"Oh yeah...Elle and Shane"

"So?" Alex asked

"I want to go hang out with her!" Tyler said

"I don't know what to say but as your friend, I will support you, Okay?" I said

"Thank you!"

"Good morning class, we don't have some topics to do and you all have a performance to do on Friday so, go to your study group so you can have yourself ready on Friday, Okay? Good luck!" Mr. Valderamma said

So because we don't want to waste our time chatting, We head directly to our rooms and talked about what are we gonna do on Friday, Well most of us are in a play so, Alex, Amber, Tyler, Elle, Shane and I can be together but we're gonna meet after 1 and a half hours to practice our play...

"Good morning, students! We have students from other groups that will join you today the solo, duo or group are not gonna happen, we already set groups for all of you" Mr. Qabin said

So it means I can have the play with them...

"Samantha and Kevin! you'll be in a duo, I don't know why but the principal picked you both"

Or, I don't think so...


"Sam! We're partners!"

"Yeah, I know..."

"Is there something wrong?" Kevin asked

"No, It's nothing, I'm fine!"

I looked everywhere to find a table for us but because we're so many that the room may blow up I can't find any seats for us until Mr. Qabin offered his table for us to sit then we started discussing our play

"Is it a love story?"


"What play are we gonna do?"

Tyler's POV

"Regina! Hi!"

"And you are?"

"Tyler Cohen your classmate last year"

"What! Tyler! You look good!"

"Thank you, I just wanna change!"

"You really look like the guy I used to date"

"Really?! Who?"

"Kevin Fallon"

"You dated him?"

"I thought I was dating him, then I found out his little game"

"Tell me"

"You really want to hear?"

"Yeah, he's having fun with Sam lately"

"Sam who?"

"Samantha Shay"

"Can you point her?"

"Ah...Oh! Here! There are at Mr. Qabin's table"

"She better stop hanging with that man"


"He's gonna make you love him then date you, partner you in any projects, use you and then after that...see yah!"

"The play is on Friday I gotta tell Sam about this"

"Yeah, you have to or else she'll end up crying and start regretting"

"Sam is smart enough to realize that Kevin is using her but still, I'm gonna tell her"

"Great decision, Tyler you're gonna save her and I gotta go, my team is looking for me"

"Ok, bye! and thank you!"

"Bye and you're welcome"

After talking with Regina I started looking for Sam but it seems this looking take forever! 'Cause, she's not on the table anymore...

At Sam's apartment

"What?! he's just using me?"

"Yes, that's what Regina said to me...and he does this to any other girls"

"So that explains why he's so very sweet to me...he even asked me to be his girlfriend"

"So what's your answer?" Alex asked

"I said no"

"you really need to say no, I have to be your boyfriend," Alex said



"So, are you still gonna do that play with Kevin?" Amber asked

"No way!"

"What are you gonna do?"

"Guys! You're gonna help write a play"

"Sure!" Amber said

"No problem!" Shane said

"Yeah esp-" Alex said

"Especially for you Sam" Elle imitating my mom with her British accent.

"Elle!" I said

"What? all people do that when you ask for help or something"

"We're not gonna waste time chatting here, let's do it," Amber said