Yitian opened the door, when some delivery rang downstairs, saying he had a package for him. Yitian ran downstairs and went outside. Still, in his old clothes that were a bit too small for him now, he looked hilarious. The delivery boy gave him a paper to sign and then came back from his car with a huge bouquet of colorful flowers.
"Who is it from?" Yitian asked the boy, surprised. He shrugged and closed the back doors of his car.
"There is a card there." He said and drove away with goodbyes. Yitian had an idea. Because he knew only a few people, but that idiot wouldn't do such a cliché thing would he? Yitian took the bouquet upstairs, he had a problem getting into the elevator. Such a huge bunch of flowers it was. When he finally got out of the elevator he almost bumped into his neighbor, because he couldn't see over the flowers.
"I'm so sorry," Yitian said and moved to the side as much as he needed.