

In the morning Mu Millie rose quickly she ran to her Nanna room she needed to see if she was still there without thinking she opened the door and the sight that could not be unseen greeted her, she shut the door quickly and cursed the self of her stupidity, then thought are tney still able to do these things at this age wow she and Mu Kai would be busy in their old age.

Then she chuckled at the thought of her grandchildren barging in as she did, she blush at remember the scene again, she ran back to her room bumping into a soft wall, just she bounces back it caught her and was smirking at her.

"So where did you disappear to the early morning I see you have a lot of energy to burn should help release some of it" without warning he carried her back to their room and placed her on the bed softly.

Then hovered over her making sure not to press on her stomach. He didn't give her a chance to speak as he kissed her until she lost control let him take over she didn't sort and let him have his way it was safe to have sex as long they didn't overdo it.

Mu Mille was tired to move after they finished their morning exercise, he picked her up and walks her over to the bathroom where they took a shower together after they were dressed Mu Millie frowned, she had a lot to do and this man had leisurely wasted her time his hands to be morning exercise as he called it.

Mu Kai asked," where did you so early morning" he looked over at the grumpy warrior and chuckled. She didn't look like that under him she was on top of the world calling his name in the most sexist way possible.

"I went to see grandma but they were doing their own exercise" she chuckled at what she remembered.

"Oh don't tell me barged in them doing it oh naughty women how could you" he chuckled as


"Oh don't laugh it wasn't funny but it was weird that they could have desire in their old age" she looked at Mu Kai as if asking a question.

There is no age for desire if you feel it real it then they are still humans with the same desires as us and they haven't seen each other in years so they had time to make up didn't they and you went and disturbed them" he laughed again.

" They probably didn't notice they were too busy" trying to console her self it would be rather embarrassing facing the latter today.

Mu Kai smirked" oh you better hope so it's gonna be so awkward later for you but don't worry I got you " he chuckled.

" Oh you" she pointed at him she know he was so enjoying this right now.

She stomped out of the room she was very hungry.

"Go directly to the kitchen bypassing all the rooms please I don't hear any complaints or I will have to punish you" he chuckled at his wifey antics, he was still laughing about her walking to the elder's room.

Mu Millie walked down while cursing under her breath, why did she tell him he is having fun with this all day.

She entered to find the kitchen staff already making breakfast they smiled and greeted there Mu Millie, she greeted them back, then asked what they made it was all her favourite she headed to the dining room where two beautiful angels sat patiently waiting for their food.

"Hello, Auntie are you for breakfast too," Mu Tai asked chuckling.

"Hello good morning did you two sleep well my angels," she said as she walked over and kissed both on the head then sat next to them.

Morning Auntie we slept very well in our new room daddy said it is ours and all the new toys are all ours we love it it's a lot better than our old house it was always cold" he stopped speaking.

"Oh" she knew they had a rough life like her so she understood eats they were telling her" I am happy you like your room and daddy told you both will be living here with us and we will be having lots of fun together right" Mu Millie chuckled.

Both kids smiled and dug into their breakfast, Nana walked into the dining room.

The kids were let from their seats and into her arms, they were so happy to see the person that had helped them all this time.

Nanna" hey little ones finally your home where you belong, do like this house I told you would love it here, and looked there so many people here that love you and you can learn to use your magic probably and make you stronger your Auntie will be teaching you everything" she smiled at her granddaughter.

"Hey Nanna morning" she didn't what eles to say considering what she saw this morning.

"Hey you sleep well sweetheart " she smiled. She knew she barged in, this morning but she didn't want to embarrass herself as well as her granddaughter.

" yeah Nanna slept well Nanna we need to head to the infirmary later I only manage to slow cancer I need to revise it too, it's caused a lot of damage that needs to be repaired in sis in law body" Mu Millie explained.

You have the body healing and repair herbs in your den after killing the cancers cell off she will need them immediately so it's best if we prepare them first then head to the rest" she smiled while she ate her breakfast.

Mu Taichung had woken up and headed to the infirmary he wants ed to see his Ex first to see how she was doing, he walked into see her awake sat up, she was still very pale and exhausted but at least she was breathing normally unlike yesterday, he hated himself for not following her when she left she wouldn't have suffered if he had, he was very guilty about being a prick back then.

" Hey," Seo Hangul said as she saw him walking to wards her.

"Hey back at you how are you feeling," he said with a chirpy smile. He didn't want to show he was upset and angry at himself she needed his best side and happy side to recover fully.

"What you all did yesterday I feel much better I haven't felt this good in months thanks" Seo Hangul smiled.

"Ah that you will have to thank my sister for that she is the healer in our house and I think my children have the healing powers to time will tell" he walked closer and hugged her without any warning.

"I missed you so much please stay after you get better" he kissed her forehead.

"I plan to I already decided to contact you when I saw the twins healing powers I knew they weren't safe where we were they have been people watching the house since the twins have been using their magic I was getting very scared" she hugged him back.

"I thought it was very unusual that I couldn't sense my children, what was blocking them from me but no worries there here now and safe in this house " he kissed her lips and stayed there remembering how good they tasted.

Seo Hangul missed him so much she pulled him for a deeper kiss" mmm I missed you so much this is so good" as she kissed him so more.

Mu Taichung smiled as he deepen the kiss he missed his other half, he was so happy she decided to stay too, he would check to see if she was a witch too once she is fully healed, one more which couldn't hurt it would only strengthen them for the war to come.

The door open and in be aged his twins" huh, mummy and daddy are kissing" they chuckled.

The both of them turn to look, behind the twins was the rest, of his family, his grandmother, his mother, his sister, and his niece well it was all the women he realised they all came to do something and what the something was he didn't want to know because the women in his family weren't simple and they were smiling a look to say trouble is coming.

Mu Millie chuckled as she saw the colour on her brother face drain, she knew he already knew the women were here for something.

"Hey sis in law how are you feeling today" she smile as she walked over and hugged her.

"Good, "thank you for yesterday the pain was getting too unbearable" she smiled at Mu Millie she remembered that Mu Taichung always talked about having a cousin and she was as beautiful as she described her just this one was slim, not chubby.

Nanna walks over and looked at the woman her grandchild had picked and was pleasantly surprised the woman was on the bed, was no other than her friend's granddaughter, she remembered that her daughter married a wealthy man and moved away from her family then was never heard of again, she remembered the family are still looking for her.

"Are you Yu Jin daughter?" she asked out of curiosity.

"Yes she is my mother well she was my mother she died when I was only six my father and his family took care of me until my father passed on then they kicked me out, I stayed in the orphanage until I was able to leave and work to make my way that's where I met Taichung who chased me down until I gave in and he loved me wholeheartedly, and I was the one who broke his heart and ran because I was scared he would leave me too," she said a sad smiled as she looked at Mu Taichung. She didn't know why she wanted to share this with all these women it's like she could trust them.

"I told you I loved you and would never leave silly so why were you scared" he walked over and hugged her.

"Because the woman I met a day before I left came and said that she was your wife and you were having an affair and if I didn't want your family to find out and throw me out I should leave" she looked the faces of all the people who looked shocked.

"I have never had any lady close to me ever why would someone do that, I haven't had any women in my life after you left either your the only one I ever loved will love" he hugged her tightly.

Mu Millie had a bad feeling about who she was she quickly picked up one of the kids sketch pads and draw a picture and brought it forward to show Seo Hangul" is this woman you saw that day" she asked.

Seo Hangul looked at the picture she frowned" yeah that's her who is she" they all looked.

"That my dear isn't the enemy and she was lying to you you should least be asked before leaving without saying anything," said Mu Taichung as he walked over too.

They all looked at each other Mu Millie was the angriest, she couldn't believe that this Marian was all over the place trying to destroy her family, Mu Milie was personally going to kill this woman. This woman and her clan had single-handed time and time agin destroyed her clan and her family but enough was enough not in this lifetime, every lifetime Mu Millie had this woman seem to be there now the grudge she held against Mu Millie only she could tell her but she would least give her that before she killed her.

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