

Mu Millie patted her brother on the back as to say everything would be alright they were gonna get these people.

She could feel her brother anger build up and now him being a wizard he had more power to burn, he had to control, his anger to control his power or they would go out of control and do something later regret.

Mu Millie send a calming spell through her brother's body to calm him down he looked up at his sister and smiled he knew what she was doing, but the fact someone was meddling with his family didn't sit well with him, and having warlock instinct in him it was only natural his defence to come on and the thrust for someone's blood was surfacing.

Mu Millie knew what her brother was thinking she knew he was angry by they needed to wait until everything was in place then they would get their revenge, Mu Millie saw the look on Auntie face she seem to be behaving strangely, she was feeling her guilt, but looking carefully Mu Millie assumed that for Mu Tiachung Ex to disappear out of his life she felt Auntie had a hand in it.

Now she looked like she regretted her descion after seeing how her grand had been living, but now she would accept Seo Hangul and the children, whole hearty and even if she didn't it wasn't her descion to make, it would be the couple in front as they were fully grown adults and now the children were involved, not normal children they had magical powers that they need help to learn to control and being brother and sister the myths spoke of evil people would after them they need extra protection.

Her niece and nephew spoke when they saw the picture" Auntie we've seen this lady she was in a car outside the house she cast an invisibility spell so no one could detect us we thought she was helping us" they looked at the adults.

Mu Taichung anger was rising again that the reason he wasn't able to detect his children was because of the same women that seem to be the course of their problems who bloggy ancestors had killed.

The women had been pestering them to let her in the house which she couldn't enter because the children with the help of Nanna they put a protection spell around the house. They were told by Nanna to not let anyone in unless they were family.

Mu Millie bent to their level" did you ever talk to this lady or anyone with her" Mu Tiachung smiled at the children to say it was okay to tell.

"Yeas we did when we went to pay bills she came over to talk to us" Mu Tung looked at the adults.

"What did you talk about Sweetheart," asked Mu Tiachung, if his ex wasn't working how did they get money to pay the bills he thought but he would ask later this was more important now.

"Well she asked where our father was I told her that he was working away and would back soon, then she asked about mother, we told her she was ill and upstairs, she asked about any another family we said yeah they live not far but soon they would come as well" Mu Tai smiled.

"Yeah she talks too much I told the lady that my father would be angry we talk to strangers and we need to go back home, she was going to take something out of her pocket but the Auntie from next door came and held our hands and said that we were with her then she walked us to the shop and then walked us back home again she stayed with us for a bit until she felt we were safe then she went to her house around the back so the lady at the front thought she was with us" Mu Tung also kept an eye on the lady in the car.

"Well said you're a very clever child" Mu Mille smiled and thought at least my niece and nephew are smart they knew what to say. But her heart hurt thinking these kids had to suffer a lot, especially being the children of the Mu's she so wanted to make everything better for them now they are here.

The little boy thought of something " Auntie I remember that the woman had a pendant in her hand it had like a lightning rod in the middle of a circle she held it tightly and she mutter some enchantments I never heard before she tried to blow on us when she first met us but it didn't work it sapped her instead she wasn't too happy about it, she was angry she looked at us then walked away muttering to herself" he looked to wards his Auntie.

Mu Millie looked at her Nanna and thought maybe in the symbols book downstairs there might be that pendant and it would tell her what it was for, and more about Marian, Mu Millie need to know now how to defeat her, she also realised that they need to bring all the children into their protection and this house was the safest because it was the ancestral home of the Mu Clan of warlocks and the Royal Gypsy witches.

This meant facing Feng Jo which she was not looking forward to, but it was for the sake of her child, he need to be protected, if Marian went after her brother's children she would go after her son too, she was looking forward to meeting him she wonders what her son would look like how he would sound like thinking made her smile.

Nanna had explained that the house they all over in now originally belong to the the first warlock and witch that got married when they eloped from their own who were after their lifes, so they cast the first protection spell so long as tney stayed here they were safe but unfortunately, they had to travel back their families were in danger that where they met their end but this house then stayed in the the possession of their children but because they never had any daughters for a very long time, it belongs to the warlocks.

Slowly over centuries, people forgot that the witches and warlocks ever lived together hence making the warlocks hunt the witches for either killing them or using them for their powers, but Nanna becoming a witch was chased by every warlock on earth with her having royal blood, then she met Mu Jade who caught was supposed to kill her but fell in love instead and then married and lived until Nana passed away

Mu Jade always knew that there's no way he could catch his wife she walked to him ready to die after she was left heartbroken, but when he saw her it was love at first sight then he made a deal with her, she agreed and they became husband and wife later Nanna love her husband to step in and save his life by the sacrifice her life.

Who in time forgot that they were from witch blood too, that's why the Mu's Warlocks we're very strong that the no one ever questions them and stood against them either, the witches however feared them, but they never attacked any witches unless they posed a threat, then they would deal with them.

When Nanna met Grandpa Mu, Nanna was running from warlocks that had been chasing her for years, to catch her so they could drain their magic for themself which is forbidden by the law, but secretly they still did.

He saved her while they travelled back Mu Jade fell in love immediately, but Nanna took some time, eventually, they married and become a couple that some envied and some were jealous and others looked up to.

The leaders of the warlock clans wanted to bring Mu Jade down but feared their families would be wiped out by Mu Jade he was a very righteous man but harm him then you didn't live long enough to tell the tale with good reason too, because after Nanna was killed and his elder son Mu Jade went crazy and found most of the culprits and killed them.

Mu Jade didn't care if they were related to him or not, they had to pay the price of betrayal, Nanna couldn't do anything to stop, her husband she been a ghost helpless watched her husband who was a big-hearted person turn into a cold bitter person that couldn't even forgive his daughter for marrying the scumbag, Chan. He so regretted not knowing the reason until it was too late.

Mu Millie learned that the warm-hearted grandpa to her was the coldest most difficult person to approach for the outside people, she had only seen e warm cuddly side of him, not the killer the warlocks and the witches and the whole underworld tread.

Mu Millie realised the history of their families are very complex, to say the least, that's why Nanna made her study it all because it would be relevant with taking down her enemy, but at the time she didn't know why but now it was making sense to her what her Nana was teaching her and explaining without telling her the ins and outs.

But the main thing that Nanna taught Mu Millie was never to lose herself it was easy to get caught up in the world of evil, magic, and the supernatural, and that that doesn't exist for normal humans.

Mu Millie training wasn't easy she would sometimes cry her eyes out when it got hard but the battle she was going to face now the training, was necessary, she want to take on the evil ancestors and all the people who worked for her.

Mu Millie would be taken to human witches warlocks and as she had seen other creatures then she would be taken on the ancestors who were in sport form which no being had ever tackled before this would make history.

Today Mu Millie looked at the new generation of witches, wizards and warlocks, and thought they had to be protected and trained, to fight side by side the next lot of beings that come their way it would never end until time itself ends, this was a history of all that exists on this planet.

As Nanna watches her next generations of children she was proud she was able to see this in person, but she was worried about her granddaughter she was going into a battle that had only one end, she feared that in the process she wouldn't lose the sweet innocent Millie this world is cruel he learned it a long time ago her naivety cost her her life.

She didn't want the same for her granddaughter so she broke every rule in the book and came to fight side by side with her granddaughter, she had explained to her husband what was about to happen even he was worried that his granddaughter would take on such big task he feared that he would lose precious girl had just come into his life.

Mu Jade wanted to mend for losing his daughter because of his big ugly ego he wasn't ready to lose again, he couldn't take another heart breaks I'm between the husband and wife they planned the next move it would keep, their granddaughter safe they would do anything for her.

Mu Milie walked out and into her den where she pulled out the book of symbols to see what the symbols meant and what tney were up against. She flicked through a couple of books. No success, but she wasn't ready to give up she went through more books until she reached the final one, there it was the symbol she was looking at, and what she found shocked her, she was left wondering could it be true is this for real.

She sat on the floor thinking why did nobody want to tell her what happened that it came to this, how? When? Was it her fault that this happened? She doesn't remember any of this if it wasn't then who was the ancestors that did this, she didn't know why but she knew the ancestors were involved, they had hidden this from her she could understand why?

Just looking at the book made her sick to the core, is this why they are all cursed, but how could they be so cold, didn't someone's soul shake to the core when they did this, Mu Millie was feeling sick she was feeling dizzy she didn't know when she started to cry but it turned in to sobs, she looked at the picture that she would never forget as long she lives.

Mu Kai came looking for Mu Millie to see her sat like she was lifeless, he ran over to pick her up, his eyes fell on want she had found he looked horrified was this real is this what happened to them, he knew that they had a tragic end but this was beyond cruel, but looking at his wife in this state he was worried about her for now.

He lifted her and walked out, he lifted her princess style and walked out taking her to the bedroom he called the doctor to come and check on Mu Millie, he tried to talk to Mu Millie she only could grunt to answer, as she revealed in her shook.

He hugged her tightly" there must be the answer to what you saw, it can't be like this, if it was we would not let them get away with it, but down worried I'm sure the Alpha will tell me what happen all that time ago and why they were involved in tho mighty cruel act, deep down the first Alpha was cruel and for the right price they would carry out this disgusting act.

He rang someone and asked them to meet at the usual place after he spoke he closed his eyes to control his anger then he turned to see Mu Millie looking at him" where are you going I want to come too" I need to know she thought.

Mu Kai looked at her he knew he couldn't say no to those pleading eyes they were so sad his heart was hurting and then nodded, they changed clothes and walked out saying they need fresh air, they drive to the woods, as they drove deeper into the woods Mu Millie could sense that there was werewolf here, she hears their double heartbeats one of their human form and one of their wolf.

She had never seen the human that was a werewolf but sh head met a werewolf he was the amazing canine she had ever seen in his full black form he had amazing blue eyes, for some strange reason she was able to talk to the wolf, as he helped her get back, sh had never told anyone about it because, she knew they didn't exist in the human world, she didn't realise that she had pulled outside the most amazing mansion she had ever seen, as they walked to the house the door open, and some men walked out they smiled, as they walked towards them.

Mu Millie smelled something strange of these men but she couldn't place where she had smelled it before, but they seem like they were dangerous but friendly at the same time, they all stood in front then some women walked out they all looked at them the women didn't smile like the men, they seem a bit defensive to wards the couple.

More to wards Mu Millie than Mu Kai they seem to like him, Mu Millie couldn't help but chuckle at the drooling she wolf's, but the one smell, in particular, was bugging her it smelled so familiar, it was puzzling her, it wasn't a sense of dangerous the smell was a more friendly smell, like that of someone who would protect her with there life.

" Hey, long time no see how have you been," said the bloke with the dirty blond hair, Mu Millie found him to be very good looking his eyes were like the sea blue and sparkling they looked like they his a lot of secrets they seem very familiar to her she could also her self in those eyes, did they have some sort of magical power that lured their part in she thought.

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