

Grandpa:" Hey sweetheart I am happy you ask before you do anything but you don't need to this is your home and nobody will be angry sometimes you will make mistakes but if you learn from that mistakes you've passed the learning curb so go and bring my great-grandson home and I will deal with the Fengs don't worry about anything ok" she smiled happily.

Mu Millie was relieved that everything was okay she did want to meet her birth father once to ask why he did what he did and also, she wanted to bring her son him so he had the go-ahead she was happy she was sat holding Mu Kai hand she squeezes it tightly with excitement. If she wasn't feeling shy she would be left in his arms and kissed him by now!

Mu Kai knows she was happy he could now tell what squeeze meant it was her way of saying what she was feeling he smiled at her antics he was happy she was meeting everybody she needed to he had a feeling she wanted to make sure Feng Loki was here in this home before she went after the rest of the Fengs so he decided to hold off a little longer.

They all left Mu Millie followed her Uncle she had seen his face when they said they were meeting Gunwoo she knew something was up and she needed to know before meeting this Gunwoo's she didn't want to upset her family for unreasonable people.

Mu Millie went and hung Uncles arm:" hey Uncle fancy taking a walk to the stream" she smiled.

Uncle smiled:" yeah it's been a while since we chatted So let's go" he knew she wanted to ask why he didn't say anything about meeting the Gunwoo's.

As they walked silently towards the stream ran at the back of the house it was a very tranquil place where Mum Millie would come to think about life choices and her best plans always came to her here she didn't why she always found peaceful and she always had a clear head too.

They both sat on the mushroom-shaped stone Uncle spoke first:" you know the amount times I threw your mother of this stone and the amount times we pushed each other in the stream I remember the last time when I asked her why she was marrying that slime ball Master Chan she threw me in-stream and told me I wouldn't understand why she was doing this, now I understand she was protected you? and on the mushroom, she sat cried her eyes out she told me it was the only way to keep you safe " he sighed.

Mu Millie asked:" so you knew mother was carrying me before she married Master Chan " she sighed too. Her mother didn't love that evil man but she had no choice it was all her fault for her mother such a terrible life?

Uncle:" hmmm I did I begged her to stay here or we could send her to Auntie in America she didn't agree she said she didn't want you involved in this world she hated what it did to people she hated that we always had to look over her shoulder and had to wonder if she met anyone would if she be-able trust them of most of all she hated being a witch sis and mother always fell out over this in the end what she hid you from all of this but you still found and embraced it too the sad part is that sis and dad fell out and they were talking when she died I heard she was in the hospital for two weeks before she died but dad being the dad he wouldn't go and see her but he regrets it till now sis even rung to apologise she left a message on dad phone but the stubborn old man still didn't go until the morning he got the call sis had died " he side hugged his niece.

Mu Millie:" Uncle you don't know the half of it because mama's one descion she dammed me to a life of hell don't get me wrong I love my mama a lot, would you believe me if I told you I am reborn that's why I know things that surprise you a lot and grandpa and mother are the same stubborn as each other? " she looked at her Uncle as she wanted to see his reaction.

Uncle smiled:" yeah I know mother told me it was happening to you I just didn't know when it would happen I realised from something you predicted so I knew you have been reborn I am happy that you came here to us and accept who you are there was no escaping from this ever it's what you're born to be and I know you will be the greatest witch that was I have seen what you and your brother have achieved I will say this I am envious of the bond you two share and the powers that he has received through you I know if my sister was alive and she had accepted her destiny we might give been like you two now but it wasn't meant to be but I am very happy for you I love the bond you two share and miss my sister every day I never got to say sorry from being a useless brother and not supporting her and especially not being there when she needed me most " he side hugged his niece again.

Mu Millie smiled:" well Uncle rest at ease mama doesn't blame you or Grandpa she said it was all, her own mistakes she is paying for! for anything and don't think I don't know how much you helped me secretly threw out my life before I came here and thank you, dear Uncle! so what else does my Uncle know then and please tell me why you're not happy about the Gunwoo's coming to our house " she looked at her Uncle.

Uncle:" Because every time they had anything to do with our family it's always ended in heartache for us I saw the nights my sister secretly crying quietly thinking nobody could hear her she loved that man with all her heart he broke her she was never the same afterwards that's why I don't like him but I won't get in the way if you want to see your father you have a right to know who he is you have to make your own judgmental him" he smiled.

Mu Millie smiked:" Uncle do know that I spoke to mama about this too she also said be wary of them too so we will have to careful around them and I heard they warlocks which isn't going sit well with them either that I am a witch that he helps make it's ironic how they kill witches for living and they help bring one to this world that's karma they don't say it's a bitch for no reason so we will be on alert when they come" she looked at her Uncle.

He shouldn't be surprised but he was surprised he could never get around the amazing things that his mother could do and the way she did them without anyone noticing, and they could also speak with their ancestors and that she had spoken to his sister he would also like to talk to her he had a lot to say! but she also to be wary of the Gunwoo's too so he his feelings were right and his niece was cautious too so they were all on board that they didn't trust the Gunwoo's:" well then we're all on the same page that's good" he smiled he felt better.

He remembered that dreadful day his sister came home heartbroken and the greedy Master Chan coming to say he would marry sis he begged not to but she was adamant she needed to do it he didn't understand why he still doesn't know why they had money, power and they would defend her with their lifes but his sis for son unexplained reason choose that path which led to her demise he still doesn't know how she died if someone wanted to kill her powers would automatically kick in and protect her so what did happen is still a mystery?

They sat there and talked about all sorts as well upcoming projects as well and she told her Uncle about the plan to expose Feng's deeds publicly because she knows that's where it would hurt Fen the most she wanted to part of the upper class she would make sure she would never make it there.

Uncle told her she was too nice if it was him he would have killed her. He wasn't evil but he believes if you wrong someone you should be prepared for a retribution too. He was a very stern businessman he comes across as very arrogant and proud he had a look that said approach with Caution if you mess with me you will lose your life! he never messed around outside with women like the other tycoons who went to seek pleasure in a dark place because he had a beautiful wife at home not that he was never approached even his cold domina didn't put them off they still had to try they were let down very abruptly so others would know he was unapproachable he hated the women who looked like they were going clubbing or wore strong perfumes it gave him a headache.

He was known as a cold ruthless tyrant in the business world he was known as the ice tycoon he could freeze a room when he walked in! In the underworld, he was known as ice prince when he dealt with people he was a very ruthless no-nonsense person straight to the point! who was unapproachable he links with the underworld too you have been in the kind world they came from. But for the loved ones he was a big cuddly teddy bear in his niece's eyes that what he was and his grandchildren called papa bear too.

As they both headed back unknown to them the three brothers were all eagerly watching the duo by the stream. They saw them laughing and Uncle hugging Mu Millie she looked very happy so whatever they talked about was good.

Mu Kai asked:" Is everything prepared " he turned to look at the two men stood by him.

They looked at each other and nodded and then smiled my Kim spoke:" they won't know a thing when they come " he smiled.

Mu Taichung:" I put an extra spell in place so if they decide to do anything they will be captured and then I will take pleasure in integrating them and there is also slow torture the things they need to tell us about" he smiled at his thoughts.

Mu Kai:" don't underestimate the elders he is very sly and cunning keep a close eye on him if anyone he will find it out although I have my suspicions they already know! and want to test how powerful Mu Millies the amulet that is intertwined with both powers should protect her and she isn't half bad herself", he chuckled at the thought" and the main thing is children are away so, for now, we are safe but still be on full alert!" he had a serious look.

Mu Millie walked in she heard the last part she smiled:" well I think we are all on the same page then none of us trusts the Gunwoo's why do feel they want something from us! I am glad my mother told me a lot about that family and its elders that have their Orthodox way of thinking! so be alert especially you " she turned to Mu Tiachung he was a wizard which was rare and to top it off he was of royal blood which made him targets well.

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