

Mu Taichung smiled:" I know sis we have it covered and they heading into our territory " he smiled.

Mu Millie spoke again:" big bro remember these people have years on us they were born into this we have recently come into this they have tricks up their sleeves that we can't begin to think of! they know things even we are unaware of and they a force to be reckoned with, I know from my sources they have taken down some very powerful witches in their time they also don't kill them they use their powers to serve their purpose so be careful okay don't be cocky okay" he looked at her arrogant brother who thinks he untouchable.

Mu Taichung smiled and walked over he hugged his sister:" I won't do any stupid okay and I got you there to discipline me haven't I my Master" he chuckled at his overprotective sister.

Mu Kai smiled when he saw this duo it reminded him of his arrogant brother he was the same he always did things without thinking and Mu Kai always saved his arse.

My Kai walked over bend down to Mu Miilie level and asked:" how are you about all of this I know you agreed to make grandpa happy but deep down how are you" he pecks her cheeks like as he asked.

Mu Millie replied as she looked into his eyes she gave him a quick peck on the lips:" honestly I don't know what to feel it's not like I have any great expectation in the beginning so I will see what happens when the time comes but the quicker I get this part done the quicker we go to see Feng Loki I cant wait to see my baby again I have tingling in the body just thinking about it, but a I am a tad bit worried too?" she smiled as she hugged her husband with excitement.

Mu Millie looked at her brothers and asked:" hey you two where we're you we were training since you two were skiving you double your training now off we go" she marched them out as her husband chuckle at the faces the duo was pulling.

Mu Millie looked at him:" want are chuckling forget moving to why do you think you are an exception let's go" she walked ahead as the duo in front was chuckling now.

Today was a good day Mu Millie had a heart to heart with her Uncle for her he was the father she.

never had she wasn't given this place to anybody even her biological father no matter how nice he was. As a child she dreamed of having a family of her own then when Feng Chou came along she thought she found it she couldn't be more wrong. Then she came to grandfathers she found the love she craved for her husband became the lover she wanted her brothers became the doting brothers she saw Chan Wen had, and her bodyguards were the overprotective big brothers her maids became the friends she always saw with her class fellow and the were loyal they were there through thick and thin this is the only family she needed.

As the day needed she came to her room where her husband was already waiting she smiled as she headed to the bathroom she was followed by him he hugged her from behind he didn't give her time to react he kissed her neck he slowly pecked her he knew she would be all his he knew how to control her body it reacted to him even her mouth didn't say stop but her body would say I want you so badly. And as always she protested until she lost her composure she was putty in his hand he had and she was going to be sore in the morning but he was in the heat after last night she did things to him making it hard for him to control himself he did get carried away, now thinking about it send him over the edge.

He was king in his first life but she controls him like a puppet he was head over heels in love she was his everything until things changed at the time he didn't know what but was then later much later he learned it was magic that they used to control him but by the time he found out it was too late he had killed his beloved with his own hands!

Now he was going to punish her too she teases him in training and because his brothers were there he left her alone he felt like pinning her under him, but now who was going to save her from him and it's not like she was protesting she wanted it as much as him she loved his body and him she told him while taking pleasure from it, the night was long and tiring she fell asleep as soon as she hit the pillow she would be in agony in the morning but who cared she enjoyed her self.

In the morning she was informed that they need to meet in the trian8ng room. There was an emergency and some warlocks need help they were attacked by wild beasts that had appeared out of nowhere.

They all dressed in their combat clothes they all gathered for Mu Kim to fill them in on what had happened! As he explained the beast was summoned by demons and they were in hibernation they weren't due to wake up for another 100 years least they were irritated has disturbed them but they were yet to discover what it is. Even the demons couldn't control them so they needed the help of the witches to see if they cast a spell to place back in their sleep state the only thing was they had used the witches they had captured but my net wasn't powerful enough and Mu Kim l ew that they could use Mum Millie and Mu Taichung but then that would reveal them to the world which they didn't want to it would mean they would become sitting targets.

Mumbai was worried he didn't want to expose both the witch and warlock but the danger if not contain would spill into the mundane world which the expose all the magical beings to the world.

Mu Kai asked:" Is there any way we can do this from here without these two going out their " he sighed.

This was Mu Millie job to find out the danger before they went in what she saw confused, too the beast was looking for something but what they would find out when they were closer and Mu Millie could talk to the beast, but she would have to get closer she was out of range.

Mu Millie:" no honey we will have to go there I can't talk to the beast from here they will attack if they are not tamed we can tame them but we need to close to them, unfortunately, we need to go" she smiled she knew her husband was worried but there was no other option.

Mu Millie went to the underground lab she needs some potions to put the beast to sleep they had everything down there now she collected all their gear and get back in the training room.

Mu Millie made the portal to get the whole team through in one go once they all entered they headed to a place in the jungles of the Amazon they could hear the cry of the beast these were pain full crys that of either they were in pain or they had lost something from what Mu Millie could tell it was the female beast that was in agony?

As they got close they saw another team there too it was the Gunwoo's Mu Millie saw them she should have known they were warlocks she didn't know they held such powers they could command the teams to assist them.

Mu Kai saw yhem and now he was worried he knew that Gunwoo Myung was Mu Millie father and he knew she was a witch but now he would see how powerful she was he was worried in case they tried to use his wife for their good.

Mu Millie nodded to acknowledge the elders and walked past to we're the beast was the rest followed as they got close Mum Millie put a shield around them all just by waving her hand her father watch his baby girl in amazement he knew she was the witch from the beginning but how powerful she was he was about to find out the watches like a proud peacock.

Mu Millie stepped out of the shield as she walked and stood before the beast saw Mu Millie first it spat fire out of its mouth but then it saw something that Mu Millie showed it lowered its roar then Mu Millie bowed her head slightly to acknowledge the respect of the beast being old as time itself, the beast bowed back to showed its respect the Princess of the gipsy clan of witches it had to recognise Mu Millie from the smell of her blood the female beast then growled at the other beast who immediately lowered their stance to Mu Millie acknowledging her as their Master.

After all this beast had once belonged to the original owner the Mu Millie in her first life however Mu Kai was always unaware of this side of Mu Mile in her first life he comes to know of this in his next set of lives that she was always a witch he was always a warlock.

My Millie then looked around there was something a miss she couldn't see any of their children she knew they had children but where we're tney? She asked what was wrong? the beast heard Mu Millie but continued to look at her they were deciding whether they could trust this person or not? After all, she was reborn and she came with the warlocks who hunted the beast for fun!

Mu Millie looked around she spotted the demon king who had his coaching spell but it was not hidden from her he smiled at her knowing she seen him he winked at her like he always did!

My Millie liked at him she knew she knew him from somewhere and she wasn't afraid of him she felt he was more of a friend than enemy she couldn't explain the pull of closeness to him she thought he was trying to use some sort of magic on her but she couldn't find any trace of it so want was it she needed to find out after she dealt with the beast.

The beast noticed that Mu Millie had also seen the demon king but to their surprise, she hadn't smiled or talked to him the beast knew in the first life the demon and their Master were good friends to the point where everyone was against their Master the demon King came to help. They also know that their Master had cast a powerful spell that had to send them into a deep slumber to protect them from predators and the only reason they had woken because their Master powers had been awakened too.

Mu Millie had yet to understand the connection she shared with this beast, that shouldn't even exist but nothing surprised Mu Millie now she realised that this hidden world was not what it seemed there was a lot hidden which she had at to discover, the three stood their silently observing one another!

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