Jason P.O.V
She wasn't there.
I had run through the room, down the stairs and through that door only to notice that her body wasn't there anymore. I looked around now panicking and let out a ferocious growl.
I let my wolf, Rafael, out and he was now searching for her sent. There was no coffee, no vanilla. It was like she was never there. She can't be alive I mean I know I didn't feel the mate bond break or anything just my personal pain.
"What's wrong?" I turned around and saw her standing there wearing exactly what she was wearing when she jumped just a few moments ago. What's going on?
"W- How?" I stuttered then I was overcome with emotion. I ran up to her and wrapped my hands around her.
"Hey, hey!" she said trying to get me off her, "Um... Stranger danger? Anyone? Nope? Okay fine." She huffed in annoyance.
I laughed at her reaction and I carried her bridal style all the way to my room and then threw her onto the bed. That's when Rafael took over. He was about to do something that we were both going to regret when I pushed in control and then stopped him. "So... how's the baby?" It was seriously difficult for me to mention without getting angry and upset that I wasn't her first.
"What baby?" she widened her eyes and then narrowed her eyes at me then looked at her stomach.
I can't be pregnant can I. I didn't do anything I was supposed to since... Once again she forgot to block her mind and then an image popped into her mind of a grey eyed guy. It was followed by hurt and clips and images of what happened.
"Block," I said with a quiver in my voice. She looked at me with wide eyes and then I couldn't see what was happening anymore.
"So when am I going to school again?" she tried changing the subject.
"We can go now if you want. But we will have to find you if you even think of running away again." She nodded simply and then looked down at her clothes and then back up at me with those big brown. I almost melted at the innocence.
I mind-linked Daniela and then told her to leave some clothes outside and that they better be appropriate. A few seconds later there was a knock on the door and I waited a few seconds to answer it so that she has enough time to walk away.
When I opened the door I saw her standing right there in very short- shorts and a crop top. She looked at me with a smile and then scolded at my mate behind me. She looked so innocent sitting on my bed with her big brown.
"I told you to leave the clothes at the door on the floor and leave," I whispered.
"Oh!" she said a little to loud. Lower your voice or you will seriously regret what you're about to say. I warned her. "You left my shirt in your room last night." She said still loud with a smirk.
Punish me, she dared.
"Hey, Alexia?" she looked up at me in acknowledgement still deep in thought, "I'm coming back soon okay? In the mean time go take a shower and I'll bring you some clothes," she nodded and then went to my bathroom. "And you are coming with me," I said to Daniela while grabbing her arm giving her the wrong idea making her giggle.
I walked her outside and into the dungeon building. She looked at me with worried eyes. I gave her a look that said don't. We went into one of the cells and then I threw her inside. I put on the gloves in my pocket and then put chains on her arms and legs.
I smirked at her horrified expression. Then walked away closing the silver bars behind me.
When I was going back upstairs I remembered the clothes and went got some from my sister. The moment I walked through my bedroom door, I don't think I'll ever forget what I saw.
Alexia's P.O.V
I had just finished showering and was going to tie my hair when I dropped my hair-tie. I bent down to pick it up after tightening my towel. My hair flopped in my face.
The door opened and I quickly picked up my hair-tie and then when I looked up I saw Jason standing there with wide, pitch black eyes and then I began to laugh humorlessly.
"Hi," I said with a small wave. He dropped the clothes that he had in his hand sand then started to take slow steps towards me making me move back. I looked behind him and saw the bathroom door and on my way there a pile of clothes. All I had to do was go past him.
I ran to one side and then I ran to the other hoping to catch him by surprise. But he knew I wasn't stupid he was about to grab when I slid under him and grabbed the clothes and ran to the bathroom locking the fixed bathroom door.
That was close, Brianna stated with a shaky voice.
'No way in hell was I going to let that happen again. Not this soon.
Block, Brianna reminded me at the same time as Jason except that Jason had his with a strange tone to his voice.
I quickly changed into the white jeans black shirt covered with a grey sweater with the American flag on it. I then put on the black army boots.
When I walked out I saw Jason sitting on his bed his brown hair flopping and covering his eyes. "Are you ready to go?" I asked in a small voice.
He simply nodded and then started explaining the whole thing with mates and Rafael. I listened while nodding my head as we went into the car. I then asked about the pack and he told e about Alpha's, Luna's and the Beta and Delta. I was mostly interested in the training done for the guards.
By the time we got to school I was still asking questions using mind-link because other humans can't know about this.
We got into Math and he sat next to me. We began talking aloud about my clothes and school.
Someone covered my eyes and I had a few guesses on who it was, "Xavier?"
I heard a laugh and then he took his hands off my eyes. "What's up?" he asked casually.
"Oh nothing' much," I said not giving off any information.
"So this is your kidnapper ha?" he said completely not actually acknowledging Jason's presence.
I just shrugged, "Any plans today?" I asked just as James walked in. The moment he saw me he ran up and hugged me.
"What's up?" he asked. Are you serious?
"Oh nothing much," I repeated. Still not giving off what happened.
"So is this guy your kidnapper?" he asked practically repeating what Xavier had said.
"Was this planned? Cause it's not funny," I said pointing at them.
"First of all, this is hilarious. And second of all this was not planned I swear. Just a very funny coincidence," Xavier said with his hands up.
At that moment Jason introduced himself when Daniel walked in. That's when things got tense. Daniel stood there and then lifted his nose in the air and sniffed. He then looked at me, Xavier, James and finally Jason who got a long hard stare from him.
Jason stood up and started growling lowly clearly remembering my memories. Daniel was just smirked at him and walked to my desk while I tried to calm Jason down who was now lethal.
"Hey," Daniel said to me. I just looked at him with an empty expression. He just laughed and turned to James and Xavier whom I already told them what he did to me. "So are you guys free this afternoon?" he asked them.
They looked at each other and then walked off to their seat with out looking back or answering.
"You told them?" Daniel asked me while pointing in the direction of James and Xavier. I ignored him and just my luck the teacher walked in just before I blew.
I sighed and relaxed in my seat when Daniel took his usual seat behind me. Alex walked into the class when I had just calmed down making me tense up again. He looked at me and froze where he was standing. His eyes stared into my... Ocean eyes. Sorry, I just had to at some point.
I looked back at him realizing that I wasn't in my usual braces and contacts get up. I blushed and looked at Jason who was looking at me dumbfounded.
How many guy friends do you have? He asked me through mind-link. I simply shrugged and he looked infuriated.
For the rest of the lesson I felt people's eyes on me and I just kept my head down making my eyes being covered by my dark walnut hair. It was going to be very difficult to explain all these guy friends to Jason. He looked suspicious. I then relaxed, if Douglas and I were no longer talking dose that mean that I no longer have missions. I mean it's been a while since I had one and it's been making me uncomfortable.
Yes, as weird as it sounds, I feel uncomfortable because I'm not killing people.
I glanced at Jason just suspecting him to be learning so that for once I could look at him in peace without him laughing at me or something not that it has ever happened, but I wouldn't want it to happen, instead I found him staring at me like the majority of the people in the class.
I looked at the teacher instead who was writing on the board. This was going to be a long day.
"Right, today you ladies will all be swimming!" the coach yelled as we were all standing outside by the swimming pool with our bags in hand. Great, now I had to stand infront of bunch of hormonal teenagers in a swim suit. "Go and change and I'll meet you all here in 5 minutes. Any longer you will be punished." The whole time she was speaking she was looking at me in the eye. Jeez it was only one time.
I ran off to the changing rooms and went to the first cubical in sight. No way was I going to strip infront of people. That's just gross. I put on the black v-costume which had a hole in the back (by design) and a purple and gold swirls. I felt uncomfortable because of the top. It was a bit revealing.
I don't normally admit this, but I have a big bust. I find it weird and stupid and foolish and a whole other things and because of it the costume was too tight. That's why I wear loose jerseys.
But I didn't care at that moment. I walked out with my hair loose and started running my hand through it.
I was walking peacefully about to take off my towel when Jason appeared next to me and held onto my towel tightly. "You take that off, I won't be able to control myself." He whispered in a different deeper voice. I just thought he was kidding with me.
Me being me didn't know what he was talking about so I shoved him and threw it on the side. I went and tried to talk to James but he wasn't responding just looking at me while I was completely oblivious to the looks I was getting. That's when I heard growls from behind me.
I turned around and saw Jason with pitch black eyes staring at me while two other guys from the class that I don't know where holding him back with all their strength while he kept repeating the word mine. Next to him was Xavier who was looking at me with darker eyes than Jason which I would have found impossible to believe if I hadn't seen him myself. His eyes had no white just black.
He was being held by four guys. He was on his knees and his hair flopping over his eyes in an attractive manner. He wasn't growling, but he had been. For now he was looking at me with pitch black eyes on his knees completely helpless.
"What is going on here?" coach asked as she came out the school door to the pool area. She looked at the two guys who were being held by other guys and other guys who were sitting on the benches cradling their heads in their hands. The girls were sitting there frowning and I was the center of attention. "What are you wearing?" she asked me with wide eyes.
"The swimming suit that I was given to by the school. I asked for a bigger size but they said that this was the biggest." I explained while the two guys were dragged to the basketball court inside. The male population was sent to in there to cool off.
We ended up having to call off swimming because there was something wrong with some of the girls there.
I went and felt to lazy to change out of my costume and put my jersey and jeans on top of the clothes I was wearing.
When I went outside some of the guys were back but still looking at me oddly. "Next time Woods," coach warned me. "Bring some other swimming costume. You won't be punished just not that one." I nodded and then walked to the parking lot and then realized that I had come here with Jason.
I decided to walk to my old apartment and then get my bike and some clothes and disappear. On my way there I saw this pregnancy hospital and then without realizing what I was doing I walked inside and asked how much an abortion was. I was heavily reminded of what was in me at the moment. The lady at the reception told me and I told her that if the doctor was available at the moment I would have it done at that moment. She looked at me and said he was only free next week.
I sighed and when I walked out I saw Xavier standing there with black eyes but they were not that dark.
"Hey," he said rubbing the back of his neck, "I'm sorry about the whole... this." He explained pointing at his eyes.
"Um... that's fine I guess?" it came out more like a question. I didn't know what the problem was there.
"So I was wondering. I know this amazing private pool place and I suspect that you didn't take off your costume because you're a lazy bum," I laughed aloud at his comment, "so wanna come?" I looked at him in the eye and then shrugged.
I did have my costume on so what was the harm. Why was I so stupid?