After a much needed rest I wake up earlier than Aalto and his mother "still can't believe he actually made me sleep on the couch" I say cracking my neck. I get up and wash my face with water to wake myself up even more. I start packing up my stuff and get ready to head out. "Gale" I turn my head to where the sound was coming from. It was Aaltos mom "gale, I have a request for you" I walk a little closer so she doesn't have to speak loud "yeah what is it?" Her eyes were filled with sadness and hope "could you please take Aalto with you?" It was a confusing request. Regardless he was going to have to come with me anyways but I don't think she needs to know that "of course but why such a request" I was gonna leave Aalto here for a while so they could catch up. Somethings wrong. "Well-" she says holding her arm in an uncomfortable state. "Don't tell me you are-" I quickly grab her arm and feel her pulse. It's weak, really weak. I check her breath hardly any was coming out. She had bags underneath her eyes. "I'm dying" she says. How can she look so calm saying that.
We sit down and talk over it. Apparently she realized it after I stated some of the possible things that could've happened. "Why would you want me to take Aalto shouldn't he be with you in your last moments" she shakes her head "no there's no point. Only when I die will he be motivated to go after saki. His only chance of doing that is with you." Either way if fine with me whether he stays or comes with me. She is right though, he will only be motivated to go after saki when he has a reason to "Alright I'll take him with me" she smiles with joy "thank you so much gale" her expression changes like she's in pain. She starts cough blood. It's more serious than I thought at this rate she'll be dead by next week.
I go to wake up Aalto when she says "please help him defeat saki" she couldn't see it but I smiled "that's the plan...for all of us" i say walking to Aaltos room. "AALTO WAKE UP" Aalto shuffles around "MmmMM" I push him out of the bed "ouch WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU DO THAT" he says making a fist "that was for making me sleep on the couch. Plus I was starting to get irritated" Aalto starts walking closer "why you little-" I put my hand on his face "hurry and pack up we're moving out soon" Aaltos expression looses tension "what I'm going with you on your journey?" He says "you bet" I can tell he starting to get suspicious "but why, what did my mom say" yikes that's a touchy question "shes ok with it" I say putting on a fake smile sand scratching he back of my head "well if that's the case then let's go"
Aalto and I finish packing and get ready to say goodbye to his mother. But she wasn't inside. "Aalto grew worried he wouldn't get the chance to say goodbye" I reassure him "don't worry, I believe we will see her" Aalto nods and we leave from his dorm. We walk to the directors office and all the way there Aalto said bye to everyone, like literally everyone. Aalto told the director his reason for leaving and was able to go.
We walk towards the town exit when Aalto hits me with an unexpected question that I haven't even thought of "so big bro gale, where to first" I feel the sweat dripping down from a my face. I was so busy thinking I didn't answer is question "don't tell me big bro gale doesn't know where to go" he says "Well I didn't know where to go and still met you so who knows maybe it's a good thing". The exit was insight and so was the Silhouette of a person "MOM!!!?" Aalto shouted.
Aalto runs and gives her a hug and they enter a small conversation. Meanwhile I was still thinking about where to go next. "Gale" Aalto mother says "may I suggest that you head to Citlali" I start thinking about it "you mean the city of stars?" I ask "yes, a good knight of mine said that they were holding old abandoned temple raids for knowledge. Seeing how you dealt with saki I believe it could be so great practice" hey is she trying to say I'm not strong. She is right though without Aaltos help I would've had trouble defeating saki. "Alright then Citlali we go" I say pointing. Aalto turns with teary eyes "bye mom" he says waving. His mom smiles and tilts her head. When she opens her eyes I can feel her emotions. I was wrong it wasn't that she was calm. She was at peace with the fact she was dying. We humans might have morals, but life itself doesn't.