Chapter 15 - Flashback


"Timothy put it back you can't steal things from stores God don't like rude children."


"Charles talk to your son he is only nine years old and he is stealing stuff from stores, yesterday he tried to steal some snacks in the supermarket luckily I caught him before he did."

"He is your son too Marsha. Anyways I got to work."

"Traffics tight on main street so you will have to drive through the high way drop Timothy off at school on the way please I'll pick him up myself."

"Come on Timothy I'm leaving!"

"I'm coming dad!"

I grabbed my bag and ran off to the car I was ashamed from the conversation they were holding earlier I couldn't even look in their faces...


"Okay your mom will pick you up this evening so don't leave until she comes to get you."

I ran off to my friend Josh and Mike. I didn't even look back at my dad, I could hear him blowing the horn as I ran off but I ignored him.

"So I heard your mom talking to mine yesterday and she was talking about how you got caught stealing bro... She told me not to follow in your footsteps now that hilarious, since I am the one who taught you."

"How are you that good Josh?"

"I am not good yet but you are just not doing as I told you, well after school I am going to pull of something big want to come guys."

Mike - I already there

"Count me in too."

We went through the school day mostly idling out class I only did work in math because that wad my strong suit..


"Hey Percy."

"Wassup man having seen you on these streets in a while, how you been?"

"Been here and there now I showing these Noobs the ropes. So what you got for me?"

"Is a toy store on main street plaza it's guard is a old man and it almost never has costumers. So I'll give you a two nine millimeter and a Uzi."


"Now remember don't drop no bodies have to keep our streets clean."


"Hey open up the register and load it all in this knapsack."

I stood by the door holding a nine millimeter to keep watch.

Josh and Mike held down the costumers and got the cash we exited the store with our mask on our face, my heart one going 200 miles per hour.

"Hey kids drop the weapons!"

"Shit a cop we didn't plan for this run!"

We took off running a few other cops who saw joined in the chase my mask flew off and I continued running my breath was ragged and my chest burned from the excess running.

We each had a bag on our backs loaded with cash my feet were failing me but I kept going Josh and Mike were a good meters ahead of me and the cops were on our tails.


I looked to back as I was about in the middle of the road I saw my mom she looked like she was about to go pick me up at school I gritted my teeth and looked away.



I staggered and a car came straight at me my mom ran out and grabbed me but she was too late and we both got hit.


God if your hearing this please let my mom live even if I die, I promise to be a better son in my next life, a better person.

The last thing I remembered the flashing blue and red lights of the ambulances as I came out on my stretcher and my mom came out behind me there were alot of people over me telling my to open my eyes and keep them open they were in a rush string up bags properly onto the side of my bed.


"Hisoka your up!"

"Sis?.... What happened where am I."

"Your back in the Aborah mansion."

She grabbed me in a hug crying I smiled as I remember passing out after Ange saved me from the elves magic.