Chapter 8 - New Workplace

"Please take a seat." The elf smiled and sat in the opposing sofa to me.

Inside the elven mansion

Was a beauty to behold the flooring was a carpet of green it reminded me of a grassy meadow and the walls were painted in green, the fragances gave the house a pleasant forest scent there were also alot of flowers and the furniture were as elegant as they came.

"Would you like some tea I have some pearly green from the Orcus Lybranth Forest it's an Elven delagacy."

"Yes please."

"My names Zange Su, but please call me Zang. I already heard your name Hisoka Karn, Lady Aborah spoke very highly of you she seem to really have taken a liking to you." He spoke taking the tea from the maid.

"So Mr karn are can I call you Hisoka?"

"Hisoka is fine, I am not really so good on formalities."

"Well Hisoka what do you think of the Demon king."

Ugh... I chokes on the tea just by hearing that question and why so suddenly it's like everyone is trying something.

"Sorry for my brazeness, but it would seem Lady Aborah seriously have taken a liking to you and for you to rank up this quickly that's a first in my servant days it took my a year and a half to become assistant clerk and you jumped clerk, secretary And assistant manager all the way to Executive manager of business affairs that's a job I left recently after three year of work to become a section noble. I must sir what ever magic you are using it really is something, I must say I am jealous."

"Please sir you flatter me, but even I am surprised of my promotion after only six months. I didn't expect Executive Manager was such a big deal to tell the truth I learnt of is in school and I didn't even remember what it's about or the amount of Jobs I would have to pass in order to acquire it."

The man seemed confused by my remark and his expression show traces of disbelief and distrust.

"But really what magic are your using?."

"My arsenal is all made of pure offensive spells sir, only Non offensive I have are basic daily spells, oh I have a better way of showing it."

I pulled out my white handkerchief.

"This is one of my basic daily spells."

I spread out the handkerchief on the small table infront of me.

{"Activate infographic presentation.

programmer settings: skill sets and level presentation.

Display Two side table.

Type erasable ink.

Imprinting phases one to five complete.

Imprint on fabric."}

A blue four layer magic circle magic circle appeared beneath my palm and a clear light shined through and started scanning the handkerchief the light then disappeared and I took up it up a table with two columns appeared of the fabric with my skills on the right and my skill levels on the left.


Fire bolt- level 27

Lightning impact- level 78

Infernal flare- level 10

Dark consumption- level 34

Black bullets- level 56

Dark Matter- level 0


Passive: infographic presentation , cartography, heat sensor, multi communicate and creation magic.

Dormant/unused: stealth, light and dark matter.

My passive and Dormant skills appeared under the table.

I noticed a few of my skills went up a few levels. I handed the handkerchief to Zang who began reading.

"Its surprising most of your skills are this high at such a young age and if so many of for skills or so high and made for combat why didn't you go to the land of war?"

"I don't believe my power is meant for hurting people I don't really have nothing against, disputes between 2 generals or races and kings is not for me to deal with my power is for protecting my self, the helpless and those I care about.

~What's with this kid he is so damn pure and innocent he even showed all his skill to a stranger he just met is he even a demon And he seem his is telling the truth, also non of his skill are what I though that Aborah must really like this kid.~

"Well Hisoka my boy it's a pleasure to have you here please let the maids show you to a bath and a room if you need anything please don't be afraid to ask, he returned my handkerchief I flashed it twice and all the writing disappeared. I was the led up stairs to a room it was nothing special and neither was the bath.

I took a shower and returned to my room. I laid in bed after bath and ordered some dinner. Thinking about what Zang said like did I really skip so many levels in such short time.


That boy is strange out of all the demons here his aura is the strangest I have ever felt he really is something else and he is innocent to boot.

You want to know about him too baby?...