There was no shoot today,and the competition wasn't till on Friday,Lee offered to teach Yu Yan some tricks,but Chynna had other plans.
"She needs to train"Chynna stressed.
"Chynna,it might hurt her,do you actually want to take chances?"Lee asked.
"Then no sparing"Chynna persisted.
Liko was in the living room trying to get a description of their mole,but their conversation was so loud.
Liko was able to get her hair colour as brown, but that was all,he couldn't focus.
Yu Yan was outside with Peng,cleaning him,she finished up and started cleaning up the house.
Sweeping,dusting,she was about to mop.
Liko watched her as she cleaned the house, and thought.
"Yu Yan never does the chores,she really isn't my sister"
Chynna came in,and stood in front of Liko,blocking his view.
"Liko"She called out,but he was fixated on Yu Yan.
"Liko!"Yet,no response.
She traced his eyes to Yu Yan and slammed his head hard,
"Disgusting pig!"she yelled,"it's not what you think!"Liko said.