Ru Ai rushed towards Yu Yan's bedside,and held her hand, looking into her eyes.
"Are you okay?" He asked her, beyond worried.
"Am fine, there's no need to worry, really" Yu Yan said,he was genuinely worried over nothing.
A nurse ran in,her eyes bloodshot.
"Thank goodness you're here doctor! There's a woman who just arrived,and she's in labour! You're the only available doctor around,you have to help her!" the nurse shrieked.
Liko shot a frightened glance at Chynna,then Lee,he took a huge gulp,and rolled up his sleeves.
"Lead the way" he said, trying not to croak,Chynna and Lee following behind.
Ru Ai was still searching for any damages done to Yu Yan.
"Feng Mian..."he called out.
Yu Yan almost didn't answer,she had forgotten her name was also Feng Mian.
"Yes"She said.
"Am thankful that you saved my sister again, I'd loose it if anything had happened to her,am very grateful"Ru Ai said,still holding her hand.