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My Little Pony Season 10; Events of the past: Friendship is magic

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When a powerful magical entity wanders in the lands of Equestria, Friendships and Harmony will yet to be tested once again.

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1: A New Dawn Part one

As Equestria begins to leave behind the old and Embraces the new. As Princess Twilight Sparkle takes on the role of being Equestria's Brand-new ruler, a new dawn finally arises to and beyond the lands of Equestria.

One Month After Princess Twilight's coronation.

The last day of School At Canterlot High School, Inside the C.H.S library...

Sunset Shimmer's Journal to Twilight:

Dear Princess Twilight

So how's life treating you as the new ruler of Equestria?, must've been so overwhelming after hearing it first huh. I'm sorry I couldn't come to your coronation things just got a little out of hand here at CHS, i mean apart from our school being the center of magical events and all, but I hope I could make it up to you by visiting for the week?

Your friend Sunset Shimmer

Princess Twilight Sparkle's Journal reply to Sunset Shimmer:

Dear Sunset Shimmer

It's not big deal Sunset I understand it completely, and I would love for you to come visit us here in Equestria, there had been quite a few changes around here since your last visit. And yeah it was a bit overwhelming at first so to speak also it might be easier to tell in pony.

Yours truly Twilight Sparkle.

"So, you guys got any plans this year's Summer vacation?,because I have. I am going to re-watch every episode of Daring-do and the secret of the three rings.", Rainbow Dash said happily as they walk by the school corridor. "Uh-huh". "Well Applejack?". "Well I'm kinda planning on workin'as a Caramel apple lady at the Equestria land", Applejack said. "Oohh, me too. despite last time's debacle of course", Rarity added. "What about you Fluttershy?", Rainbow Dash asked. "I'm going to volunteer for the animal pet center fundraiser and awareness", Fluttershy said softly. "I'm gonna participate in this summer's cake eating and baking contest!", Pinkie Pie said excitedly. "Well since everyone's gonna be busy for a while, Me and Spike are going to visit every library this city has to offer and advance on my own studies research", Sci-Twi said to which everyone including Spike shrugged then smiled. "Well how'bout you Sunset any plans for this Year's summer vacation?", Applejack asked, in which everyone was a bit shocked when she said, "Well I was kinda thinking about spending the week back home and visit some of my friends". "Uhh...back home to where exactly if you don't mind me asking?", Twilight asked. " Equestria I guess", Sunset Shimmer said as they made their way towards the broken Canterlot statue. "Awww but Sunset I was gonna ask you on joining me on the cake baking contest", Pinkie said as she pulls a pair of cup cakes out of her hair. "I'm sorry Pinkie, but I already asked Princess Twilight on visiting for the week. So maybe next time, when I get back", Sunset Shimmer said hoping to reassure Pinkie Pie. "Fine...But don't worry when you get back we're gonna have the best cake baking experience EVER!", Pinkie Pie said excitedly as they arrive in front of the Canterlot Statue which was the portal back to Equestria. "Well Sunset have a nice week", Applejack said as they all go their separate ways, excluding Sunset who was already at the portal.

Meanwhile back in Canterlot

Twilight had already cleared off her schedule for the rest of the afternoon, as she was expecting a friend to come over for this weekend. She picked up her mirror-portal from her castle of friendship back in Ponyville and set it up on her dinning room back at Canterlot, where she prepared for her with some Tea and cucumber sandwiches and other tasty sweets.

As Sunset Shimmer began to step through the portal she turned into her regular pony self only to see Twilight smiling already waiting for her to step out.

Sunset Shimmer's P.O.V during the portal; As I began to step through the portal It felt different than usual, though I am aware of the side effects of traveling to different dimensions and all, but this time it was different. I felt a sudden power surge through my body. As I began to turn into my regular pony self I then lost it. this was a new thing but I kinda figured that it was normal at the time so i didn't make a fuss about it..

As Sunset steps out of the portal, she felt a bit disoriented as she is used to walking on two legs. "Twilight!. Oh-whoa", Sunset said as she stepped out. "Sunset?", Twilight asked confused. "Oopss...I was trying to hug you", Sunset said as she gives Twilight a hug. "Your highness", Sunset said followed by a bow to Twilight. Seeing Sunset bow down before her didn't quite felt right with Twilight though so she protested, "Sunset. Though I may be the ruler of Equestria but that doesn't change the fact that we're friends, so you don't have to bow before me". She then offer's Sunset her seat and some tea and exchange some memories. "And that's why my coronation was such a disaster", Twilight said with humor, to which they both laugh. "So what happened after the Coronation Twilight?", Sunset curiously asked. Well It started off this way;

The Story begins

The day after the Coronation...

"Spike...Wake up spike, its time to get up" Twilight said softly. Spike woke rubbed his eyes followed by a yawn and sleepily replied. "Is it time to get up already? Yawn...five more minutes". " C'mon Spike, we can't be late on the first day of our royal duties!" Twilight said. "Oh c'mon Twilight i mean the sun isn't even up yet!" Spike replied slightly annoyed. Spike's attitude quickly led to Twilight opening up the all curtains along with the shutters while simultaneously raising the sun. " come along Spike we've got work to do" Twilight said with confidence.

"Ok Spike what's first thing on my royal to-do list?". She asked confidently. "Umm, lets see here, ohh it says here that you need to make a few public appearances, store openings, and judging the royal contests consisting of; best roses, best pies and all that sort of stuff". "Wow really?for a second there i thought there would be mo-" Twilight said until she was cut off by Spike who wasn't yet done reading her to do list."And you also need to tend to the student fundraiser, dispell tensions between the villagers and timberwolves near the Everfree forrest, and lastly tend to the town hall delegates, wow...and that's just the first list" Spike then looked over to Twilight. "uhh... Twilight are you ok? You seemed a little nervous." Spike saw Twilight starring at herself through the mirror wearing her crown, necklace, and shoes. Twilight then sat down frowning. Spike sat down with Twilight and gave her a hug. "Awe cheer-up Twilight, do i have to remind you on why Princess Celestia and Luna choose you to become Equestria's new ruler. your Smart, kind, brave and most importantly you never give-up, i mean you've dealt with way worse than this before right. "Spike reassured Twilight giving her the confidence she needed. Twilight then replied "Thank you Spike, you're the Best Royal advisor a princess could ever ask for." Spike blushed after. Twilight along with spike now tend to perform their responsibilities given to them at hoof, unfortunately they had to go their separate ways in order for them to fulfill their own responsibilities. It is with the at most importance for both of them to complete the tasks at hand or hoof and that everything remains perfectly well. With Spike as Friendship ambassador of both the dragon lands and the Changeling kingdom it is his duty to maintain the friendship and peace between the two opposite kingdoms. And as for Princess Twilight Sparkle her responsibilities as the new ruler of equestria lies within protecting equestria day and night along with its every subject against any threats that may or may not occur. Spike was then accompanied by Twilight along with her two royal guards at the Canterlot train station to see him off, Spike's new role as Friendship Ambassador though requires him to travel far and wide across equestria to maintain Peace and friendships across multiple kingdoms.

The train finally arrives, Twilight gave Spike a hug and said while tearing up, "i'm gonna miss you Spike, safe travels." "I'm gonna miss you too Twilight." Spike replied with tears also. "Awe Spike... don't worry as soon as you get back from you're trip we're gonna spend the whole day together." Twilight reassured Spike after noticing his tears. "Thanks Twilight" Spike replied with relief.

As the conductor announced "ALL ABOARD!!!" Spike then got on, when he finally catches his seat he then waves at Twilight while the train finally sets off. Twilight also waves back at Spike, seeing him off though made her realize how Spike had grown up and how far Spike has come. Proud of Spike, Tears of joy then came from Twilight as Spike moves away from a distance, "Your Highness its time." one of the royal guards said. "Okay and also Twilight's fine." "Ahhh what?" The guard replied with confusion. "Oh i meant just call me Twilight. The guard looked more confused and complied "yes prin-rr Twilight". Twilight then returned to her Castle and continued her responsibilities as ruler of equestria.

Back to Sunset Shimmer and Twilight...

"Wow. I mean seeing as you both grow up together seeing him off for the first time that must've been hard for you Twilight", Sunset added. "Yes, it was", Twilight said after she took a bite off of her sandwich. "So what happened after", Sunset asked. "Well things just got really miserable after that;

The Story Continues

As time goes by Twilight grows utterly miserable from time-to-time, not only because she handles Celestia's day-to-day task, as well as Luna's task of governing the dream world, protecting ponies as well as creatures from their nightmares, but the fact that she's performing them alone. With no one to talk to but her royal guard its been driving her crazy, as she attempts to have a casual conversation with one of her guards, he grows utterly more miserable as they keep calling her "your highness, princess" even though she requested already to just call her Twilight. Due to her loneliness she has developed somewhat of a habit of talking to herself, contemplating whether she should just ask for help rather than doing it all on her own, mostly during her time at the dream realm.

Twilight's P.O.V during her time at the Dream Realm; A simple conversation is just what I want with nopony addressing me as; Your highness, Your majesty. I mean is it too much to ask? I can't even talk to anyone at the dream realm other than myself, Princess Luna has instructed me on only entering one's dream only if he or she is having a nightmare.

The first Gathering of the Council of Friendship is finally happening, Twilight's friends Pinkie pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and both Rainbow Dash and Applejack finally arrived only to see their Friend at the throne looking all tired and miserable, "TWILIGHT..." Pinkie Shouted cheerfully while giving Twilight a hug. "We simply missed you darling" Rarity added. "Awe I've miss you girls too" Twilight replied with relief. "Are you okay Twilight?, you seemed a bit miserable and stressed out". Concerned Rainbow dash asked. "I'm fine Raindow Dash really" Twilight replied with a nervous smile. "Twilight we can clearly see somethin's bothering you" Apple jack said. "Yeah, you're mane is all over the place" Rainbow dash added. "Twilight whatever the matter is, you can always tell us darling" Rarity added.

Only Little did they know about Twilight frustrations building up inside her as they keep insisting of just telling them whats wrong. Twilight then couldn't hold it anymore until she finally bursted. Out of her anger she inadvertently answered using her royal canterlot voice;





AND MOST OF ALL I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING ON MY OWN ALONE DAY AND NIGHT, i just...i i just i've really missed you girls so much." Twilight finally opened up to her friends. "I really wish we could all rule together, but things are different now." "We missed you too Twilight" Pinkie pie said while crying along with everypony else. Just as the Mane 6 was hugging each other while crying Spike finally arrived "Hey everypony, uhhh...did i just missed something" Spike Seemingly confused as to what he just saw. "Uhhh...why is everypony crying?" Spike asked. "Nothing Spike, nothing at all." Twilight Answered with a hug.

"But Seriously Twilight why didn't asked for our help in the first place?" Fluttershy asked. "Yeah why didn't you silly? Pinkie pie added. "Well I kinda figured that you all have your own lives now, i mean Applejack's now running sweet apple acres, Rainbow Dash with the recruits, Pinkie pie in charge with the Grand parties here at Canterlot, Rarity's fashion empire and Fluttershy's animal sanctuary. Twilight answered.

Everypony laughs except Twilight...

"Why are all laughing?" Twilight confusedly asked. "Oh Twilight...hihihi sure i may be in charge of all the Grand parties here at Canterlot, but that doesn't mean there's a party every time." Pinkie pie continues laughing "oh Twilight you really are silly."

Pinkie pie added while laughing. "Surely that i too have to manage my Fashion empire, but they don't always need me to be there darling" Rarity added. "And all the animals at the sanctuary are now behaving, well..most of the time." Fluttershy added too. "And yeah i may be in charge of training new recruits at the Wonderbolts academy but its not like that we train like every time." Rainbow Dash added. "And i have way less chores than before now that Apple bloom's gotten a little older, and after Sugar belle came along." Applejack added too. "You see darling we will always be here for you, just like us when we needed you." Rarity reassured Twilight with love. "Hate to say I told you so Twilight." Spike added. "You girls are the bestestfriends a pony could ever wish for" Twilight replied. Everyone hugs. She then receives a letter from Princess Luna as well from Celestia saying;

Dear Princess Twilight

Luna:Though it is most impressive that you've continue to govern the dream realm and protect ponies from harm against their nightmares everynight.

Celestia: As well as all my Day-to-day responsibilities their in Canterlot

Luna: but you don't have to literally do it everyday, i myself only govern the dream realm three times a week. Though i am surprised that you've managed to do it consistently.

Celestia: You are a princess Twilight and one of the benefits you posses of being a princess is the ability to do tasks at you're own paste.

Celestia and Luna: We expect you to handle things you're way. And we most certainly did not expect you to handle things the way we did before, we're sorry, we should've have told you that before we both left.

Sincerely Princess's Celestia and Luna.

"Wow...that explains so much, wait how did Princess Celestia and Luna even know this was happening in the first place?" Twilight asked confused. "I did, i sent a letter to Princess Luna asking about how she managed to continue to govern the dream realm for hundreds of years." Spike answered proudly. "Awe come here Spike" Twilight and Spike then hugged.

The Story Ends

"As the moon finally passed, I then continued to rule over Equestria with comfort knowing that I could always count on my friends to help me in my time of need." Twilight finally ended the story. "Wow...I guess there really is a happy ending huh?" Sunset Shimmer said in humor. their Afternoon tea finally ended Twilight though had to go. "Well it's getting late I gotta go plus I got dream duty for tonight Its been really good catching up with you Sunset", Twilight said. "Me too. But one last thing though", Sunset said as Twilight was about to leave. "Yes Sunset". "Do you you happen to know any place that I can stay in for the week?", Sunset asked to which Twilight happily replied "Actually I do Sunset, and your gonna love it there".

Twilight then took Sunset Shimmer to Ponyville and to her Castle of Friendship where Starlight Glimmer and Sunburst Lives now. As Twilight and Sunset accompanied by two guards enter Twilight's Castle of Friendship, Sunset asked "Umm...Does anypony else live here?". to which she replied "Oh you'll see". As they proceeded to enter the Library Sunset found Starlight Glimmer currently working on a lesson plan for their students. "Sunset?", "Starlight?" they both said as they ran to give each other a hug. "So what brings you back here in Equestria?" Starlight Glimmer asked. "Oh I'm only here for the week, so got any plans for tomorrow?", Sunset asked. "I thought you'd never asked". Starlight said. " two have fun together", Twilight said as she started to leave. "Thank you Twilight", Sunset said to which Twilight gave Sunset a nod of your welcome. "Oh I have to introduce you to my friend", Starlight said as they headed towards the library. "Sunset Shimmer I want you to meet-". She said as she was cut off by Sunset. "Sunburst?". "Sunset?". "Wait you two know each other?", Starlight asked. "Well yeah, We've met in Celestia's School for gifted Unicorns", Sunburst said as he walk towards Sunset and Starlight. "Oh we were lab partners", Sunset added. After a long awkward pause Starlight asked Sunburst, "Uh-hey Sunburst, Could you maybe I don't know cover for me for at least just until tomorrow?" to which Sunburst happily replied "Sure Starlight." "Great you must be tired you should get some rest, cause we've got a lot of catching up to do", Starlight said happily to Sunset. "Well...see you in the morning Sunset", Sunburst said as he continues his research. Sunset is then accompanied by Starlight to her room. turns out Sunset was still disoriented from the portal so when she began to lay down, she fell asleep soundly.

End of part 1