The Day After Tomorrow At the Canterlot Train Station...
Twilight along with two of her royal guards are currently waiting by the train station. The train from Ponyville had finally arrived and stopped. "Thank you girls for coming in, in such short notice", Twilight said as her friends, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie all stepped out of the train. "No problem Twilight. So what seems to be the problem?", Applejack asked. "Yeah. And why in equestria would raise the sun up this early?", Rainbow Dash sleepily complained followed by a yawn. "Rainbow Dash! I'm sure Twilight has plenty of good reasons on as to why she did what she did", Rarity said to which Twilight explained, "I wouldn't have done it if I hadn't had a good reason. But that's not important, right now we need to get to the Crystal Empire and find out what's been causing the Crystal Heart's power to fade". "But I thought the Crystal Heart's power comes from the light and love given by the crystal ponies", Fluttershy said softly. "Yeah, so how could it's power just suddenly fade away like that?", Applejack added. "Hmm...I don't know...maybe it's caused by a magical entity brought by a certain pony that's actually from here but lives from an another dimension who was evil but now she's good bent on destruction as it continues to find the right host", Pinkie Pie claimed as she runs out of breath making every pony blankly stare at her. "Iii'm sure that's not it Pinkie", Rainbow Dash said. "Well whatever's causing it's up to us to figure out and save the Crystal Empire", Twilight said as the her Train arrives and stops at the exact spot from where she was. "Wait, Shouldn't we wait for Starlight and Sunburst?", Fluttershy said right as she and the others were about to enter the train. "Yeah Twilight I thought you called on all seven of us?", Applejack added. "Starlight, Spike and Sunburst along with Celestia and Luna all decided to went ahead", Twilight explained as they all entered the train. "I just hope we're not already to late", Twilight added as the train started to move. "Don't worry dear, I'm sure that by the time we get there the problem's already solved", Rarity said hoping to reassure Twilight. "I sure'd hope so", Applejack chimed which made Twilight worry even more.
Within An Hour Onto Their Trip...
Within an hour onto their trip to the Crystal Empire, the train finally reached the Northern Empire's borders but there was problem. As they pass the border the land was already in a blizzard of ice and snow and wasn't long before the train then came into a screeching halt. Twilight who was confused went up to a conductor and asked, "What's going why did we stop?". to which he replied, "There's problem with the tracks". "Why what's wrong?", Twilight asked again. "That's just it there's no more tracks, it's covered with snow", He said before Twilight peeked outside and see's no more tracks. Twilight then went back to the car from where her friends at. "I'm sorry girls, but the train can't go any further", Twilight said as she frowns. "Uh-oh you don't mean-", Rainbow Dash said in fear as she was cut-off by Applejack, "Guess where gonna have to hoof it all the way to the Crystal Empire", by which made Twilight nod in agreement with Applejack. With all in agreement with Applejack they went outside and began navigating their way towards the empire. Luckily Rarity had brought them all heavy snow coats and scarfs as if she knew that cold would undoubtedly be related to their travel.
After Three Days of Trotting...
After a total of 3 days navigating through the blizzard, Twilight and her Friends Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy all have finally made it to the outskirts of the Empire. "WE'RE ALMOST THERE GIRLS, KEEP GOING!", Twilight yelled as they walk through the thick blizzard in which Rarity yelled back"OBVIOUSLY!". "HOW MUCH FURTHER?", Applejack asked Yelling. "WAIT I THINK I SEE SOMEONE", Twilight Shouted. her friends had finally cached up to her stopping as they all see a certain pony from a distance in the blizzard from a distance. As they came in closer, they saw crowds of crystal ponies in the blizzard seeming to be marching away from the Crystal Empire. "Oh no we were too late", Twilight said as she begins to tearing up knowing she and her friends were too late.
The safety of the evacuation was lead by both Celestia, Luna and Spike clearing a path, while Shining Armor, Starlight and Sunburst was in charge of navigating through the blizzard and Cadence who had the Crystal Heart and Flurry Heart asleep. "Starlight!". "Twilight!", both said as they ran towards each other followed by a hug. "What's going on? And why is every pony else leaving", Twilight asked. "I'm sorry Twilight, but we did the best we could", Starlight said with tears falling down. "No-no-no. This can't be happening", Twilight said as she looks around knowing she had failed. "Shining Armor! Cadence!", Twilight exclaimed as she ran towards her brother and Cadence. "I'm so sorry this is all my fault, we didn't make it in time-", Twilight said as she was cut off by Shining Armor, "Hey It's okay Twily, this is no one's fault. we all did what we could", Shining Armor said hoping to reassure Twilight, Cadence on the other hoof was crying and left but speechless as she walk's pass Twilight and her friends. "Uhh Twilight are you okay?", Applejack asked as Twilight started tearing up. " Applejack. I'm not"....
Back At Canterlot...
After the evacuation of the crystal ponies, Inside the throne room, Twilight along with Cadence and Shining Armor had decided that the crystal ponies shall remain and live in Canterlot fort and until they could find a way to revive the Crystal Heart and restore the Empire. "This day has brought not only sorrow but the loss of an Empire as well", Celestia said. "Indeed. Without the Crystal Empire, there would be nothing left to spread both light and love in the lands of Equestria", Luna added as they all stare at the memorial stain glass window. Cadence who was over with Shining Armor gave a sigh of sadness in which he noticed. "Hey it's gonna be okay Cadence", Shining Armor said. "I just don't believe it. We failed", Cadence said as she looks away from Twilight and Shining Armor and frowned. "Cadence, there was nothing else that we could've done to prevent this. But look on the bright side, now we can rule together as a family", Shining Armor said hoping to reassure Cadence to which she gave off a little smile after hearing that. "Well when you put it that way, I guess it's not all that bad", Cadence said with a smile as she hugs both Twilight and Shining Armor.
"Twilight?". "Yes Cadence?". "I need to ask you a favor", Cadence said as she walks towards the memorial window. "Sure Cadence what do you need?", Twilight answered as she went stand beside Cadence. "I need you. To remove every pony's memory about the Crystal Empire", Cadence said firmly. "YOU WANT ME TO WHAT?!", Twilight exclaimed, "Cadence I can't you know I can't, even if I wanted to", Twilight added. "Cadence what you're asking us exacts a terrible price", Celestia said as she walks right up to Cadence. "Are you certain that that's what you wish for all your subjects including your daughter Flurry Heart?", Luna asked. "It'll only be until we find a way to revive the Heart and restore the Empire. plus I can't bare having Flurry Heart know that we've could've done better . Flurry 'Cannot' know that we've failed", Cadence said as she held on to Flurry, and also making Shining Armor nod in agreement with her. "If that's what you really wish Cadence", Celestia said in which Cadence and Shining both nodded to Celestia. "Then let us begin Sister", Luna said as she and Celestia including Twilight prepared the to cast a spell temporarily removing all the memories of every pony about the Crystal Empire all excluding everyone inside the throne room including Starlight and Sunburst. The three Princess's used and combined their magic creating a magical orb. The magical ord then explodes in a bright flash of purple, yellow and black, followed by a wave of magic that traveled throughout the far lands of Equestria. "It is done then, all the memories about the Crystal Empire are temporarily gone fort and until the Empire is restored", Celestia said as they've finished the spell. "I sure hope that this was the right call", Sunburst said as he and Starlight along with Celestia and Luna started to leave making Twilight sigh, "I do too", Twilight said as every pony left. Afterwards after they've all left the castle, Cadence had Twilight remove all the stain glass windows which contains any memory regarding the crystal empire, along with every artifacts, books all stored away deep within the catacombs beneath the castle along with the Crystal Heart. And before she locks the doors beneath the catacombs she said, "I'm sorry Flurry, But This is for your own good".
About 5 Years After The Fall Of The Crystal Empire...
Starlight Glimmer's P.O.V; It started off yesterday, I think?, Luna came into my dreams, "Starlight", She said. "Starlight I need you to meet me by the Outskirts of the Crystal Empire, bring yourself with days worth of food and supplies, I fear we might take long. don't tell and bring any pony else with you including my sister. Understood?". Of course knowing me I said yes before I could even ask why. With Luna knowing Twilight would notice her, she immediately left before I could even ask why am I going in the first place.
I then woke up pretending like nothing even happened, and as I begin packing up, Sunburst came in and asked, "Umm Starlight, what are you doing?". Of course I had to lie, after the fact that Luna specifically said not to tell anypony else about our trip, but thankfully I didn't have to. Sunset Shimmer called upon Sunburst down stairs and as he left, he simply said? "Oh umm...wherever you're going, have fun". Oh thank Celestia Sunset called, Because If she hadn't I would have to lie to my best friend. But Then I left without even saying goodbye, Typical, as if I would even raise any suspicions. I mean ever since 'Luster Dawn' was born, almost every time, Sunburst and Sunset were like preoccupied enough at every single moment to the point from where my actions and myself apparently go pretty much unnoticed.
End of Starlight Glimmer's P.O.V
Starlight Glimmer had arrived at the Outskirts of the Empire and saw Luna. "Starlight Did you bring any pony else with you?", Luna asked as she walks right up to Starlight to which Starlight said, "No", with a left to right nod of disagreement. "Good. Then let us begin", Luna said as she and Starlight Started to head towards the Crystal Empire Palace. "Umm...okay pardon me for asking, but why are we here and does Celestia even know your here in the first place?", Starlight asked. "No. Celestia needed not to know nor hear any of this. And Trust me Starlight it's better for you to know less than it is now", Luna said with a determined voice.
After They've finally reached and Entered the Castle. At Luna's request, Starlight Glimmer uses dark magic that Twilight had taught her during her time as Twilight's student to open the Spiral staircase in the center of the Crystal Empire palace throne room. Though Starlight is certain that King Sombra is gone, she hopes to find records that he kept to replace the ones he destroyed during his rule. As Luna and Starlight started to Descend upon the staircase, they hear a faint clicking sound. At the bottom of the stairs, Starlight uses her magic on the door, and it opens to reveal Sombra's personal studies. There, they find Sombra's diary beside an a unknown ritual book on a nearby writing desk, but before Starlight got a chance to read it, Luna levitated Sombra's diary along with the ritual book and teleported it into her saddlebag. After that Luna used her magic on the ritual book and opens up a portal. "Umm...what are you doing?", Starlight asked. Luna sighed first then said, "Starlight, I need you to promise me something. whatever happens I need you to never ever speak to any pony or anyone else about this especially Celestia, Twilight, and Cadence", Luna said with a frown after she opens a portal, Starlight then thought about it and complied, "Okay I promise to never ever speak to anyone or any pony else including Celestia, Twilight, and Cadence about this", Starlight Pinkie promised Luna. "Thank you Starlight", Luna said before turning to face the portal. "Oh and Starlight?, try to keep an open mind on whatever happens next", Luna said before entering. "Okay I promise", Starlight complied. Luna then took a deep breath before entering the portal and after she entered, the portal then closed. Along with Luna's request, Starlight waited for her to return.
3 Days Later...
After a total 3 days of waiting, the portal then reappears. Starlight woke up rubbing her eyes and saw Luna step out of the portal with a smile of relief. "Oh...Welcome back Luna", Starlight said sleepily followed by a yawn. after the fact that She just woke up Starlight's eyes were blurry at the moment, but as she slowly recovers her sight, she see's a certain pony standing beside Luna that has a neatly smooth mane and tail with blue streaks, a horn segmented with a solid color like other unicorns, and eyes with a color of green irises, and wears a light blue crown with a yellow gem, matching shoes and collar, along with a purple cape, and as Starlight fully recovers her sight, she exclaimed when she immediately recognizes him, "IS THAT KING SOMBRA!!!!?"....
To be continued...
End of Chapter 2