Felia dashed into the woods with a wide smile on her face. After so long, she felt adrenalin rush through her vein.
"Yeah, that felt so good. Maybe I should visit that tree again," she said and laughed out loud.
Raijin gave her a wooden stare. 'But you almost got eaten alive. How could you even think about going there?' he thought.
"Awoo, bark," he barked, but it really meant, 'Let me down, please. I can't handle this act of infidelity to my morals,'
"Yeah, see, my cutie also agrees with me," she said and caressed his tiny head. "Every time I get prissy I will go punch the heck out of it. It will be a payback for all the victims it swallowed."
Raijin nodded his head. From the amount of shrunken pods on it, it looked like that tree had killed over a hundred of victims.
If not for this girl, he would have become one of the victims too. He rolled himself up and took a short nap.