"Hey Ayaka-San want to be friends?"
Ayaka's POV
!.. oh another one of those weird dreams... Ayaka thought to herself. "Who is that kid anyway?"Ayaka!! breakfast is ready!" My aunt, Hoshi Koto yelled from downstairs. "Wait... what time is it?" '7:30'
"Shoot I'm late already!" I quickly get ready and head downstairs. "Morning Koto-San!" Morning Ayaka." She responded with a smile. "Sorry I need to hurry to school or I'll be late!" Koto looks at me confused. "Late? it's only 7:20?" What?? but my alarm clock said.." Oh, I forgot to tell you your little sister messed up your alarm, sorry about that darling." Oh, it's fine it isn't your fault!" Koto smiles and hands me a piece of toast, "Good luck!" Thanks, Koto-San", I said while walking out of the door.
I walk to school and see a cherry blossom tree and I can't help but stop and admire it. I also notice it is near the school...I slowly read the name "Hana Academy", I said in a low voice. I see you go to that school too?" I quickly turn around and say "Hey! who are-" I instantly stop talking once I see a tallboy. He has blonde hair and grey eyes. My type, score! "Um hello?..." said the boy waving his hand at my face. "O-Oh, gomen'nasai!" (A/N: gomen'nasai means sorry in Japanese) "Oh no! you're face is quite red, I'll show you where the nurse's office is," he says while grabbing my hand. I feel my heart skip a beat but I quickly shake off the feeling. "I'm not sick!." He looks at me and says nervously, "Oh gomen'nasai! I thought you were sick...well anyways I have to go!" He quickly runs off. Dammit, I never got his name...I take a step inside the school, it had a nice atmosphere. "Hello~" I quickly turn around to see Keiko Harumi. "Harumi-Chan! thank God you found me!" Harumi smiles brightly. "Did you just meet prince charming over there, it looks like you have a crush on him~!" Shh!! not too loud!" She laughs. "His name is Ademar Haruki," Harumi whispers. "Thanks for telling me!" I said while smiling. Suddenly the bell rings which gave me a little jump. "Ah!, I'll take you to class c'mon!" Harumi says excitedly. I swear this girl has too much energy.
I walk into class with Harumi and I take a seat next to the window almost on the last row of the back of the classroom. Harumi sits right next to me and smiles. I notice a boy go up to her, I didn't pay attention much but I could tell he asked her out on a date. He gave her chocolates but of course, she rejected him. Honestly, that girl can get whatever she wants I bet more than half of the school knows her already. I notice Haruki walk in the class I was really happy all of a sudden until he sat next to this girl at the front. How sad. I didn't think I cant get him anyways, I noticed all the girls looking at him and they were pretty...way prettier.
"Attention students!" the teacher says while slamming his hand on the desk. We went through the classroom expressions and right after he told us to sit down I see the door open. I hear some whispers saying "Ooh someone getting in trouble...~" Then the kid walks in, and by what I mean the kid, I mean THE KID!! The one in my DREAMS! I was shocked and just stared at him. He had the same face. I noticed he was a little taller than me, maybe by 2 inches. I noticed he has sparkling green emerald eyes and brown hair, he wore glasses, circular ones. He looked a little cute just a little though. Wait, why am I thinking about this again?! "Gomen'nasai Saito-San" the boy with green eyes responded while smiling. "I got a little lost..." he said while touching the back of his neck. "Don't be late again, Azrail." The boy named Azrail sat right behind me. Harumi taps on my desk and whispers, "Ooh" while smiling. I ignored her and just paid attention to my teacher again. "Anyways class call me Saito-Sensei" The class went by quicker than I thought, even the next class was quick, next thing you know it was lunch.
I was sitting with Harumi, eating some Sushi from my bento. "Hey be right back I have to use the bathroom." She said while leaving. Then I felt a quick tap coming from my right shoulder. I turn around to see Azrail. "Hey Ayaka-San want to be friends?" he said cheerfully. I look at him with an annoyed face. "Don't call me that, we are not friends," I responded harshly. He tilted his head a bit before he said, "I still asked if you wanted to be friends though!" He says while smiling. Then a blessing happened, the school bell rang, saving me from the question. I quickly stood up and then went to my next class in a hurry.
It was the last class of the day and the teacher had just informed us we need to get in a club by the end of the week, he also gave us a list of the clubs. The limit we had was three clubs. The bell just rang and Harumi and I were talking about the clubs. Harumi said she was going into gardening. I was going to gardening, music, and art. Honestly, I was having second thoughts on the clubs. Was I going to attend all of that? But I was determined to do it, I want to learn more about gardening and make a beautiful garden, just for my aunt, who had to put up with me ever since I was six. I want to go to the music club to carry my mom's passion, I also love the piano, I've been learning it ever since I was 5. Art just makes me feel relaxed, my dad was a painter too, his dream was to become famous. I wonder how they are now?
Huh, where am I?
what the hell is that!!??
Are you okay??
oh god I might throw up
I wake up gasping for air. Harumi was there looking so happy but sad. "Ayaka-Chan! I thought you were gonna die!!" I take a look around to see where I am, a hospital? but why?? "H-Harumi-Chan why am I h-here?" I said in a shaky voice. Harumi said quietly, "Well you were coughing out some black liquid and you fainted! Saito-Sensei told everyone to head home and he called an ambulance for you. You have been asleep for two days and you also get the next days off until Friday." I stared at her confused. I don't get it, didn't Saito-Sensei touch my blood? I mean he had to, well maybe he was careful. " Is Saito-Sensei alright?" I say concerned. "Of course he is why wouldn't he be?" she says with a smile. A smile which makes me feel reassured, but something was wrong, a gut feeling told me. I soon told her I was going to sleep and then she left.
Time skip to Friday
We had the whole day to get to know each other and join clubs and get along with our classmates. I got a bit closer with Haruki and some girls hate me because of it but I have always been disliked through middle school. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Harumi was with me to keep her popularity but I know that's not the case because she has never left my side, not even in the summer. I also figured out Azrail's full name is Hibiki Azrail and he is pretty damn popular. His dad was Saito-Sensei which I found kinda weird since they don't look alike. Maybe he got his looks from his mother? Wait, why am I talking about him? It's something about him, it's weird. The dreams I have of him. Why is that? I'll ask him next week. Then I can finally relax my thoughts and never think of him again.
As soon as I enter the door I get a jump hug from my sister. I pet her head and make her go to the coach I also put on her favorite cartoon. I went up to my aunt and hugged her. Hey, Ayaka I want to give to you, it was from your mother and father." Those words made my eyes light up. I followed my aunt to the attic. It was quite scary in there and I saw some spirits, but they weren't bad. Then my aunt put on the palm of my hand a necklace, a paintbrush, and blank cards. I then looked up at her confused. She said with a frightened tone, "I think you are old enough now to know but I must warn you to not use the paintbrush on the cards yet, get a ghost to help you out figuring it out and make sure it is one you trust. For now, please wear the necklace." Then she left, leaving me in the attic. I go downstairs to my room in a hurry. I place the cards in my drawer and take a look at the paintbrush before putting it in my drawer. The paintbrush was pitch black but had flower designs on it, It looked lovely. I then close my drawer and look at the necklace. It was a gold necklace with a treble clef piano note on it next to it on its sides were white roses. I put on the necklace and went to go to sleep. Ready for one of those stupid dreams.
A paintbrush? yeah, I've heard of it...
okay... pinky promise?
I woke up not even questioning what I dreamed and did what I usually did. I got dressed, ate breakfast, and went to school. But something was off, when I stepped into the school, there was a heavy atmosphere not like how it was on the first day of school. I shook it off and went to homeroom. When I sat down the teacher began to talk...but it wasn't beginning with our classroom expressions...it began with, "Class I have some sad news, your classmate, Hibiki Azrail...has gone missing."
(1712 Words)