Chereads / The Connections / Chapter 5 - The Doc

Chapter 5 - The Doc

"Sofia! Over here." Someone yelled behind the two.

Sofia and Zach turned as a guy ran up to them.

"Sofia, I need your notes for tomorrow's test" The guy asked.

"Sure, but I need them back. Oh this is Zach by the way, I'm giving him a tour of the campus." Sofia said

"It is nice to meet you Zach, I'm Gus Wessex, are you a new student?"

"No, I am on community service." Zach replied

"Community service, what for?" Gus askes.

"I have been stealing food for the starving." Zach said.

"So you are an Incoherent?" Gus asks with disdain.

"Yes I am an Incoherent" Zach replies.

" I can't believe the administration has let the Incoherent on the campus." Gus says as he walks off.

"Don't let him get under your skin. He is always like that." Sofia said.

"Thank you for the tour, but I need to get back to my work." Zach said.

Zach shakes Sofia's hand and walks back to where he left his tools. When he got back the trash can was tipped over again. As he righted it there was a gray flash and something hit his face. Pain shot through him and the gray raccoon that had attached itself to Zach's face let go, landing next to Zach and hissed. Zach looked over at the raccoon, but before he could do anything it lunged at him, biting deep into Zach's forearm. Zach yelled out in pain. Then the raccoon was hit by a flash of silver and it was pinned to the trash can with a dagger in its side.

"Are you hurt Zach?" The security guard named Bennet asked.

"Not really, Just some scratches and a bite." Zach replied.

"A bite? Then you need to go see the Doc." Bennet said with finality in his voice.

Bennet helped Zach up and walked him into the Academy. They walked down a hallway, up a set of stairs, and down another hallway. As they reached a door Zach felt dizzy. Bennet opened the door and sat Zach down in an armchair.

"Doc, Zach here needs some care, he was attacked by a raccoon. He suffered scratches and a bite." Bennet said to a guy in an adjoining office.

Doc cursed under his breath. He got up from a desk and opened a closet and took out a box with a big blocky formula on it and a jar with the label reading polymorphonuclear leukocytes. The Doc opened a cupboard and took out a blender and plugged it into an outlet in the wall on a counter.

"Do you like strawberry or grape?" The Doc asked Zach.

"Grape." Zach replied

The Doc grabbed a bottle out of a fridge and set it on the counter. He then opened the blender and poured some powder out from the box and measured out 4 tablespoons into the blender from the Jar, he then filled it about halfway with water and poured a small amount of the liquid from the bottle from the fridge. Returning the ingredients to their respective places the Doc then closed the lid on the blender and started it. After the concoction had been mixed the Doc poured it into a cup and gave it to Zach.

"What is it?" Zach asked.

"It is a mix of polymorphonuclear leukocytes or White blood cells and C₂Co₇W₃ with some grape flavor witch has a secret ingredient in it." Doc replied

Zach drank it and nearly choked it up. It tasted horrible and Zach could see Doc slightly turn the corner of his mouth up in a smile.