Chereads / The Connections / Chapter 10 - Trash

Chapter 10 - Trash

Zach woke up to a beating on his door.

"Ok, Ok. I'm up." Zach yelled.

He got up and opened the door to the face of Bennet.

"You're late. I told you if you were late I would come and find you." Bennet said.

"I know. Sorry, I ended up helping a friend." Zach said, gathering his stuff.

They climbed into an old truck and Bennet drove to the front gates of the Academy and the other two guys were waiting right outside. It was not long before all three guys were busy with lancing trash and trimming the grass. when the afternoon rolled around Bennet called everyone back.

"Ok, due to a set back in the schedule we have to stay here an hour longer." Bennet said, glancing at Zach. "We do have two options though. We can go and do trash duty in the buildings or we can do maintenance on the fence." Bennet said.

They all took a vote and decided on doing trash duty. they all entered the school and each of them went off and did trash duty. Even Bennet helped. At one point Zach passed a classroom where he could see Conner sitting in class. The board on the wall said Pure Matter Extraction, but Zach did not stay to learn more. He finished with that wing of the school and was walking down the stairs to put the trash he collected with the others when he heard someone behind him call out.

"Everyone in the school is talking about your stunt in the library with the Archives. How did you do it? Did you hack the memory units?" Gus said.

Zach turned and smiled. "What stunt?"

Gus frowned and descended the stairs to meet Zach at eye level. "You know Zach, not many people have had the chance to see the things you are seeing right now. You should savor it while you still can." Gus said.

"I'm not seeing Gus. I'm doing what needs to be done." Zach said.

Before Gus could make another snide remark, Conner and Sofia appeared. "Oh, Zach. your back." Sofia said with a smile.

"Not for long." Zach said grimly and hefted the bags and started down stairs once more.

"Hay Zach, wait up." Conner said, running to catch him. "I just wanted to say sorry for making you feel uncomfortable yesterday. You may not care but having an original idea is very important, especially here." Conner said.

"No, it wasn't you. I'm not used to having that much eyes on me at one time." Zach said.

"Oh, Ok. Here let me help you with that." Conner said, taking one of the trash bags from Zach's shoulder.

The two of them walked down the hallway in silence. Finally Conner asked what Zach did for a living.

"I build and fix machines. But my main job now is helping the sick and starving." Zach said.

"Oh that sounds cool, I would go out and help too but I don't know where to start." Conner said dejected.

"Well you can help me until you get the hang of it. When do you get out of class for the day?" Zach said.

"Now actually and I don't have class tomorrow." Conner said.

"You can come with me when I get finished with this." Zach said nodding to the trash.

Zach threw the trash into a large metal machine at the back of the campus. when Bennet said that they were done for the day Conner and Zach left together. Conner managed to get two big crates of food from the food court. When they got to Zach's village Conner gasped in surprise.

"I never knew it was this bad." Conner said.

"This is what everyday life is like for Incoherent." Zach said with malice in his voice.

Zach showed Conner around as he handed out the food and attended to the sick.

"So not only are you a mechanic and a local hero, but you also know basic first aid too?" Conner said, astounded.

"Well I guess so." Zach said.

They continued on and Conner learned how to change a dressing on a wound.

"Conner I want you to meet someone." Zach said, walking toward Mr. Avner.

"The righteous General Avner!" Conner said in amazement.

"Yes, you know him?" Zach said.

"Yes! Well not personally, but I have read every record of him. He is my hero!" Conner said with delight.

They walked up to him and Zach introduced them to each other.

"I just have to say that I am a big fan, General Avner." Conner said.

"It is always nice to meet a fan, you can just call me Avner." Mr. Avner said smiling.

"Avner Is the leg holding up?" Zach asked.

"It is, It works like a charm Zach." Avner said.

Conner looked down and gawked. "If you don't mind me asking, but where did you get your prosthesis?" Conner asked Avner.

"Zach did." Avner replied with a smile on his face.

"Wait you made it? That is outstanding craftsmanship." Conner said turning to Zach.

Mr. Avner showed Conner how everything moved. He also showed Conner the scythe Zach made. Zach and Conner said their goodbyes and finished with handing out the food. It was getting dark and Conner said that the gates would be locked for the night, so Zach offered for Conner to crash at his place. When Conner followed Zach into his abode, he smiled.

"It isn't much but it is out of the elements. You can take my bed and I will sleep on the floor." Zach said.

Conner tried to refuse but Zach was having none of it. The night was quiet and calm.