The world was grey, it has been grey for a very Long time, but before it was grey it was something else, it was a different world that I vaguely remember it was during my childhood.
As a child the world was a beautiful place, the place I called home was known as a childcare centre the place I was brought into the world, I remember have soft yellow walls surrounding my crib, my robotic nannies took care of my daily needs but most of the time I was by myself it was no bigy, before I learn to walk I climbed, out of my crib out of the room and the centre the first thing I saw was a new colour I have never seen before it was green and it was as spread out as the walls allowed them to be the tall white walls hid marble skyscrapers just on the other side, the golden gates of the childcare center gave me a better view of what I called the other side from there as far as my eye went I could see the poppies planted on the sidewalk lambs on metal poles and the poppies planted surrounding the walls in which I have gotten as close as I could to the gate to be able to see them, but with new discovery comes new emotions one of them was fear with was a slight nagging feeling as in this box no one gets hurt and is always safe, as that was all that I have known. But the two most prominent feeling was the feeling of wanting to explore the other side also known as wanderlust and stuffiness of the small small box.
when I got older the feeling of wanderlust just Kept growing and every day the childcare center just kept getting smaller don't get me wrong my nannies did a great job of raising me which included how to cook, write and read but they felt impersonal like they where programmed to just raise me with basic knowledge which I now know they were, I Guess you could say I was lonely very lonely and like all other children that grow up looking at their guardian I and most angels started imitating our robot nannies making us quite void of emotions but it was still there. the world is starting to look grey.
One day when I was 15 our father also known as our creator sent all 15 year old children to a center known as school for re-education, making sure we are prepared for the roles we would take on.
During the morning of the first day of school I was bubbling with excitement, being particularly excited in the prospect of leaving this tiny cage and meeting other living beings, with that I took my packed luggage from my nannies kiss them on their metal cheek good bye and I dash out the golden gate but at the moment the gates slammed shut I just realise that I would never be seeing them again and from what they have taught me I won't even be allowed to enter this area again, I just stood in silence staring at my home, with the hush of the breeze I let out a sorrowful sob took one last look and was now on a new journey onwards.