"Every oracle must be fulfilled. We don't know how much it will take but if we miss the chance to do so, the book becomes a demon. In our entire history, we failed just once and since then we live in terror, not knowing when he will make his first move.''
"Yeah, yeah, the guardians must protect the books while the magicians have to fulfill them. Just how many times are you going to tell me this, mother?"
"I want you to be prepared! Everyone must know our history, especially if it's an unpleasant one."
"I agree, but you repeated the same thing for five years already. I think it's enough."
"You have a point, maybe I went a bit overboard, but I can't help myself since I'm so happy that you'll continue our family legacy. I hope you didn't forget that tomorrow night is your initiation!"
"Of course I didn't forget. How could I when you remember me every day."
"Don't look at me like that, I just want everything to be perfect!"
"Whatever! I'm going to train with Hiwi until tomorrow, don't look after me, I'll be on time for the ceremony, don't worry."
"Good, physical training is the best, we don't know when we may run out of magic."
"I'll get going!"
Everything looks so exciting from afar, every kid from Lake kingdom wants to be a magician, assassin, or even a guardian, but in reality, if you're not a part of the royal family, all you can become is an army. While the 'normal' people dream to be a part of the three, only those born with a crown on their head know the pressure.
"Kim! What are you doing here?"
"Do you want to train together?"
"Sure...but I don't use magic, I can watch you train if you want."
"No! I want to fight you, I won't use magic! See, I brought a knife."
"Are you sure? I mean, if you hurt yourself your mom won't be happy."
"I got her permission! Let's fight!"
Hiwi disarmed Kim within two seconds. Hiwi didn't want to get into any trouble so he was careful with his actions, but I can't say the same thing about his words.
"You are so cool big brother!"
"Don't look at me with those sparkling eyes! I told you that I won't teach you! You're a kid and you're part of the royal family, you don't need to learn how to fight! Why are you so stubborn?"
"If I'm a guardian that doesn't mean that I can't learn how to fight if I want!"
Kim threw his knife aimlessly and after that, he saw Hiwi's expression, it was as clear as a glass bead.
He was jealous, so he envied him. He was angry, so he feard him. Kim knew that he had to leave him alone.
For Kim, who was born a guardian, it was easy to take fighting as his skill but for people like Hiwi, they can't take magic as a skill, all they can do is fight.
He spent some time in the forest, to clear his mind and he got home before the sunset.
"Kim? Why did you come back so early? Didn't you say you'll going to train?"
"Nothing mom! I just realized that fighting is not my strong point. I will wait for your training."
Kim knew that what he was doing wasn't going to change anything, but he did it regardless. He really believed that he isn't made to be an assassin type of royalty.
And with that thought in his mind, a fairy visited him in a dream to show his future. Well, is not like he didn't know how being a guardian is like.
Kim knows that it's something normal since his father and grandfather had the same type of dream.
But is it normal for a fairy to ask:
"Do you want me to change your fate?"
Kim tried to recall his mother's words but he doesn't remember anything about 'changing his fate'.
"Can you do that?" he asked.
"Sure! All you have to do is answer a question. You're ready?"
"How many oracles remained unfulfilled?"
"That's easy! Eight! There are eight books guarded in the palace so the answer is eight!"
"Thanks boy! I fulfilled one as a gift for you, but there are still eight remaining. Good luck!"
He didn't understand anything and the fairy disappeared right after.
It was a chaotic day, everything seemed to go against him. Kim expected the next day to be even worse.
"Grandpa!? Why are you here?"
"Good job Kim! How was your first experience? You are such a talented kid! I can live my life freely from now on! Thank you!"
He had a lot of questions but chooses not to ask.
"It was fine! The question was easy! The fairy asked me: ''How many ******* ******** ***********?'' ?" he said without thinking.
His grandfather, mother, and sisters laughed at his confused face.
"Sweety! You can't tell us what the fairy asked. It's just between you two, that's the rule so don't be confused!"
He wasn't confused. At first he was shocked because he sensed that he souldn't have said that, but then he felt relieved because they didn't heard.
"Anyways, Kim! Get ready for the ceremony! Go get dressed!"
"But isn't it too soon? Is just 10 am, why now?"
"Because that's how we've done it so far! You have to get ready as soon as you wake up!"
He woke up early because he thought that he could have some hours of peace and quiet in his special place before the ceremony. I guess he was wrong.
"This isn't fun anymore." he said.
The only thing he was grateful for is that he was the only one who had the string attached to his soul. I don't know if he would've resisted seeing his sisters struggling like this.
It was almost dawn when the initiation started. The whole kingdom had to witness this unique moment.
"Kim Kkrut, 4th generation guardian, Lake kingdom, Riol region." his grandfather said three times before casting the spell.
The little kids were so mesmerized by the ritual. I'm sure Kim would've been that too if he was an outsider.
The sky was filled with red fireworks that looked like fire, produced by Rivon's magic, but truth be told, every person above 12 years old knew that wasn't the case.
Now Kim has his own tattoo, but he's not an enviable case. He just wanted this to be finished as soon as possible.
At least the ritual ended quickly and now he can start his training properly.
"How do you feel, Kim?" said his mother.
"I feel a bit dizzy."
"It's normal! You can go to sleep if you want. We'll start when you wake up."
Kim slept for an entire week. Normally, people wake up after 3 to 4 days, but he didn't. He is still conscious of what is happening outside his dream state, but all he can do at the moment is wondering:
"Is this my fate?"
At some point, his mother went to his room and asked:
"Did you do this? This wasn't supposed to happen! Why?"
She repeated those words every single day.
Kim didn't know what his mother was talking about. He wanted to wake up, but he couldn't so he chooses to wait until the time is right.
After a week, he woke up in a quiet quite scary environment, but Kim had the courage to go downstairs.
"Kim... we need to talk!" she said coldly.
"Mother? Why are the curtains closed? What happened?"
His mother runs towards Kim and then hugs him, they both start crying.
After they calmed down for a moment, his mother finally sais what happened:
"Kim! Your name is written in an oracle!"
"Oracle? Which one?"
"A new one! The 8th oracle! Do you know what that means?"
"You know what? Keep your breath and get ready for the training! I'll call Samantha Mint!"
Kim got chills all over his body. He didn't dare to say another word, besides the familiar name, his mother seemed determined and confident, but at the same time, very scary.