"Samantha, you're here!"
"I'm sorry for being late."
"You're not late. You're on time! Do you remember my son? I hope you can teach him."
"I heard... Never mind! You can count on me Kelin!"
This is the second time Kim sees Samantha in person. The first time was when he was 5 years old. She had some pretty amazing stories about her mission.
The most amazing thing about her achievements was that she managed to fulfill her oracle in just 15 years.
"Kim! How in the world did you manage to have your name written in an oracle? There is a whole process that determines the person who will fulfill the prophecy."
"Aunt Samantha! My mother said that some books choose their own owner! Didn't your name was also written in a book?"
"I mean... yes but that's a whole another story. I am an assassin type! You were born a guardian, not a fighter."
"That's mean! How can you say that? All this time, the only thing I wanted is to learn how to fight and my mom hasn't stopped me even once!"
"That's where she was wrong! I guess I have no choice... but Kelin, you know what training him as an assassin type implies, right?"
"Of course, but I think Kim will be fine. If you train him then I'm sure that he'll be the best."
"Wait a minute mom! Who said that I haven't changed my mind?"
"Changed your mind? What are you saying?"
"What I'm trying to say is that I don't want to learn how to fight anymore."
"Kim, do you really think you have a choice? I'm one hundred percent sure that you've done something to be chosen, that's how it works! So it's your fault and your responsibility!" said Samantha.
"Maybe you're right, maybe I've done something, but I refuse your help! There are other talented fighters out there that need support and I choose to fulfill the oracle in my own way!"
"And if you miss the chance to do so? Are you going to risk releasing another demon just to maintain your ego?"
"Iㅡ Yes! I will take the risk!"
"I knew you were just a brat! It will be your fault that the wold will be destroyed. Mark my words!"
"Samantha! I think that you should calm down and Kim, you better rethink your position a bit!"
"I already did! Now, excuse me!"
Kim felt sorry for his mother, to see your son's name in an oracle, refusing training from one of the best fighters that she knows and now risking to be known as 'the man who released the demon'; it's heartbreaking, but he chooses to stay loyal to his principles.
Since then, Kim hasn't felt the need to fight, but that doesn't mean that he's happy with his choices.
Two years have passed.
Kim has trained with his mother and learned how to be a guardian. At least he'll know how to protect his book in the future.
Kim still refuses to be trained as an assassin, but he accepted to be trained as a magician at Rivon's insistence.
"Kim, are you sure that you don't want Samatha's help?"
"Mother! Even if I change my mind now, I don't think she'll teach me."
He left without waiting for a response, but he felt his mother being hesitant.
Kim visited Hiwi in the woods every single day since their last interaction, but he didn't approach. He felt guilty because Hiwi is such an underrated warrior while he was born with a silver spoon.
In the end, you can't control your status.
"Who's there!? Show yourself!"
Kim gets up but avoids eye contact.
"Hello, brother!"
"Kim? Since when have you been there?"
"Since earlier."
They both felt guilty so it was an awkward interaction.
"Kim, we need to talk and I want to start by saying that I'm sorry about what I said. I'm really glad that you don't always rely on magic. I wished my family thought the same thing."
"You don't need to feel sorry for me. I understand why you did what you did. I came back just to return your dagger because I think it's special to you."
"You knowㅡ I always wanted to teach my nephew how to fight, but I was exiled because I was different. I came here because I thought you guys are the same as I am, and I was right, up to a point."
"What do you mean? How are we the same?"
"You knew that my dagger was special, right?"
"I mean, yeah! I can feel it from a mile away!"
"So I was right! That's why I didn't want to teach you, you're too talented. Fighting is all I had and I wanted to use it to change my people's beliefs, but I couldn't. I'm sorry for making you insecure about your capabilities."
"So, do you want to teach me now? That's what are you saying?"
"I still can't because I'm not good enough, but I know that you can. Close your eyes!"
"What are youㅡ"
"I'm sorry kiddo! I'll make sure you'll forget and I hope you'll never come around here ever again!"
And just like that, Kim woke up in the middle of the forest all alone.
He got home before dawn and got some sleep. Everything seemed normal, but in the morning:
"Mom? When will Samantha come and start my training period? I have to wait until 12 like other kids or do we start right away?"
Kelin was shocked. She didn't respond or asked any questions, she just called Samatha over while praying for Kim to not change his mind.
Kelin knew that Samantha's type of training wasn't the gentlest in the world and Kim's status didn't help at all but she chooses to trust them.
Samantha took Kim away because she thought it will be for the better. He started at the age of 10, no one knows when the oracle must be fulfilled so they choose to start right away.
Kim trained for five years. No one knows what he's been through, but he sure has been through a lot.
"Kim sweety! You're finally home! You're so tall now and did your hair darkened?"
"So... how was it?"
"Are you ready to see what is your mission? Do you want me to come with you to the tower?"
"I'm not a kid anymore. I can do it by myself."
"If you say so..."
Kim was excited. Even though he couldn't show it on the outside, his eyes couldn't lie. Kim has grown, but his eyes remained the same.
Kim had the chance to talk with his father before going up the stairs. He looked tired, but his face lightened when he saw such a handsome grown-up young man. They shared a moment, but Kim had to move on eventually.
Kim opened the book and saw what he had to do. He was happy because it was -his- mission and he had to fulfill it with all he learned so far.
Kim was happy that he can finally show his skills in his first mission, a mission of a lifetime.
"The 8th oracle! This is -my- mission!"