
I'm putting the images or at least links to images here if I find any that fit the character I thought of or are better than what I thought of. It could also be that I see a character when I'm doing some fa- *cough* *cough* I mean research. So warning to any one who doesn't look at the images you'll be missing some prime research material.

Artist: sakimiohan

Characters: Mia and Valery not sure which ones which so you can choose

I found this image by luck it got sent in a discord I'm in and when I saw it I thought this is pretty much perfect.

Person: I don't know

Character: Matilda

I haven't described Matilda a lot I think the only time I did was the first chapter. I found this on a chyoa and quite liked the picture.

Character: Genevieve/Jenny

This picture is originally a character from monster musume and I quite like her as a character but I'm not going to make her character have the same personality because that wouldn't fit in my story. So like with any other picture it's purely visual representation not what they are like as a character

This doesn't count as a chapter so I'll upload another chapter a little later on today. I know I know I'm such a benevolent and generous person and very humble to you may thank me.