It was dawn, as I was rudely woken up by an annoying alarm that was seemingly built-in to my body. I realized that when I was sleeping with Luke, I had unconsciously snuggled into his arms, I was thankful that Luke hadn't woken up yet, so I was spared from awkwardness. I got up slowly as to not disturb Luke, and started a fire once again, it's really convenient that I can learn the << Spark >> Spell just from observing Luke cast it.
Once the fire started, I once again cooked some fish, seasoned with rock salt, isn't Luke getting tired of eating fish and only fish? Well, we'd occasionally pick some berries and fruits for dessert, but, I think it's too boring. Seemingly having been woken up by the smell of grilled fish, Luke finally got up and he went over to me
" *yawn* Good morning, Evan. ". He greeted, stretching his body
" Good morning, Luke, the fish is almost ready. ". I replied.
" Okay, I'll go ahead and tidy up the campsite. ".
" Thank you for the help. ". I said.
" Haha, it's the least I can do. ".
With that, we ate breakfast without anything noteworthy, and we started our journey again. The journey was, as always, boring, with nothing happening, although I should be grateful, I kinda want to do something else other than walking. Then, as I thought of that, something came into my attention, it was a shiny, black, huge ass tower, built into the side of a mountain, it looks villainous somehow, because the trees and foliages were thick before, I never really noticed. But now, because the vegetations were thinning out, it came into view, seemingly have noticed my gaze, Luke called out, saying.
" You must be wondering what that big tower is, it's a ruin from ancient times, according to the ancient texts, it's called the Skyscraper. Apparently, it was built during the Progenitor's age of rule, so it was already there even before Vansborough was founded. Scholars are still studying the tower's purpose, but it is commonly believed that it was a lookout or an outpost, but some believe that it's actually a castle of the Progenitors. Well, no one really knows. ". He explained.
β¨ A skyscraper huh, intriguing.. To think that civilization here used to be advanced enough to build such complicated structures. β©.
Curious, I asked. " Are there more of those ruins around here? ".
" Of course there are. The most famous ones include: The Grand Ruins of Estry, located in the United Kingdoms of Tillo-Terno, The Belthar Fortress located in the Wendar Republic, The Underground Tunnels of Mesmerna located in the Royal Capital of Ardria. And the most famous would be the Catacombs, also located in Ardria, although, the last one was off limits to people. ". Luke said.
" Why is the last one off limits? Did something happen? ". I asked
" Yes, something did happen. When it was first discovered, about 300 years ago, Adventurers would explore the ruin without much hesitation, but, it was said that everyone that came back would immediately die in a few days, without any symptoms, or warning, and no matter the person, would it be a big strong warrior, or a meek magician, everyone will die after entering the ruin. So, the kingdom decided that this was not a ruin to be trifled with, and barred anyone from entering. It was a classic case of people not heeding warnings. ". Luke answered.
" What warning? ". I asked again.
" The warning was about the danger that was apparently sealed within the ruin, I think it goes something like this,
[ This place is a message... and part of a system of messages... pay attention to it.
Sending this message was important to Us. We considered Ourselves to be a Powerful Culture.
This place is not a place of Honor... no highly esteemed deed is commemorated here... nothing valued is here.
What is here was dangerous and repulsive to Us. This message is a warning about danger.
The danger is in a particular location... it increases towards a center... the center of danger is here... of a particular size and shape, and below Us.
The danger is still present, in your time, as it was in Ours.
The danger is to the body, and it can kill.
The form of the danger is an emanation of energy.
The danger is unleashed only if you substantially disturb this place physically. This place is best shunned and left uninhabited. ]
Well, even though I said people didn't heed such warnings, the warning itself was written in the ancient language, that only high level scholars understand at that time, so people really didn't know much better. ". He explained.
β¨ Now where have I heard of that.. I'm sure I read about it somewhere in the internet.. Oh well.. β©.
" But, Luke, why'd you know what that particular warning says? Are you actually someone smart? ". I asked
" Hehehe~ It was something I read in a book once.. It's not like I'm a scholar or anything. ". Luke explained, being suspiciously nervous.
" By the way, do you know what kind of danger that ruin was sealing? ". I asked, suspicious.
" Some scholars speculate that the danger was a powerful entity that the Progenitors defeated, and some more believe that it was actually a powerful dark curse instead. Again, no one is really sure. ". Luke said.
" Some even suspected that the Progenitor's sudden disappearance from this world has some connection to said danger. ". Luke added.
" I see, to think that a civilization so advanced could disappear all of a sudden. ". I said
" Yeah, I think it's kind of odd that they could just disappear to nowhere. ". Luke replied.
Like that, we continued forwards, while talking some more. When.
" Ah! I can see Vansborough! We're almost there! Finally! ". Luke yelled.
And sure enough. In the distance there was a gigantic city, it has a semicircular shape and is roughly 26 km in diameter, don't ask why I can estimate like that, I just instinctively know. The city is completely enveloped by tall, sturdy looking walls, the walls give off a metallic sheen, so I think it might be metal plated, which is probably why it's called Steel Fortress.
In front of what looks like a main gate, there was a long, snaking line of people, some of them were on foot, some on horse back, some people were on horse wagons, and I can even see a weird, horse-less metal wagon. At the centre of the city stood a tall, imposing castle, with a palace right beside it, that's probably the Lord's residence, I wonder if the Lord of this city is a vampire.. I'm kidding~
Luke was seemingly ecstatic, so we hurried up our pace. And, after a few moments of walking at a brisk pace, we arrived at the rear of the line of people. When Luke said.
" This is going to take a long time.. Okay.. Evan. ". Luke called out to me.
" Yes? What's up? ". I replied.
" Follow me. ". He simply said.
He then went aside and advanced along the long line of people without waiting and simply waltzed right on to the gate without hesitation. Stunned, I immediately chased after him. And grabbed his hand and said.
" Wait! Don't we have to wait in line?! What are you doing!? ".
" Trust me, this is going to be a lot easier if I do this. ". He said.
Unsure, I decided I'll follow him silently. While walking down the line, we were met with some understandable stares, but I endured it. After a while, we finally got in front of the Gate. The Guard there stopped us, he was wearing simple chainmail armor under a coat with a helmet reminiscent of British world war 1 era helmet made of iron, he is wielding a short spear. He seems to be in his thirties.
" Oy, Brat, if ya wanna go inside tha' city, ya better line up wit those other people ova dere, ya hear me? ". The Guard said, in an admonishing tone.
With smooth movements, Luke calmly took out his Adventurer's Card, and showed it to the Guard. The Guard took it with an annoyed look on his face. He then went pale once he read the name written on the Card.
" W-what.. Y-you're the.. Young Master Lukas Draculesti?! I.. I sincerely apologise Milord!! This humble self did not recognize your esteemed Self!! Please forgive me!! ". The Guard said, now with a panicked tone, while prostrating himself before Luke.
" Hahaha~ It's okay, I've been gone for quite a while after all~ Please contact my estate for me. ". Luke calmly said.
" Y-Yes!! At once! You there! Go inform the Lord that Young Master Lukas has returned! ". The Guard said, while ordering his subordinate.
" At the meantime, Milord, please wait in our office, away from the heat of the sun. ". The Guard politely offered.
" Well, I shall intrude for a moment. ". Luke said.
" Let's go, Evan. ". Luke called out to me. I snapped back to reality and replied.
" Y-yeah.. Okay.. I'm coming.. ". I said, in a daze.
Inside the Gate Guard office, we sat down on a couch and rested. Trying to break the awkward silence, I asked.
" Luke, it seems that I didn't really know much about you, do you mind on elaborating? ". I said.
" Well.. Let me introduce myself once more, I am not actually Luke, but my real name is Lukas Vesner cecil Draculesti, the second son of Count Markus Eisner cecil Draculesti. I'm sorry that I hid that information from you. ". He said with a smile.
So all this time I've been irresponsibly teasing a nobleman?! WHAAT?!!
====[ Author's Note ]====
Finally, a city. Also, surprise! Luke is a noble! I bet you didn't see that coming! Because me neither!
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