Chapter 6 - CHAPTER 6

TITLE: I was only an EXTRA but the Villain and Male Lead tries to pursue ME?!





After finishing all my classes for today and eating lunch with my family, I went to my room to read the three volumes of 'Pure Love' that Anne had lend me when we went to Lianne's home for tea.

It has been six months since I transmigrated in this world. My history subject told me about the basic of gifts.

It seems that there are certain types of gifts like Elemental Gifts, Enhancer Gifts, Intellectual Gifts, Remedy Gifts, Psychic gifts, Materialism gifts and Special Gifts.

Not much was taught to me by my tutor since it will eventually be taught to us when we enter the academy.

But he told me that my brother's gift is an example of elemental gift while my father's is an enhancer gift and my mother's is considered an intellectual gift.

Some gifts can have the same as the others so he said that I shouldn't be surprised when I found a person similar to mine.

I already have an idea of it because the names of the types of gifts. It's actually quite simple.

Elemental gifts is associated with the main four elements and others too like steel, wood, crystals and etc.

Enhancer gifts are the gifts that is used to enhance one's physical abilities like increasing your size, your strength and speed.

Intellectual gifts are the gifts that mostly involves someone's mind capabilities like mother's fast memorization and Lady Ranni's translating gift.

Remedy gifts are mostly for healings like injuries and sickness, the health practitioners here have remedy gifts.

Psychic gifts are those similar to mind reading, telekinesis and teleportation.

Materialism gifts are those who uses objects as their power like shields and sharp strings to fight without learning how to use them.

Special gifts are the ones that are unexplainable like light magic and dark magic, it is also called the rarest type gift.

Anyway, so far that's what I gained. I will learn more about it when I finally enter the academy since it's sole purpose is to train us and gain knowledge about our gifts.

"Young miss! Another letter had arrived to you today from young lady Vi Claross~"

Sara went to my room to hand me another letter. Another letter...?

"What? But I just received one yesterday and the day before yesterday! I haven't even replied to the letter she sent a week ago! Just look at these pile of letters!"

I opened the drawer from my reading table to reveal a bunch of letters from Anne.

"It seems that she enjoys sending you letters, young miss"

Sara giggled before handing me the letter. I sighed before opening the letter with the knife opener that Sara keeps telling me to use.

Dear Lady Delie La Eclaus,

It's been a month after we last had our tea party in Lianne's house! Have you been reading 'Pure Love'? I heard that there will be a new volume of 'Pure Love' after Christmas! I really want to buy it so can you accompany me when I go to the market?, my brother keeps pestering me if he can come but I'll have to think about it. By the way, I'm really excited to go to the upcoming Christmas ball hosted by the imperial family! Maybe we'll get to see the members of the royal family since we already had our first social tea party, we won't be in the other room anymore to watch and we can get to dance too!

Sincerely yours,

Anne Vi Claross

Christmas ball?

I heard that only noble children who had their social tea party can attend. Since this is my first time going to the main event of the Christmas ball, this will be my first ball debut.

Dahlia will still need to be on the event of childrens who are separated in the main event. It means that I will meet not only children my age but also the adults from respective families but not all nobles can attend since some families from poor noble houses didn't also attend the tea party.

I noticed it since there are few tables that are unoccupied there.

"So what did the letter say, young miss?"

Sara asked me.

"It was just about the new volume of the book I'm reading and about how she was excited on our first Christmas ball"

The previous letters she sent me are just letters about her new pet, her new shoes and her daily life which is really not necessary.

"Hey! Delie!"

My door suddenly slammed open to reveal him panting. It's obvious that he has been hurrying to go to my room.

Ah, what now?

"It's nice to see you, brother!"

I gave him a smile. He marched towards me infront of my desk before slamming both of his hands into it.

"You...what's your relationship with Arthur?"

Huh? Arthur?

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, when I visited him to train, he keeps asking me about you! All he did was talk about you and my ears are about to bleed because of it!"

That's a bit exaggerated.

"...So what?"

I gave him a blank reply and proceed to ignore him by reading 'Pure Love'.

"It's annoying, I can't spar properly and I lost because of it!"

He grumbles.

"So you're blaming me for losing?"


He proudly said. Is he really an older brother? It's like I'm talking to a my younger brother.

I was reminded of my two younger brothers.

Wait...since when did I knew that I have younger brothers? How mysterious...

"Hmmm...are you perhaps...jealous?"

I teased him with a wide grin. He froze like a stone and shouted at me angrier than before.

"What are you talking about?! Gross! I don't like guys! I like pretty girls unlike you! golden blonde girls are my type!"

Easy, that was only a joke and what does he meant when he said he likes pretty girls that are not like me?! Is he saying I'm ugly?

"Yeah yeah..."

I brushed him off trying to hide my annoyance.

"It's because you've been reading too many books like that!"

He pointed at the BL book I'm reading. Oh! Does he want to read it too?

"Why? You're interested? This is from Anne but I can lend you-"

"No!! Just don't be close to him! Seeing you everyday makes me sick, now just when I found a place I can stay away from our family...I hear about you!"

Why is this kid so mad? He acts like a spoiled ungrateful brat.

Well...he is though.

"David!! So this is where you've been! Your teacher has been looking for you!"

Mother suddenly barge insider my room looking for my brother. She's releasing her she-ogre madness again.

I quickly hid the book since I know she'll scold me for reading this instead of studying.


"Come here!"

She drags him out while pinching his ears.

Good luck brother.

Geez, are we really a noble family? A doting father, a hot-headed mother, a rebellious older brother. The only person who's normal is my younger sister, Dahlia. She's actually much more mature than any average six-years old.


"So what dress do you fancy, young lady?"

Since we still have a month more before the upcoming ball, we just called for a designer to come to our home to look for dresses unlike the dress in my tea party that was rushed so we had to go outside the manor to buy.

"I'm still looking"

I scanned through the catalog to see any dress I fancy. But all of this are so good! I can't just pick one!

"I think I'll just pick this one"

I pointed at the cute dress with a fur designs on it and small bells.

"Then I'll get your measurement, young lady"

"Did someone already ordered this?"

I need to make sure that I don't have anyone who has the same dress as me.

"Not yet, young lady! But we always tell them if the design is already reserved"

The designer told me before she gestured the woman with her to list down the measurements.

"Thank you so much"

The bowed to us after they had finished taking all of our measurements. Mother bought four dresses she fancies.

Before we head inside, a carriage was headed inside our manor.

I narrowed my eyes to see the carriage.

"Is that...?"


It was Anne, waving outside her carriage's window waving at me.

"Anne? What are you doing here?"

I asked her before she gets escorted down from her carriage.

"Greetings, Countess La Eclaus! I terribly apologize for coming to the manor without a notice"

She bows infront of mother in perfect curtsy who just smiled at her.

"I'm glad your visiting this manor, feel free to be at home here"

Mother told Anne.

"Good day, Countess La Eclaus"

Another person went down the carriage to greet mother. He bows to her perfectly like Anne.

"Oh my! Even the young master of Vi Claross is here?"

Mother looks thrilled.

"Yes ma'am, is David here?"

"Yes, he just finished his lessons for today, he is in his room right now"

He was told to not leave his room until his lesson is done or mother will ground him for a week.

I recently knew that David and Arthur were actually friends. David doesn't really talk about things like that.

Arthur just nodded and I noticed him glancing at me before we head inside.

"So, what brings you here so suddenly without notice?"

I asked her after I drank a hot assam tea that was prepared for us by Sara. We are currently in the living room.

My brother and Arthur are outside talking about swords and sparring. We can see them from the large glass window.

"You know the delicious sweets from my tea party?"

"Yes, they're really good"

I remembered the pile of plates I ate. I can't get over how good those cakes are.

"You see, I heard from our maids that the bakery where the sweets were made are opening a small cafe beside their shop for Christmas"

"So you want to go?"

Is that why she's here?

"Yes! The limited edition matcha milk tea will only be available today!"

This girl seems like matcha so much.

"Do you want me to come with you?"

"If you are not busy"

"Not really, I already finished my morning lessons and measurements so I have free time"

Besides, I can't seem to turn down her request. I can't say no to those puppy eyes.

"Then please go with me!"

"What about the them? You know, Phia and the others?"

"I went to their house too but all them have classes so you're the only choice I have left"

"I that why your brother came too?"

I looked outside seeing my brother and Arthur sparring with wooden swords.

"I don't know, he said he wants to come with me but I know he is not really a fan of sweets!"

"Alright, I'll come with you"

I also want to escape the manor. I need outside air.


She hugs me very tight.

I'm going to suffocate.


"Why the heck did you come too?"

I asked David who is right in front of me besides Arthur who is just staring outside the carriage.

"Do you have a problem with that?"


"Listen, I only want to go outside the manor and It's not like I want to taste the sweets!"

Oh really? You're the one sneaking at night to eat chocolate at the kitchen. I saw him sneaking and munching chocolates when I went downstairs to get water.

"The more the merrier!"

Anne claps.

Too bad Dahlia can't come since she still has violin lessons later, although she introduced herself properly and she was staring at Arthur very hard when she saw him.

Is she crushing on him?

Arthur and David are chatting with each other about swords and stuffs. Arthur keeps looking at my way but he looks away whenever I noticed him staring.

What a weird boy.

Anne on the other hand is excited about the pure love book and keeps telling me how she immediately wants to buy it.

"Is the bakery really popular?"

I asked her. We shifted into the bakery topic.

"Yes, I heard it was owned by a sickly baron who has many debts because of his medical expenses but his wife is a really great cook so they used their money to build a large bakery using most of their money and named it after their only daughter"

"I see..."

Not all nobles have money after all. I'm fortunate enough to be born as a rich count's daughter who has more than she needs in her life.

"We're here!"

She peeked outside the carriage.

"There's a lot of people here!"

Some of them are nobles and some are commoners. Of course, nobles have special treatment and in a separate area.

"Is it really alright for kids like is to be here?"

David asked.

"Don't worry, we have them"

Anne pointed at the two knights she brought with them. It seems that Anne's parents told them to follow Anne to my home to escort us.

"So this is it huh..."

I looked at the sign:

"Cordelia Bakery"