Chereads / Ares Game: The God's General / Chapter 72 - Chapter 65: Le Salon des Merveilles

Chapter 72 - Chapter 65: Le Salon des Merveilles

The auction was about to begin, the Cailums were more than just attracting attention with their flashy outfits, they had become the center of attention and discussion. As they reached the auction room Zell was called out by Hypnos.

-Zell. You are... Well, if you wanted to attract attention, you succeeded. But come closer so I can seat you.

-Hypno... Hey my friend. He said surprisingly embarrassed. I didn't expect to see you... So soon.

Hypnos may have been free of his chains but he had kept the Gleipnir bracelets on his wrists and ankles, which made him a human like any other. They were hidden under the sleeves of his jacket so barely visible, it was the condition on which Zell had agreed to let him out. Once he had validated to organize the auction Zell had immediately had him locked up. And yet there he was in front in a flashy dark purple suit.

-Come on, don't be shy. Come on.

He took him by the shoulder and tried to pull him towards him but he immediately noticed his friend's younger sister.

-Oh but what do I see?

He stepped forward, took her hand delicately and placed his lips on it.

-I didn't know that a goddess of Olympus was among us. He said in a flattering voice.

-Zell, can you introduce us to your friend? Alysser suggested, stepping forward.

Zell was embarrassed by what was happening but he tried his best to keep his cool. Hypnos noticed this and it amused him.

-Dad... Mell, let me introduce you to...

-Yvo Nyxson. I am one of the main organizers of this auction and without bragging I have the largest collection of rare objects in this city.

-Ooooh. Now that's a very unusual man. Said Alysser.

-A particular article that would interest you?


-How did you know my brother? Mell interrupted. Usually he's only interested in soldiers or politicians. But an art collector, that's new.

Hypnos walked over to Zell and placed his hand on his shoulder, bringing his face closer to his.

-Let's say your brother and I have a special relationship. He said smiling.

Mell, taken aback, widened her eyes.

-Hey.... Heeeeey. Zell. You didn't tell me that...

-Perish the thought. He yelled.

-Although he is always surrounded by men. She whispered.


Hypnos laughed a good laugh and then motioned for them to follow him. Zell had been thrown off balance by his sudden appearance as well as by the way he introduced himself to them.

-How did you escape? Zell asked.

-Escape? Come on, I didn't do anything so gross. Let's just say I moved my cage, that's all. He said, putting his arm around his neck. Look, your precious bodyguards are here.

Indeed, Zell had quickly noticed the presence of some of his men among the security team.

-This Yvo with my brother, They seem really close. Mell thought, following them at the back.

The Cailums arrived in the auction room and Hypnos in a private box in the VIP area. After which he walked away to join the rest of the organizers.

-You've made yourself a very intriguing friend there. Said Alysser. I wonder what's behind it.

In view of their special outfit everyone in the assembly had noticed the Cailum. That said this special outfit did not equal another family trio also very special. On a balcony high up just behind the Cailum was another family. All dressed in white with a cape of a crystal blue. The oldest man had silver hair, styled like spikes going down to his back. His beard was finely shaved and he had golden eyes. His outfit was a white suit with snakeskin shoes. A button on his shirt designated the white dragon, the emblem of the royal family and on his fingers were 3 rings all precious stones. The aura that emanated from this man alone had enough to rival the imposing presence of the Cailum. And there was reason, this man was none other than "Hyrince Christophe Frostbane". King of Inglesia and regent of the empire of the same name.

-Hyrince. Alysser said through gritted teeth. Why am I not surprised to see you here.

-The... The... The king.... The king. Mell stammered. It's the real one, isn't it Zell?

-Stay calm. This is also my first time seeing him in real life.

With him was his daughter, dressed in similar attire. A silky white cotton jacket with military uniform-like ornaments, a knee-length skirt, a pair of tights, and high-heeled boots. She had white velvet gloves and a cape that adorned her left side. Her eyes were pure blue like gemstones and she sat on the edge of the balcony, staring at the Cailums with a smile.

-They are looking at us. Said the princess.

-Ignore them. Said the man sitting next to them.

The man standing to his right wore an Inglesian military uniform. His uniform differed from the others as this man was a knight. Instead of the standard dark red worn by his fellow fighters, his attire was a lighter shade, with a significant amount of gold trim and an elegant design to further illustrate his authority above the other Knights. He also wore an armband with the Order's insignia around his left arm. Blonde with green eyes, a square jaw, and long golden hair tied back in a ponytail. This man was a captain in the Order of the Knights of Gascony and his name was...

-Horace Driscoll. Zell said. Well, we have a celebrity among us.

Of all the orders of the Inglesian knights, the Knights of Gascony are known for prioritizing lineage and origins above all else. They take great pride in their heredity and blood. But where they stand out from the others knight order is their excellence in combat. Their martial skills and ability to turn the tide of a battle in an instant make them arguably the strongest unit within Inglesian ranks.

-Hah Decken would have lost his mind if he was in this room.

Through this encounter something broke. Time froze and Zell could not look away from the person in front of him. Not Driscoll but the other person who attracted all eyes. This man gave off both a Charisma and a natural presence specific to all great monarch. Zell had only just realized it, but he had in front of him the most powerful man in the world. And he could not help but be admiring, it was like living a waking dream. He immediately activated his gift to read his soul but had an unpleasant surprise.

-What... I'm stuck. It's not working?

The king slowly turned his head and his piercing gaze met Zell's directly. Zell froze. King Hyrince didn't say a word, just a look. And his gaze alone was enough to convey the message he wanted to convey.

"Look Down."

Then he looked away. Zell was shocked. This man was on top of the world and was acting like it. In his view, everyone else was just extras not even worthy of his attention.

-Ha. He thinks he's the dragon king.

Unfortunately, the king of the world would quickly understand that one could not ignore a Cailum. And even less Zeldoris Cailum.

8:30 p.m. The room was full, the auction was about to begin. The first sales paraded fairly ordinary and uninteresting tools, then came the main course.

-Oooooooh. People in the crowd said.

The master of ceremonies had what appeared to be a long golden stick brought to the stage, but upon closer inspection it was cracked. So the presenter stepped forward.

-Ladies and gentlemen, I see from your disappointed faces that you are not convinced. You are all asking yourselves "But what is it" or "What would I do with a common gold stick"?

-But still.

-This stick, ladies and gentlemen, is a piece of the famous trident of Neptune.

The people in the room gasped in surprise as they gained renewed interest.

-According to legend, the trident was broken during the second Titanomachy; the great war was fought between the father of the gods "ZEUS" and his rebellious son "ARES". The trident broke during a fierce duel between....

As the commentator explained the story behind the trident Mell leaned towards his brother with a curious look.

-I don't know this episode. Is it possible that he's making it up? Mell asked.

-It's not really known to everyone. Most people are interested in the lives of the gods, rarely in their downfall. Zell explained.

-That's because most humans prefer to live without worrying about tomorrow. Alysser supported. In truth, there is much more to be learned from the fall of a dynasty than one would like to believe.

-These are very wise words. Said the young girl, smiling.

-If this episode intrigues you so much, I have a book that talks about it in my library. I'll have it delivered to you. Said his father.

-Really? You're awesome

Zell glanced at him suspiciously out of the corner of his eye but said nothing. So the bidding resumed.

-I offer 15 thousand

-And me 35 thousand.


The bidding rose until it hovered around 100 thousand Dalk*.

Ndt: The currency on Ingelisa and also the most widespread.

-I offer 150 thousand. Said a man in the room.

Zell glanced to his left and saw in the background a young man about the same age as him. He had light blue hair and wore a black suit with a tie that matched the color of his hair. He also had a pair of glasses and a braid falling on his left side.

-Harling Austin Seabrook. Alysser says. He owns a shipping company. He inherited it from his father too ill to pursue. Although originally from Ascheritz his business extends over 3 continents.

-I know the guy. Zell said, glaring at him. He is indeed a strange person.

-Have you met before?

-To an evening with Arianne during our vacation in Ascheritz.

The two men's eyes met. Austin first showed a surprised expression, then smiled, bowing politely to Zell. Indeed, this young man was none other than the clan's master logistician. His mission is to transport the "visionaries" goods anywhere in the world thanks to his fleet of ships, although modest. 

-Am I dreaming or did he bow when he saw you? Mell said.

-You're imagining things. Stay focused.

With no one to contest the sale of the trident, the master of ceremonies awarded the sale to the young Austin.

-Neptune's trident is attributed to Sir Harling A. Seabrook. And here he is in possession of 3 out of 5 pieces. Keep it up and you might assemble the whole trident haha

-Ha. Your friend seems to believe that this trident is actually magical.

-It doesn't matter if he believes it as long as it makes him happy.

The next item was more visually striking. A pair of sandals.

-What else? said a man in the audience.

From where he was Harling looked interested. The MC saw that he had attracted attention so he continued the presentation.

-Ladies and gentlemen, do you know the legend of Philipides?

Everyone stared at him in surprise while Zell raised an eyebrow.

-Is he serious? He thought.

-According to the legend, a long time ago a powerful king named Xerxes 2 launched an invasion of the human world. His army numbered over a million fighters, but facing them stood a group of valiant warriors. There were only 300 of them.

Everyone in the room laughed, thinking it was a joke, while Zell looked a little more serious.

-H.... How is it possible that he knows this story? Our two worlds have a common ancient history? No, I haven't read anything like that. Could it be the MC?

Zell couldn't see his face because of the mask and when he used his gift to probe his soul his eyes suddenly hurt. After using it excessively during his fight against Hypnos he still had to rest before he could use it properly, and his attempt to read Frostbane soul kinda knock him. 

-These 300 warriors were elite soldiers but more importantly they were blessed by Ares. To seek the help of these divine warriors the man sent by the human kingdoms, a man known as Philipides, made the journey on foot.

-Is this a joke? Driscoll asked.

-Stay attentive, that's where it gets interesting. Said the king's daughter.

The MC keep going.

-For a whole week Philipides ran non-stop without drinking, eating or taking a break. He didn't even stop to sleep. Every cell, every muscle, every fiber of his being was focused on one thing, running.

The people in the room stared at him in disbelief as murmurs were heard from all around.

-I guess the punchline is that the famous Phillipides turned into a horse. Driscoll said.

-Alas, I'm afraid not. The princess replied.

-Big brother, this is totally unbelievable. Mell said. Don't tell me you believe in these fabrications.

-Ladies and gentlemen, here it is, the secret of Philipides. He pointed to the sandals. A pair of sandals blessed by the god of travelers himself. The one who wears them will feel neither hunger, nor fear, nor fatigue, as long as he devotes himself body and soul to his goal. And the bidding starts directly at 500 thousand Dalk.

-WHAT 500 THOUSAND? Shouted the crowd.

-It is confirmed that the organizers of these auctions are definitely charlatans. Said Driscoll.

As everyone began to argue a voice rose in the crowd.

-I offer 550 thousand.

All eyes were on the VIP balcony. The princess had just raised her hand with a smile on her lips.

-I offer 600 thousands. said Harling.

-610 thousand



The price continued to climb. Zell watched the princess with an amused smile. Her gesture had the effect of arousing the public's interest, if the princess is interested then it means that the object is indeed worthy of interest.

-I offer 800 thousand. Harling announced.

-He has that much money? Mell wondered. She stared at her father. Do we even have that much money?

-Stay calm Mell. Focus on what interests us.

-800 thousand once, 800 thousand twice...

-950.... A voice shouted from afar.

-Oh, that's too much.

Everyone turned their backs to see the new bidder in the background. A man in a suit with a tie, a signet ring on his finger, he was round with a big beard and a top hat.

-I offer 950.

-950 sold. Announced the MC.

Zell was surprised, this man despite his appearance did not particularly attract attention.

-Rolph Xander. Alysser told. He is a well-known bidder. His preferred method is to wait for the opportune moment before making a substantial offer, thus shocking the participants and forcing them to back out.

-I see. Said Zell. Rolph Xander I'll take note.

-That's all well and good, but what's the point of such an expensive pair of sandals?

-Well, Hermes is the god of travelers and thieves but he is also and above all the god of commerce, in other words...

-He stand on business. Says Zell.

-It is popularly believed that owning any object that has been blessed by Hermes will bring success in business.

-I see. Mell said. Just like Harling collects tools related to the ocean, Xander collects those related to trade.

-As expect of my daughter, you are smart.

-Don't fuel her too much, she'll get a big head. Zell said smiling.

-I see. The more items you collect related to certain deities, the more likely you are to receive a blessing. I think I understand the idea behind these auctions. Mell explained.

-Indeed. Alysser added. Most people don't believe it at all. But when you see how the businesses of certain people in possession of these objects flourish, you start to think about it seriously.

Mell looked at her father with fascination, as if she had just discovered another side of the world that was still unknown to her. The next Item arrived on the stage.

-Ladies and gentlemen, the next item is surely one of the most sensational of the evening.

He was about to be revealed when an assistant came on stage and whispered in the emcee's ear before leaving.

-Ahem. Sorry ladies and gentlemen I just received the information right now this item has been removed from sale. I apologize please sincerely forgive me for the inconvenience caused.

He bowed politely to apologize. Zell realized something was wrong and looked backstage. He noticed Hypnos' wavelength waving at him with a smile.

-I see. It must have been the fragment of Haades Helmet of terror .

The MC straightened up and regained his composure.

-Ladies and gentlemen the next item is a must have. I am sure many of you are looking to acquire it right now.

-Looks like we're there. Alysser said.

-It is a jewel of inestimable value, both for its origin and its history. Its former owner was known to be the personification of love in person. The one who managed to tame the tumultuous moods of Mars.

The object was revealed, a beautiful purple colored Ruby adorned around a golden pearl necklace. Upon seeing it, everyone's eyes in the room began to shine.

-They say it has immeasurable powers, I named it, APHRODITE'S SAPPHIRE. 

The MC gave a mean smile.

-The start of the auction is set aaaaat...

-ONE MILLION. A voice shouted in the room.

Everyone, shocked, immediately turned towards old Xander who remained serene, his gaze fixed on the stage.

-A million and I'm ready to pay now. In cash.

End of chapter.